
Role of internal controls in enhancement of efficiency in state and municipal administration

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Role of internal controls in enhancement of efficiency in state and municipal administration Read More »

Inventory management in the environment and the theory of constraints management accounting system throughput accounting

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Inventory management in the environment and the theory of constraints management accounting system throughput accounting Read More »

Investment into human capital in Russia as a factor of socio-economic development of nation

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Monetary incentives as a management technique in the system of public sector in the states with market economy

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Monetary incentives as a management technique in the system of public sector in the states with market economy Read More »

Analysis of Russian entrepreneurs’ perception of business partner and this attitude: regional and gender features

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Analysis of Russian entrepreneurs’ perception of business partner and this attitude: regional and gender features Read More »

Models of knowledge management in Russian institutions: social and psychological analysis

Библиографический список:

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Essence of psychological approach application to personal sales in the context of relationship marketing paradigm

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Essence of psychological approach application to personal sales in the context of relationship marketing paradigm Read More »

Instruments of Enhancing the Effectiveness of State Regulation of Land -lease Relations in Ukraine

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Instruments of Enhancing the Effectiveness of State Regulation of Land -lease Relations in Ukraine Read More »

Influence of socio-cultural modernization on development of human capital assets in Russia

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Influence of socio-cultural modernization on development of human capital assets in Russia Read More »

Personnel management system during restructuring (the case of retail company)

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Personnel management system during restructuring (the case of retail company) Read More »

Socio-psychological climate in organizations with various types of corporate culture

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Socio-psychological climate in organizations with various types of corporate culture Read More »

Cooperative strategies in innovation

Библиографический список:

  1. Nizhegorodtcev R.M. The information economy. Managing disorder: Economic Foundations of production and circulation of information [Informatcionnaia ekonomika. Upravlenie besporiadkom: Ekonomicheskie osnovy proizvodstva i obrashcheniia informatcii]. Moscow- Kostroma, 2002, 173 p.
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Cooperative strategies in innovation Read More »

Application of FMEA-methodology for qualitative risk assessment of investment projects of small and medium-sized businesses

Библиографический список:

  1. Gorlenko, O.A. Quality management in production and technical systems [Upravlenie kachestvom v proizvodstvenno-tekhnicheskikh sistemakh]: the textbook / O.A. Gorlenko, V.V. Miroshnikov, N.M. Borbatc. Bryansk: BSTU 2009. 312 p.
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Application of FMEA-methodology for qualitative risk assessment of investment projects of small and medium-sized businesses Read More »

Communication modeling wage and determining the factors in the regional trade network

Библиографический список:

  1. Glick D.I. Selection of the trading personnel [Podbor torgovogo personala]- System GARANT, 2007.
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Communication modeling wage and determining the factors in the regional trade network Read More »

The potential of quantum management in meeting the challenges of high-tech production systems transformation

Библиографический список:

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The potential of quantum management in meeting the challenges of high-tech production systems transformation Read More »

Foreign experience of financial maintenance of a housing policy

Библиографический список:

  1. Hoek-Smit M. C., Diamond D. B. The Design and Implementation of Subsidies for Housing Finance. Prepared for the World Bank Seminar on Housing Finance. March 10-13, 2003.
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Foreign experience of financial maintenance of a housing policy Read More »

Implementation of public-private partnerships in the municipalities

Библиографический список:

  1. Revzina O.V., Minskova M.G. Public-private partnerships in Russia – the legal regulation today Future Prospects [Gosudarstvenno-chastnye partnerstva v Rossii – pravovoe regulirovanie segodnia perspektivy na budushchee]. Public-Private Partnerships: ways to improve the legislative framework: Collection of articles under the general editorship of A. Zvereva. MM, 2009.
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Implementation of public-private partnerships in the municipalities Read More »

Analysis approach to the financial strategy of the enterprise, based on common management paradigm

Библиографический список:

  1. Blank  I.A.  Financial Management Training Course [Finansovyi menedzhment]. – 2nd ed., Revised and supplemented. K. Elga, Nick Center, 2004. 656 p. ISBN 5-901620-61-5, 966-521-257-5.
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Analysis approach to the financial strategy of the enterprise, based on common management paradigm Read More »

Actuator technology and market outlook: where does the actuator move

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Actuator technology and market outlook: where does the actuator move Read More »

The tools and methodology of research of financial stability of commercial structures

Библиографический список:

  1. All positions on accounting [Vse polozheniia po bukhgalterskomu uchetu]. M. Penguin Books, 2012.
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Impact factors relevant dangers of maritime activities

Библиографический список:

  1. Crisis management of marine nature (theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of research) [Antikrizisnoe upravlenie morskim prirodopolzovaniem (teoretiko-metodologicheskie i prikladnye aspekty issledovanii)]. Ed. B.V. Burkinskogo, V.N. Stepanova. Odessa: IPREEI NAS , 2010 . 546 p.
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  15. Stepanova E.V. Principles of an integrated approach to planning and managing the development of the Black and Azov Seas (methodological aspect) [Printcipy integrirovannogo podkhoda k planirovaniiu i upravleniiu osvoeniem Chernogo i Azovskogo morei (metodologicheskii aspekt)]. Economic innovation. Issue: Economic and environmental problems of nature at the present stage.  Odessa: IPREEI NAS, 1999. pp. 88-91.
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Impact factors relevant dangers of maritime activities Read More »

Methodological basis of technical and economic management of high quality innovative projects and products

Библиографический список:

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Analysis of financial cost models of strategic planning

Библиографический список:

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Analysis of financial cost models of strategic planning Read More »

Simulation modeling of quality assurance processes in an industrial plant

Библиографический список:

  1. Shestakov, A. L. Purpose QMS and its processes [Naznachenie SMK i ee protcessov]. Methods of Quality Management. 2010. N 1. S. 10-13.
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Simulation modeling of quality assurance processes in an industrial plant Read More »

State-private partnership as anobject of corporative managment

Библиографический список:

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State-private partnership as anobject of corporative managment Read More »

Concept analysis of competitiveness

Библиографический список:

  1. Mazilkina E.I. Manage konkurentosposobnostyu [Upravlenie konkurentosposobnostiu]. E.I. Mazilkina, G.G. Galina. M., Omega -L, 2009. 328 p.
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Concept analysis of competitiveness Read More »

Initial Public Offering Market: Ways of Development in Ukraine

Библиографический список:

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Development of variants of strategy of steady wildlife management in various coastal areas of the Far East of Russia

Библиографический список:

  1. Baklanov P.Ia. Far East’s Cormorants region of Russia. Problems and preconditions of steady development [Dalnevostochnyi region Rossii. Problemy i predposylki ustoichivogo razvitiia]. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2001. 144 p.
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The current state of tourist transportation system and its future development based on the integration of transport models

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The current state of tourist transportation system and its future development based on the integration of transport models Read More »

Use of innovative control systems in maintenance of a sustainable development of the industrial enterprise

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Development of congress and exhibition in Russia

Библиографический список:

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Charitable Foundation for Education and Science as a channel of funding of universities in Germany

Библиографический список:

  1. Maiorova T.V., Maidan T.N. Ways to improve the financial mechanism of the higher education [Puti sovershenstvovaniia finansovogo mekhanizma vysshego obrazovaniia]. Modern control technology. 2013. № 07 (31). ISSN 2226-9339. Mode of access to the journal.: https://sovman.ru
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Charitable Foundation for Education and Science as a channel of funding of universities in Germany Read More »

Development of machine interference system in industries

Библиографический список:

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Development of machine interference system in industries Read More »

Estimation model of efficiency of economic integration processes

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Estimation model of efficiency of economic integration processes Read More »

Governmental policy foundational determinants of industrial corporation development regulation

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Governmental policy foundational determinants of industrial corporation development regulation Read More »

The priorities of the budget policy of the NWFD and its impact on the expenditure side of budgets of the region

Библиографический список:

  1. Federal law of the Russian Federation of 30 November 2011 N 371-FZ “On the Federal budget for the year 2012 and the planned period of 2013 and 2014” [Federalnyi zakon Rossiiskoi Federatcii ot 30 noiabria 2011 g. N 371-FZ “O federalnom biudzhete na 2012 god i na planovyi period 2013 i 2014 godov”]. legal-reference system «Consultant Plus». Last. update 12.11.2012.
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State support for farms in the Republic of Bashkortostan

Библиографический список:

  1. The decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from 14.07.2012 № 717 «On the state program of development of agriculture and regulation of the market of agricultural products, raw materials and food for the years 2013-2020» [Postanovlenie Pravitelstva RF ot 14.07.2012 № 717 «O gosudarstvennoi programme razvitiia selskogo khoziaistva i regulirovaniia rynka selskokhoziaistvennoi produktcii, syria i prodovolstviia na 2013-2020 gody»].
  2. The decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan, dated 30 September 2009. №370 of the «Strategy of socio-economic development of Bashkortostan Republic up to the year 2020» [Postanovleniem Pravitelstva Respubliki Bashkortostan ot 30 sentiabria 2009 g. №370 «Strategiia sotcialno-ekonomicheskogo razvitiia Respubliki Bashkortostan do 2020 goda»].
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State support for farms in the Republic of Bashkortostan Read More »

Personal traits as predictor of job satisfaction

Библиографический список:

  1. Armstrong  M. Human Resource Management Practice [Praktika upravleniia chelovecheskimi resursami]. SPb: Publishing House “Peter”, 2007, 832 p.
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Analysis of machine-building industry in Russia

Библиографический список:

  1. Amosenok E.P. Mechanical Engineering as a dominant in innovation processes [Mashinostroenie kak dominanta v innovatcionnykh protcessakh] / ed. G.M. Mkrtchiana, V.A. Bazhanova.  Novosibirsk: Publishing House of SB RAS IEIE, 2008. 156 p.
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Cluster approach to staffing in the agricultural sector

Библиографический список:

  1. Conceptual Foundation for Sustainable Social and Economic Development of the Russian Federation until 2020 (approved in Decree No.1662-r by the Government of the Russian Federation dated 17 November 2008) [Kontceptciia dolgosrochnogo sotcialno-ekonomicheskogo razvitiia Rossii do 2020 goda  (utverzhdena rasporiazheniem Pravitelstva RF ot 17 noiabria 2008 g. № 1662-r)].
  2. Conceptual Foundation for the Modernization of Education in the Russian Federation until 2010 (Appendix to Order No.393 by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 11 February 2002) [Kontceptciia modernizatcii rossiiskogo obrazovaniia do 2010 g. (Prilozhenie k prikazu Minobrazovaniia Rossii ot 11.02.2002 № 393)].
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  4. Decree No.117 by the Government of the Russian Federation dated 10 February 2000 «On the Staffing Development in Agribusiness» [Postanovlenie Pravitelstva Rossiiskoi Federatcii ot 10.02.2000 №117 «O sovershenstvovanii kadrovogo obespecheniia agropromyshlennogo kompleksa»].
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