Manuscript requirements

Basic requirements for the content of copyright material (scientific article, review, review of monographs, textbooks, review of the scientific article)

  • Scientific (practical) Article
    In the introductory part shall be justified by the relevance and feasibility of developing topics (scientific problem or task). In the main part of the paper by analyzing and synthesizing the information you need to open the studied problems, solutions, study of possible outcomes, their credibility. In the final part – to summarize, draw conclusions, recommendations, to indicate possible directions for further research.
  • Review
    The review should be analyzed, compared and identified the most important and promising areas of science (practice), some of its activities, events, events, and so on. The material should be issue-oriented, demonstrate conflicting views on the development of scientific (practical) knowledge, contain findings , generalization, summary data.
  • Review of the monograph, textbook
    Analysis, critical analysis, evaluation of scientific work (except dissertation research) in the genre of newspaper and magazine journalism. Title reviews may be replaced bibliographic description of the product under review.
  • A review of the scientific article
    Reviewed on scientific work before publishing it. Review will be sent to the journal, should disclose the relevance, importance, scientific and theoretical methodological and practical value of the article, include an evaluation, job characteristics, conclusions.

Publishing design copyright material

To the Editor should be addressed to the author’s materials, including the following elements (in Russian and in English): title, information about the authors, abstract, keywords, references.

  • Title
    Title in Russian
    The titles of scientific articles should be informative. In the title, you can only use standard abbreviations. After the title you must specify information about the authors, compilers and other persons who participated in the work on the manuscript.
    Title in English
    Translated title of the article into English, there should be no transliteration from Russian language but untranslatable names of proper names, and other devices. Objects that have their own names; not used untranslatable slang known only English speaking professionals. This also applies to copyright summaries (abstracts) and keywords.
  • Information about the authors
    Information about the authors include the following elements:
    Box 1 – in Russian:
    Surname, first name, middle name (in full) of the author
    position or profession
    place of work, study (name of institution or organization of the village), including the unit (department, faculty)
    contact information (E-mail for instructions in the log)
    Block 2 – transliteration and English translation of the relevant data:
    Information Unit 1 in the Roman alphabet (transliteration and translation of the relevant data) in the same sequence: the authors in Latin (transliteration); company name, address of the organization – in English.
  • Annotation
    Annotation in Russian decorate according to GOST 7.9-95, GOST 7.04 GOST 7.5 of not more than 500 characters.
    Abstracts in English to Russian-language paper should be:
    – Informative (not contain common words);
    – Original (not to be carbon copy of the Russian-language summary);
    – Meaningful (to reflect the main content of the article and research);
    – Structured (follow the logic description of the results in the paper);
    – “English-speaking” (written quality English language);
    – Compact (stowed in a volume of 100 to 250 words).
    The best option is a summary recapitulation in her article structure consisting of an introduction, goals and objectives, methods, results, conclusion.
    Abstract includes:
    1. The purpose of the work in compressed form. Background (Background) can be given only if it is associated with a context purpose.
    2. Briefly outlining the basic facts of the work, you must remember the following points:
    – It is necessary to follow the chronology of the article and use it as a guide in the headlines;
    – Do not include minor details;
    – The text should be connected using the word “therefore”, “more”, “like”, “as a result”, etc., or disparate sets forth the provisions should flow logically from one another;
    – Writing style should be compact (dense), so the proposals are likely to be longer than usual.
  • Keywords
    Tags in Russian is selected from the text material (except editorials, reports, theses, scientific reports, letters to the editor) and placed in a separate line after the abstract before the text of the published manuscript. The key words are in the nominative case.
    Key words in English.
  • Text of the article
    Full text of the article in Russian or another language (original language).
  • References
    References links with Russian in Russian:
    Bibliography of the unit is the article must be submitted bibliographic references (GOST 7.05-2008) and reference lists at the end of the material (see “References”). The author is responsible for the accuracy of the information, the accuracy of quotations and references to official documents and other sources.
    References to the Russian-speaking and other links in the Roman alphabet:
    Name list of references should be in English.
    References (References) provides a completely separate unit, repeating a list of references to the Russian-speaking part, regardless of whether or not there be it foreign sources. If the list includes links to foreign publications, they are fully repeated in the list in the upcoming Roman alphabet.
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