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Foreign experience in personnel management (Japan and Sweden). The possibility of applying some methods in Kazakhstan

Foreign experience in personnel management (Japan and Sweden). The possibility of applying some methods in Kazakhstan


Киренко Юлия Павловна
Казахстан, Казахстанско-немецкий университет
Тлеппаев А.М.
доктор PhD, профессор
Казахстан, Казахстанско-немецкий университет


This work is devoted to the actual problem - personnel management. The features of personnel management in such countries as Japan, Sweden are considered. As a result of the research, the main characteristics of personnel management in these countries were identified. In the course of studying the Japanese management system, it was revealed that the secret of the success of Japanese management, obviously, lies in internal approaches, and these phenomena naturally manifest themselves in interconnection. These factors include: lifetime employment, intra-organizational associations, seniority compensation, training without suspension from work, the establishment of keiretsu between the firm and other alliances inside and outside, the essential importance of government in providing order to industrial activities, to the scale of industrial activities of order, patriotic feeling . Another feature of Japanese personnel management is the system of lifetime employment. The essence of this concept lies in the fact that, along with long-term employment, employees were guaranteed access to the system of in-house training and advanced training, career growth, as well as salary growth according to the degree of increase in work experience. In Kazakhstan, the concept of "lifetime employment" is not applied.
The most important difference between Swedish management and other management styles is that the human role is very important in Sweden. Swedish leaders place less importance on hierarchy. At the same time, as a result of research, 22% of Swedish managers and 75% of Italian managers did not recognize the fact that effective management of labor relations often involves ignoring the hierarchy. The organizational composition of the Swedish model of personnel management, according to Swedish management, is aimed at reducing vertical levels of power. In Sweden, the decision-making process is negotiated and takes a relatively long time, as the staff of Swedish organizations readily expresses their own point of view. In contrast to the Swedish management model, Kazakh enterprises have a high level of uncertainty avoidance. Managers make decisions with little risk, managers are more focused on completing certain tasks. In domestic organizations, Kazakhstani management is also different in that entrepreneurs want to get "everything at once", which leads to unfavorable results in the future.

Ключевые слова

personnel management, Japanese model of personnel management, Swedish model of personnel management, Kazakhstani management.

Рекомендуемая ссылка

Киренко Юлия Павловна, Тлеппаев А.М.. Foreign experience in personnel management (Japan and Sweden). The possibility of applying some methods in Kazakhstan // Современные технологии управления. ISSN 2226-9339. — #1 (97). Номер статьи: 9706. Дата публикации: 14.02.2022. Режим доступа: https://sovman.ru/en/article/9706/


Kirenko Yuliya Pavlovna
Kazakhstan, Kazakh-German University
Tleppayev A.M.
doctor PhD, professor
Kazakhstan, Kazakh-German University



Suggested citation

Kirenko Yuliya Pavlovna, Tleppayev A.M.. // Modern Management Technology. ISSN 2226-9339. — #1 (97). Art. #  9706. Date issued: 14.02.2022. Available at: https://sovman.ru/en/article/9706/

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