
Russian financial market and the prospect of its innovative development

Библиографический список:

  1. Investment. Facts and Opinions. №10, 2011. p.3
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Russian financial market and the prospect of its innovative development Read More »

Models of public sector economy

Библиографический список:

  1. Danilishin B. State sector: reboot [Gosudarstvennyi sektor ekonomiki: perezagruzka ]. Governmental Courier. 2008. № 48. p.6.
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Models of public sector economy Read More »

The human factor in the functioning of “Lean Thinking”

Библиографический список:

  1. Vumek Dzh., Dzhons D. Lean Manufacturing: How to get rid of the waste and to achieve prosperity of your company [Berezhlivoe proizvodstvo: Kak izbavitsia ot poter i dobitsia protcvetaniia vashei kompanii], Trans. from English. 5th ed. Moscow: Alpina Publishers, 2010.  471 p.
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The human factor in the functioning of “Lean Thinking” Read More »

Singularities of marketing activities of small businesses: attracting and retaining customers

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Singularities of marketing activities of small businesses: attracting and retaining customers Read More »

Accounting operations under commission

Библиографический список:

  1. Patrov V.V., Piatov M.L. Accounting for the sale of goods on a commission  [Uchet kupli-prodazhi tovarov po dogovoru komissii].  Accounting, 2006, № 10.
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Accounting operations under commission Read More »

Formation and evolution of consumer credit institution in Russia

Библиографический список:

  1. Baburina N.A.  Loan and investment potential of the bank: the concept and elements [Kreditno-investitcionnyi potentcial banka: poniatie i elementy]. Bulletin of the Tyumen State University. 2006. № 3. 208-210 pp.
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Formation and evolution of consumer credit institution in Russia Read More »

The management of budget funds of the municipal formation

Библиографический список:

  1. Aronov A.V. Social obligations of the state and the mechanism of their resource provision of the tax system [Sotcialnye obiazatelstva gosudarstva i mekhanizm ikh resursnogo obespecheniia nalogovoi sistemoi].  Dis. … Candidate. Economics.  08.00.10. Moscow, 2011.  164 p.
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Evolution of theoretical-methodological support of tax administration in world economic thought

Библиографический список:

  1. Ivanyshyna O.S. (2012). Development of tax administration technologies [Rozvytok tekhnolohii podatkovoho administruvannia]. Journal of Kiev National University of Technologies and Design: The problems of economy of organizations and management of enterprises, 2012, no. 6, pp. 288-293. (in Ukrainian).
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Regulation of employment and labor relations at the municipal level (for example, the Vladivostok city district)

Библиографический список:

  1. Labor Code [Trudovoi Kodeks RF].  As amended on July 28, 2012 Federal Law of 29.02.2012 № 16-FZ.
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Organization and advertising activities of commercial enterprises

Библиографический список:

  1. Potolokova M.O., Popkov V.P.  Methodological guidelines for the development planning of advertising companies [Metodicheskie osnovy formirovaniia sistemy planirovaniia reklamnoi deiatelnosti predpriiatiia]. SPb., Nestor, 2005.- 88 p.
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Organization and advertising activities of commercial enterprises Read More »

Information system “Tax accounting”: methods and tools for assessing total cost of ownership

Библиографический список:

  1. Rodina O.V.  Step by step ordering of the set of indicators that make up the total cost of ownership information system of tax accounting [Poshagovoe uporiadochenie mnozhestva pokazatelei, sostavliaiushchikh sovokupnuiu stoimost vladeniia informatcionnoi sistemoi nalogovogo ucheta]. Management, economic systems: electronic scholarly journal, 2010. № 4 (24). № state. Reg. Article 0421000034 /. Mode of access to the Journal.: http://uecs.mcnip.ru.
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Information system “Tax accounting”: methods and tools for assessing total cost of ownership Read More »

Methodological approaches to the assessment of the competitiveness of the region

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Methodological approaches to the assessment of the competitiveness of the region Read More »

Priorities for the tourism cluster in the western sub-region of the Autonomous Republic Krym

Библиографический список:

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Priorities for the tourism cluster in the western sub-region of the Autonomous Republic Krym Read More »

Essence and principles of local budgets in Ukraine

Библиографический список:

  1. Igonina L.L.  Municipal finances [Munitcipalnye finansy].  М., Economist, 2003.  175p.
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Essence and principles of local budgets in Ukraine Read More »

Mechanisms of interaction between the government, business and non-profit sector in addressing social problems

Библиографический список:

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Operational management of financial risks in the enterprises of the real sector

Библиографический список:

  1. Ionova A.F., Selezneva N.N. Financial Analysis [Finansovyi analiz]. M. TC Velbi, 2007.  624p.
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Operational management of financial risks in the enterprises of the real sector Read More »

Assessment of the effectiveness of the communication process

Библиографический список:

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Assessment of the effectiveness of the communication process Read More »

About formation methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the use of information systems in the management

Библиографический список:

  1. Kozachenko  V.E. Managing the overall cost of ownership of CIS [Upravlenie obshchei stoimostiu vladeniia KIS]. URL:  http://www.cfin.ru/itm/kis
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About formation methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the use of information systems in the management Read More »

Characteristics of innovation and investment component of economic development in Ukraine

Библиографический список:

  1. Arkhiereev S. I. Innovation Potential of Ukraine: Prognostic and Analytical Evaluation [Innovatcionnyi potentcial Ukrainy: prognozno-analiticheskie otcenki]/.  Kharkov: Golden pages, 2008.  112 p.
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  4. Evdokimov F.I., Gubskaia M.V. Social Potential As The Enterprise Innovation Development Model Function [Sotcialnyi potentcial kak funktciia innovatcionnoi modeli ekonomicheskogo razvitiia predpriiatiia]. Available at: http://www.nbuv.gov.ua.
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Characteristics of innovation and investment component of economic development in Ukraine Read More »

Risk management is a structured finance

Библиографический список:

  1. Pricing Natural Gas. The Outlook for the European Market. Clingendael Energy Paper, January 2008; Gas Prices in the UK. Ilex Energy Consulting, October 2004.
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Risk management is a structured finance Read More »

The formation of a corporate borrower rating system

Библиографический список:

  1. International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards: A Revised Framework [Mezhdunarodnaia konvergentciia izmereniia kapitala i standartov kapitala: Utochnennye ramochnye podkhody] // Bazelskii komitet po bankovskomu nadzoru, 2004, p.55.
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The formation of a corporate borrower rating system Read More »

Features integrated assessment of functioning of innovation systems

Библиографический список:

  1. Divaeva  E.A. Management of the regional innovation system: Methodology and Practice: Monograph [Upravlenie regionalnoi innovatcionnoi sistemoi: metodologiia i  praktika: monografiia]/E.A. Divaeva.  M. Izdatelstvo «Paleotip», 2010. 156 p.
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Features integrated assessment of functioning of innovation systems Read More »

Social and economic importance of workers’ health as a factor of accumulation of the human capital of the enterprise

Библиографический список:

  1. Barg A. O. Socio-economic risk factors for health workers chemical industry [Sotcialno-ekonomicheskie faktory riska zdoroviu rabotnikov predpriiatiia khimicheskoi promyshlennosti]. Elektron. st., 2010. http://www.zpu-journal.ru/e-zpu/2010/3/Lebedeva-Nesevria~Barg
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Social and economic importance of workers’ health as a factor of accumulation of the human capital of the enterprise Read More »

Development of innovative entrepreneurship in Russia

Библиографический список:

  1. Avdeeva E.S., Denisov D.D. Forsyth – projected future economic development [Forsait – prognoziruemoe budushchee ekonomicheskogo razvitiia]. Rossiiskoe predprinimatelstvo. 2012, № 10 , pp. 4-10.
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Strategic-competence approach of competence development of managerial staff

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Guidelines for evaluating the effectiveness of the state support of small business (as an example Shakhty Rostov region) Read More »

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Monitoring of the status and problems of evaluation of strategic climate in Russia Read More »

Theoretical bases of modeling decision-marketing solutions

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Theoretical bases of modeling decision-marketing solutions Read More »

Companies’ competitiveness and factors affecting it

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The specifics of the Russian market of confectionery: subject-object certainty

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The specifics of the Russian market of confectionery: subject-object certainty Read More »

Labour market of the military personnel – development and functioning

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Labour market of the military personnel – development and functioning Read More »

Identification of potential future development of private farms of the population in the Republic of Bashkortostan

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Identification of potential future development of private farms of the population in the Republic of Bashkortostan Read More »

Venture capital business in modern Russia: features of the development

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