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Information-analytical system for a comprehensive assessment and analysis of the enterprises


Байдыбекова Салтанат Кенжебаевна
Кандидат экономических наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой учета и аудита
Жетысуский государственный университет им. И. Жансугурова


In the modern market economy and a radical change in economic relations are increasing the importance of the study of the process of change and its impact on the enterprises of various organizational and legal forms, creating tools for enterprises to adapt quickly to the new economic conditions. Of particular importance is the problem of intensification of retraining and training of managers and specialists of different levels of work in the changed situation.
Complex and constantly changing system of economic indicators and standards, reorganization of the old and the creation of new institutions (stock exchanges, investment funds, commercial banks and others.), Imperfections and contradictions of economic legislation with broad autonomy of enterprises, taking into account the complicated relationships as interregional and on international level requires a new approach to the management of the enterprise. All this causes an increase in the role of a comprehensive analysis of business enterprises as the basis for selecting the best mode of management of many possible.
Addressing research, management and education depends not only on the adequacy and correctness of the developed econometric models analysis of economic activities of enterprises, but also from those used for implementation of computational tools and computer technology. Among the latter are the important area of ​​expert systems, which allow to formalize, memorize and accumulate human experience and expertise of qualified experts and to apply this knowledge and experience to make informed decisions.
It should be noted that the issues in this area should also be based on the creative use of foreign and domestic experience.
Currently, the results of the company not only affect management decisions at the level of heads, but in many respects the decisions made by the company's employees are its owners.
Lack of theoretical elaboration and high practical significance the problem of forming the system of internal control and analysis of economic organizations, the need for further development of his theory, methodology and organization, as well as great practical relevance in specific methods and techniques for its implementation led to the choice of research topic and its relevance.

Ключевые слова

Financial analysis, strategic analysis, economic and mathematical models, modeling, monitoring, and innovative technology.

Рекомендуемая ссылка

Байдыбекова Салтанат Кенжебаевна. Information-analytical system for a comprehensive assessment and analysis of the enterprises // Современные технологии управления. ISSN 2226-9339. — #4 (52). Номер статьи: 5202. Дата публикации: 08.04.2015. Режим доступа: https://sovman.ru/en/article/5202/


Baydybekova Saltanat Kenzhebaevna
PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Accounting and Auditing
Zhetysu State University named after I.Zhansugurov



Suggested citation

Baydybekova Saltanat Kenzhebaevna. // Modern Management Technology. ISSN 2226-9339. — #4 (52). Art. #  5202. Date issued: 08.04.2015. Available at: https://sovman.ru/en/article/5202/

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