Главная страница » Публикации » 2014 » #4 (40) » Continuous planning as an approach to the formulation and implementation of effective financial strategy of the organization

Continuous planning as an approach to the formulation and implementation of effective financial strategy of the organization


Воробьев Алексей Вячеславович
кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры финансов и кредита
Россия, Волжская государственная академия водного транспорта
Иванов Валерий Михайлович
кандидат технических наук, профессор кафедры экономики и менеджмента
Россия, Волжская государственная академия водного транспорта


The article considers the construction and implementation of financial strategies based on the approach of continuous financial planning. 

Ключевые слова

financial strategy, assessing the resource potential of the organization, analysis and selection of the volumes and sources of financing, the investment process.

Рекомендуемая ссылка

Воробьев Алексей Вячеславович, Иванов Валерий Михайлович. Continuous planning as an approach to the formulation and implementation of effective financial strategy of the organization // Современные технологии управления. ISSN 2226-9339. — #4 (40). Номер статьи: 4001. Дата публикации: 08.04.2014. Режим доступа: https://sovman.ru/en/article/4001/


Vorobev Aleksei Viacheslavovich
PhD, assistant professor of finance and credit
Russia, Volga State Academy of Water Transport
Ivanov Valerii Mikhailovich
Ph.D., Professor of Economics and management
Russia, Volga State Academy of Water Transport



Suggested citation

Vorobev Aleksei Viacheslavovich, Ivanov Valerii Mikhailovich. // Modern Management Technology. ISSN 2226-9339. — #4 (40). Art. #  4001. Date issued: 08.04.2014. Available at: https://sovman.ru/en/article/4001/

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Библиографический список

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