
The methodical substantiation of measures to improve the use of basic production assets of the enterprise

Библиографический список:

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The methodical substantiation of measures to improve the use of basic production assets of the enterprise Read More »

Legal support of the state financial control in modern Russia

Библиографический список:

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Legal support of the state financial control in modern Russia Read More »

Analysis of the practice of financing social policy of Belovo Kemerovo region

Библиографический список:

  1. Belovo 2011: Information and analytical collection [Gorod Belovo v 2011 godu: informatcionno-analiticheskii sbornik]. / A.G. Chernov, D.G. Filippov, I.V. Demchenko, V.T. Shibaev, etc. – Belovo, 2011.
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Analysis of the practice of financing social policy of Belovo Kemerovo region Read More »

Consumer credit as an economic good, and modern trends in the banking consumer credit in Russia

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Consumer credit as an economic good, and modern trends in the banking consumer credit in Russia Read More »

Formation of capacity of the market of insurance services in Russia

Библиографический список:

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Formation of capacity of the market of insurance services in Russia Read More »

Technology as a factor of the efficiency of interaction of the regional economy subjects

Библиографический список:

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Technology as a factor of the efficiency of interaction of the regional economy subjects Read More »

Conceptual model information and analytical ensuring adoption of administrative solutions of small and medium business

Библиографический список:

  1. Bukhtiiarova T.I., Iakushev A.A. Systems analysis as a prerequisite for making sound management decisions complex economic systems [Sistemnyi analiz v kachestve neobkhodimogo usloviia vyrabotki obosnovannykh upravlencheskikh reshenii slozhnykh ekonomicheskikh sistem]. AIC: Regions of Russia. 2013. № 2, pp.47-62.
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Conceptual model information and analytical ensuring adoption of administrative solutions of small and medium business Read More »

Improvement treatments and criteria assessing banks the energy efficiency projects

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Improvement treatments and criteria assessing banks the energy efficiency projects Read More »

Russian financial market and the prospect of its innovative development

Библиографический список:

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Russian financial market and the prospect of its innovative development Read More »

Models of public sector economy

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Models of public sector economy Read More »

The human factor in the functioning of “Lean Thinking”

Библиографический список:

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The human factor in the functioning of “Lean Thinking” Read More »

Singularities of marketing activities of small businesses: attracting and retaining customers

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Accounting operations under commission

Библиографический список:

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Accounting operations under commission Read More »

Formation and evolution of consumer credit institution in Russia

Библиографический список:

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The management of budget funds of the municipal formation

Библиографический список:

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The management of budget funds of the municipal formation Read More »

Evolution of theoretical-methodological support of tax administration in world economic thought

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  5. Melnyk V.M. (2005). Tax administration in historical retrospective review [Administruvannia podatkiv v istorychnii retrospektyvi]. Finances of Ukraine, 2005, no. 10, pp. 42-50. (in Ukrainian).

Evolution of theoretical-methodological support of tax administration in world economic thought Read More »

Regulation of employment and labor relations at the municipal level (for example, the Vladivostok city district)

Библиографический список:

  1. Labor Code [Trudovoi Kodeks RF].  As amended on July 28, 2012 Federal Law of 29.02.2012 № 16-FZ.
  2. Civil Code as amended [Grazhdanskii kodeks RF]. “Russian newspaper” on June 14, 2012 № 76-FZ.
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  4. Federal Law of the Russian Federation on November 24, 1995 № 181-FZ “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” [Federalnyi Zakon Rossiiskoi Federatcii  ot 24 noiabria 1995 goda №181-FZ “O sotcialnoi zashchite invalidov v Rossiiskoi Federatcii”].
  5. Federal Law of the Russian Federation on May 2, 2006 № 59-FZ “On the order of consideration of citizens of the Russian Federation” [Federalnyi Zakon Rossiiskoi Federatcii ot 02 maia 2006 goda № 59-FZ “O poriadke rassmotreniia obrashchenii grazhdan Rossiiskoi Federatcii”].
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  8. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2010 № 210-FZ “On the organization of state and municipal services” [Federalnyi Zakon Rossiiskoi Federatcii ot 27 iiulia 2010 goda № 210-FZ “Ob organizatcii predostavleniia gosudarstvennykh i munitcipalnykh uslug”].
  9. Government Resolution dated October 31, 2002 № 787 “On the Procedure for approval of the Single wage-rate work and trades workers, unified qualification handbook for managers, professionals and employees” [Postanovlenie Pravitelstva Rossiiskoi Federatcii ot 31 oktiabria 2002 goda №787 “O poriadke utverzhdeniia Edinogo tarifno-kvalifikatcionnogo spravochnika rabot i professii rabochikh, Edinogo kvalifikatcionnogo spravochnika dolzhnostei rukovoditelei, spetcialistov i sluzhashchikh”].
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Regulation of employment and labor relations at the municipal level (for example, the Vladivostok city district) Read More »

Organization and advertising activities of commercial enterprises

Библиографический список:

  1. Potolokova M.O., Popkov V.P.  Methodological guidelines for the development planning of advertising companies [Metodicheskie osnovy formirovaniia sistemy planirovaniia reklamnoi deiatelnosti predpriiatiia]. SPb., Nestor, 2005.- 88 p.
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Organization and advertising activities of commercial enterprises Read More »

Information system “Tax accounting”: methods and tools for assessing total cost of ownership

Библиографический список:

  1. Rodina O.V.  Step by step ordering of the set of indicators that make up the total cost of ownership information system of tax accounting [Poshagovoe uporiadochenie mnozhestva pokazatelei, sostavliaiushchikh sovokupnuiu stoimost vladeniia informatcionnoi sistemoi nalogovogo ucheta]. Management, economic systems: electronic scholarly journal, 2010. № 4 (24). № state. Reg. Article 0421000034 /. Mode of access to the Journal.: http://uecs.mcnip.ru.
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  3. Khubaev G.N. Calculation of the total cost of ownership of the software package: methodological and instrumental support [Raschet sovokupnoi stoimosti vladeniia programmnym produktom: metodicheskoe i instrumentalnoe obespechenie]. Problems of Economics.  2010.  № 5.
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  6. Khubaev G.N., Shcherbakov S.M., Rvantcov Iu.A. Computer-aided synthesis of simulation models based on language UML «SIM-UML» [Sistema avtomatizirovannogo sinteza imitatcionnykh modelei na osnove iazyka UML «SIM-UML»]. Certificate of official registration of computer programs. Number 2009610414. M. ROSPATENT, 2009.

Information system “Tax accounting”: methods and tools for assessing total cost of ownership Read More »

Methodological approaches to the assessment of the competitiveness of the region

Библиографический список:

  1. Alimova G.S. Research of regional competitiveness [Issledovanie regionalnoi konkurentosposobnosti]. The Regional economy. it is Announcer OrelGIET.  2011.  № 1(15) pp. 45-49.
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  3. Gerasimchuk I. V., Kuznechnaia L. L. Competitiveness of region: theory, methodology, practice: Monograph [Konkurentosposobnost regiona: teoriia, metodologiia, praktika: Monografiia]. it is Lutsk: Nadstyrya, 2008.  248 p.
  4. Dmitrieva V.O. Basic approaches and indexes of estimation of competitiveness of regions [Osnovnye podkhody i pokazateli otcenki konkurentosposobnosti regionov].  Announcer of the Zaporizhzhya national university. 2011. № 1(9) pp. 193-202.
  5. Zgurovskii M.I. Analysis of the systems: problems, methodology, appendixes [Sistemnyi analiz: problemy, metodologiia, prilozheniia]. Zgurovskii M.Iz., Pankratova N.D.  To.: Scientific thought, 2005. 744 p.
  6. Larіna O.G. Estimation of competitiveness of regions in the American and European model of development [Otcenka konkurentosposobnosti regionov v amerikanskoi i evropeiskoi modeli razvitiia]. Economy and management by a national economy.  2011.  № 2(10)  pp. 54-59
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  12. Ushvitckii, L.I. Competitiveness of region as new reality : essence, methods of estimation, modern state [Konkurentosposobnost regiona kak novaia realiia: sushchnost, metody otcenki, sovremennoe sostoianie]. Collection of scientific reasons of SevKavGTU. Ser. : Economy.  2005.  № 1. Access mode:  http://www.ncstu/ru
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  17. Centre for International Competitiveness [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://www.cforic.org/

Methodological approaches to the assessment of the competitiveness of the region Read More »

Priorities for the tourism cluster in the western sub-region of the Autonomous Republic Krym

Библиографический список:

  1. Biodiversity Crimea: assessment and the need to preserve [Bioraznoobrazie Kryma: otcenka i potrebnosti sokhraneniia]/ Working papers presented at an international workshop (November -1997, Gurzuf). Ed. V.V.Korzhenevskogo, V.A.Bokova, A.I.Dulitskogo. -Biodiversity Support Program (Biodiversity Support Program). 131 p.
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Priorities for the tourism cluster in the western sub-region of the Autonomous Republic Krym Read More »

Essence and principles of local budgets in Ukraine

Библиографический список:

  1. Igonina L.L.  Municipal finances [Munitcipalnye finansy].  М., Economist, 2003.  175p.
  2. Kirilenko O.P. The Local budgets of Ukraine (history, theory, practice) [Mestnye biudzhety Ukrainy (istoriia, teoriia, praktika)].  K., NIОS, 2000.  384 p.
  3. Kravchenko V.I. Local finances of Ukraine [Mestnye finansy Ukrainy].  Kyiv, “Knowledge”, КОО, 1999.   487 p.
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  5. Marchenko S.V. Territorial finance  [Territorialnye finansy].  Pyatigorsk, КМB, 2009. 178p.
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  8. Pasechnik Iu.V. Budgetary potential of the economy growing is in Ukraine: monograph [Biudzhetnyi potentcial ekonomicheskogo rosta v Ukraine: monografiia]. Donetsk: «Southeast», 2005. 642p.

Essence and principles of local budgets in Ukraine Read More »

Mechanisms of interaction between the government, business and non-profit sector in addressing social problems

Библиографический список:

  1. Russia in Figures. 2012 [Rossiia v tcifrakh. 2012]: Stat. sb. / Rosstat.  M., 2012. pp. 184, 185.
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  10. Postanovlenii Pravitelstva Rossiiskoi Federatcii ot 23.08.2011 g. № 713 « On providing support for socially oriented non-profit organizations [O predostavlenii podderzhki sotcialno orientirovannym nekommercheskim organizatciiam]».
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Operational management of financial risks in the enterprises of the real sector

Библиографический список:

  1. Ionova A.F., Selezneva N.N. Financial Analysis [Finansovyi analiz]. M. TC Velbi, 2007.  624p.
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Operational management of financial risks in the enterprises of the real sector Read More »

Assessment of the effectiveness of the communication process

Библиографический список:

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Assessment of the effectiveness of the communication process Read More »

About formation methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the use of information systems in the management

Библиографический список:

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Characteristics of innovation and investment component of economic development in Ukraine

Библиографический список:

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Characteristics of innovation and investment component of economic development in Ukraine Read More »

Risk management is a structured finance

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Risk management is a structured finance Read More »

The formation of a corporate borrower rating system

Библиографический список:

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The formation of a corporate borrower rating system Read More »

Features integrated assessment of functioning of innovation systems

Библиографический список:

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Features integrated assessment of functioning of innovation systems Read More »

Social and economic importance of workers’ health as a factor of accumulation of the human capital of the enterprise

Библиографический список:

  1. Barg A. O. Socio-economic risk factors for health workers chemical industry [Sotcialno-ekonomicheskie faktory riska zdoroviu rabotnikov predpriiatiia khimicheskoi promyshlennosti]. Elektron. st., 2010. http://www.zpu-journal.ru/e-zpu/2010/3/Lebedeva-Nesevria~Barg
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Social and economic importance of workers’ health as a factor of accumulation of the human capital of the enterprise Read More »

Development of innovative entrepreneurship in Russia

Библиографический список:

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Development of innovative entrepreneurship in Russia Read More »

Modernization of establishments of education as necessary condition of development of social policy

Библиографический список:

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Modernization of establishments of education as necessary condition of development of social policy Read More »

Strategic-competence approach of competence development of managerial staff

Библиографический список:

  1. Analoui F., Karami A. Strategic management of small and medium-sized enterprises [Strategicheskii menedzhment malykh i srednikh predpriiatii]. M. IuNITI-DANA, 2005. – 400 p.
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Strategic-competence approach of competence development of managerial staff Read More »

“Rotary” team as a new team building

Библиографический список:

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“Rotary” team as a new team building Read More »

Management companies in the market of housing-and- utilities services

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Management companies in the market of housing-and- utilities services Read More »

Lean programm as a method of managing lean changes in the company

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