Главная страница » Публикации » 2016 » #12 (72) » Personnel potential of conversion of system of utilization of chemical weapon in interests for the benefit of sustainable development of regions

Staffing destruction facilities of chemical weapons

Personnel potential of conversion of system of utilization of chemical weapon in interests for the benefit of sustainable development of regions


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The article analyzes the characteristics of staffing facilities for the destruction of chemical weapons. Consistently reveals the basic principles and methods of organizing and conducting the recruitment process and training facilities for the disposal of chemical weapons, as well as various methods and training techniques used for training facilities for the disposal of chemical weapons. Special attention is paid to the description of measures to the satisfaction of the needs of facilities for disposal of chemical weapons for qualified personnel capable of ensuring the continuous and secure data job especially hazardous chemical and technological industries.

Ключевые слова

principles of training, recruitment, recruitment of candidates, selection of suitable personnel, training, vocational training, job interview

Рекомендуемая ссылка

No items found. Staffing destruction facilities of chemical weapons // Современные технологии управления. ISSN 2226-9339. — #12 (72). Номер статьи: 7206. Дата публикации: 13.12.2016. Режим доступа: https://sovman.ru/en/article/7206/


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Suggested citation

No items found. // Modern Management Technology. ISSN 2226-9339. — #12 (72). Art. #  7206. Date issued: 13.12.2016. Available at: https://sovman.ru/en/article/7206/

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