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The study and design management of regional industrial complex

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The anti-crisis mechanism diagnose risk of bankruptcy

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Communications as the key competence of the project manager

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Developing the support business-processes information system for self-regulation institute

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Features of management of coal companies with the usage of the process approach

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Forecasting of innovative activity on the basis of application of technology of Foresight

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Improving of methods and organization of the inspection activity of The Bank of Russia

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The issue of information security in the economic research directions

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Problems involving salaried managers in Russia

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Outsourcing as a tool to build and strengthen the competitive advantages of firms

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Quality economies as a direction the development of scientific knowledge

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Communications in organization: complex approach

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Insurance as a method risk protection

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Economic aspects of professional staff adaptation social organizations in modern conditions

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Estimation of efficiency project management Read More »

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Marketing approach to the management of the relationship between customer and supplier in the market of engineering

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