Главная страница » Публикации » 2017 » #8 (80) » Modeling and prediction of industrial plant based on the energy intensive factors example (1. Theoretical aspect)

Modeling and prediction of industrial plant based on the energy intensive factors example (1. Theoretical aspect)

Modeling and prediction of industrial plant based on the energy intensive factors example (1. Theoretical aspect)


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Research objective to provide theoretical bases of the organization of control and prediction of development of the industrial enterprise taking into account extensive and intensive factors on the example of energy efficiency. The mathematical model considering the specified factors in the form of the vector problem of linear programming on the basis of which simulation of development of the enterprise is executed is developed. The prediction algorithm of strategic development of industrial production considering factors of control of energy efficiency is provided.

Ключевые слова

industrial enterprise, simulation, prediction, vector optimization, energy efficiency

Рекомендуемая ссылка

No items found. Modeling and prediction of industrial plant based on the energy intensive factors example (1. Theoretical aspect) // Современные технологии управления. ISSN 2226-9339. — #8 (80). Номер статьи: 8002. Дата публикации: 29.08.2017. Режим доступа: https://sovman.ru/en/article/8002/


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Suggested citation

No items found. // Modern Management Technology. ISSN 2226-9339. — #8 (80). Art. #  8002. Date issued: 29.08.2017. Available at: https://sovman.ru/en/article/8002/

Only russian

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Библиографический список

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