
Features integrated assessment of functioning of innovation systems

Библиографический список:

  1. Divaeva  E.A. Management of the regional innovation system: Methodology and Practice: Monograph [Upravlenie regionalnoi innovatcionnoi sistemoi: metodologiia i  praktika: monografiia]/E.A. Divaeva.  M. Izdatelstvo «Paleotip», 2010. 156 p.
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Features integrated assessment of functioning of innovation systems Read More »

Social and economic importance of workers’ health as a factor of accumulation of the human capital of the enterprise

Библиографический список:

  1. Barg A. O. Socio-economic risk factors for health workers chemical industry [Sotcialno-ekonomicheskie faktory riska zdoroviu rabotnikov predpriiatiia khimicheskoi promyshlennosti]. Elektron. st., 2010. http://www.zpu-journal.ru/e-zpu/2010/3/Lebedeva-Nesevria~Barg
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Social and economic importance of workers’ health as a factor of accumulation of the human capital of the enterprise Read More »

Development of innovative entrepreneurship in Russia

Библиографический список:

  1. Avdeeva E.S., Denisov D.D. Forsyth – projected future economic development [Forsait – prognoziruemoe budushchee ekonomicheskogo razvitiia]. Rossiiskoe predprinimatelstvo. 2012, № 10 , pp. 4-10.
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Development of innovative entrepreneurship in Russia Read More »

Modernization of establishments of education as necessary condition of development of social policy

Библиографический список:

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Modernization of establishments of education as necessary condition of development of social policy Read More »

Strategic-competence approach of competence development of managerial staff

Библиографический список:

  1. Analoui F., Karami A. Strategic management of small and medium-sized enterprises [Strategicheskii menedzhment malykh i srednikh predpriiatii]. M. IuNITI-DANA, 2005. – 400 p.
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Strategic-competence approach of competence development of managerial staff Read More »

“Rotary” team as a new team building

Библиографический список:

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“Rotary” team as a new team building Read More »

Management companies in the market of housing-and- utilities services

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Management companies in the market of housing-and- utilities services Read More »

Lean programm as a method of managing lean changes in the company

Библиографический список:

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Lean programm as a method of managing lean changes in the company Read More »

Guidelines for evaluating the effectiveness of the state support of small business (as an example Shakhty Rostov region)

Библиографический список:

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Guidelines for evaluating the effectiveness of the state support of small business (as an example Shakhty Rostov region) Read More »

Accounting policies for tax purposes: methodical aspects

Библиографический список:

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Accounting policies for tax purposes: methodical aspects Read More »

Monitoring of the status and problems of evaluation of strategic climate in Russia

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Monitoring of the status and problems of evaluation of strategic climate in Russia Read More »

Theoretical bases of modeling decision-marketing solutions

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Theoretical bases of modeling decision-marketing solutions Read More »

Companies’ competitiveness and factors affecting it

Библиографический список:

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Companies’ competitiveness and factors affecting it Read More »

The specifics of the Russian market of confectionery: subject-object certainty

Библиографический список:

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The specifics of the Russian market of confectionery: subject-object certainty Read More »

Labour market of the military personnel – development and functioning

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Labour market of the military personnel – development and functioning Read More »

Identification of potential future development of private farms of the population in the Republic of Bashkortostan

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Identification of potential future development of private farms of the population in the Republic of Bashkortostan Read More »

Venture capital business in modern Russia: features of the development

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Venture capital business in modern Russia: features of the development Read More »

Marketing aspects of innovation activity organizations

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  8. Business / the Stake. Authors. Under edition of prof. V.Ja.Gorfinkelja, prof. G.B.Poljaka, prof. V.A.Shvandera. – М; It juniti-dana, 2007.-360 p.
  9. An official site of Federal Agency of the state statistics: www.gks.ru
  10. The official data of a site of Territorial body of Federal Agency of the state statistics on RD: www. dagstat.gks.ru.
  11. The official data of site FNS the Russian Federation: www.nalog.ru.
  12. Official accounting given UFNS the Russian Federation on RD for 2008-2010, a site: www.r05.nalog.ru.

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