Главная страница » Публикации » 2013 » #1 (25) » Social and economic importance of workers’ health as a factor of accumulation of the human capital of the enterprise

Social and economic importance of workers’ health as a factor of accumulation of the human capital of the enterprise


Лепихина Татьяна Леонидовна
кандидат экономических наук, доцент
Россия, Пермский национальный исследовательский политехнический университет
Карпович Юлия Владимировна
старший преподаватель
Россия, Пермский национальный исследовательский политехнический университет


The article is devoted to analysis of one of the most important problems of human capital which is workers’ health. Structure of expenditures for human capital at the enterprises of Perm region, dynamics of expenditures for health preservation and returns on this investments are analyzed.

Ключевые слова

human capital, factors of human capital reproduction, investments in human capital, health and education as elements of human capital, effectiveness of social investments.

Рекомендуемая ссылка

Лепихина Татьяна Леонидовна,Карпович Юлия Владимировна. Social and economic importance of workers’ health as a factor of accumulation of the human capital of the enterprise // Современные технологии управления. ISSN 2226-9339. — #1 (25). Номер статьи: 2506. Дата публикации: 08.01.2013. Режим доступа: https://sovman.ru/en/article/2506/


Lepikhina Tatiana Leonidovna
PhD, Associate Professor
Russia, Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Karpovich Iuliia Vladimirovna
Senior Lecturer
Russia, Perm National Research Polytechnic University



Suggested citation

Lepikhina Tatiana Leonidovna,Karpovich Iuliia Vladimirovna. // Modern Management Technology. ISSN 2226-9339. — #1 (25). Art. #  2506. Date issued: 08.01.2013. Available at: https://sovman.ru/en/article/2506/

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Библиографический список

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