
The increasing efficiency of financial resources management at implementation of goods’ purchase, works, services for the state and municipal needs

Библиографический список:

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The increasing efficiency of financial resources management at implementation of goods’ purchase, works, services for the state and municipal needs Read More »

Organization of innovative formation of recreation clusters for the commercial increase

Библиографический список:

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Organization of innovative formation of recreation clusters for the commercial increase Read More »

Content, challenges and directions of development of ecological tourism

Библиографический список:

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Content, challenges and directions of development of ecological tourism Read More »

Methodological foundations for assessment of quality of social and economic system management

Библиографический список:

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General characteristics of the OTC market. Principles of organization of the OTC securities trading

Библиографический список:

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General characteristics of the OTC market. Principles of organization of the OTC securities trading Read More »

On investment attractiveness estimation of the projects improving district heating networks reliability



Библиографический список:

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On investment attractiveness estimation of the projects improving district heating networks reliability Read More »

Institutionalisation of Mediation for Dispute Resolution in the Field of Social Bankruptcy of Citizens in Russia or how to prevent losses of 300 billions rubles of Russian Federation

Библиографический список:

  1. The federal law from 26.10.2002 N 127-FZ On Insolvency (Bankruptcy) [Federal’nyj zakon ot 26.10.2002 N 127-FZ  O nesostojatel’nosti (bankrotstve)].
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Institutionalisation of Mediation for Dispute Resolution in the Field of Social Bankruptcy of Citizens in Russia or how to prevent losses of 300 billions rubles of Russian Federation Read More »

Ranking seasonality factor affecting the tourist offer

Библиографический список:

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Ranking seasonality factor affecting the tourist offer Read More »

Methodological problems of accounting received discounts

Библиографический список:

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Methodological problems of accounting received discounts Read More »

Modern control system of quality of services of public catering

Библиографический список:

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Modern control system of quality of services of public catering Read More »

Higher educational institution as an organization of social entrepreneurship: the opportunities of integration into the economy of the region

Библиографический список:

  1. Bogacheva O. V. basic contradictions interaction of small business and higher education in the conditions of development of innovative economy [Osnovnye protivorechija vzaimodejstvija malogo predprinimatel’stva i vysshej shkoly v uslovijah razvitija innovacionnoj jekonomiki].  In the world of scientific discoveries. 2011. № 6. pp. 212-221.
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Higher educational institution as an organization of social entrepreneurship: the opportunities of integration into the economy of the region Read More »

The essence and historical genesis of public-private partnership in the tourism sector

Библиографический список:

  1. Varnavskij V.G. Partnership between the state and the private sector, forms, projects risks [Partnerstvo gosudarstva i chastnogo sektora, formy, proekty, riski]. M. 2005, pp. 34-37.
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The essence and historical genesis of public-private partnership in the tourism sector Read More »

To a question about the price of possible errors regulatory capital of banks

Библиографический список:

  1. Markovskaja E. I. The Evolution of the Standards of Assessment of Capital Adequacy in the Adaptation of the Banking System to the Cyclic Development of Economy [Jevoljucija standartov ocenki dostatochnosti kapitala v obespechenii adaptacii bankovskoj sistemy k uslovijam ciklicheskogo  razvitija jekonomiki]. Izvestia, Herzen University Journal of Humanities and Sciences, No. 131. 2011. pp. 43-54.
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To a question about the price of possible errors regulatory capital of banks Read More »

The strength of the brand and its measurement (for example, IT-companies)

Библиографический список:

  1. Nikulina K.G. Methods for assessing the value of the brand. Modern science. Actual problems of theory and practice [Metody ocenki stoimosti brenda. Sovremennaja nauka. Aktual’nye problemy teorii i praktiki]. Series. Economics and Law, №4, 2012.
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The strength of the brand and its measurement (for example, IT-companies) Read More »

Specificity of economic and social nature tourism

Библиографический список:

  1. Efremova M.V. The basic technology of tourism business [Osnovy tehnologii turistskogo biznesa]. M . Os-89, 1999. 192 p.
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Specificity of economic and social nature tourism Read More »

Synergetic approach to the use of theories and models of change management as applied to organizations such as the socio-economic systems

Библиографический список:

  1. Nel’son Richad R., Uinter Sidnej Dzh An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Changes [Jevoljucionnaja teorija jekonomicheskih izmenenij]. Moscow. Delo, 2002. 536 p.
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Synergetic approach to the use of theories and models of change management as applied to organizations such as the socio-economic systems Read More »

Crisis as an opportunity to intensify development of tourist-recreational complex of Sochi after the Olympics

Библиографический список:

  1. Beljanskij V.P., Kosheleva A.I. Integration of museums in the tourist space of a city as an important component of the development of cultural tourism in Russia [Integracija muzeev v turistskoe prostranstvo krupnogo goroda kak vazhnaja sostavljajushhaja razvitija kul’turno-poznavatel’nogo turizma v RF]. Izvestiya Sochi State University. 2014. No. 4-1 (32), pp. 54-59.
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  3. Dzhandzhugazova E. A. Olympic Games  2014 [Olimpiada 2014].  Modern problems of service and tourism. 2014. Vol. 8. No. 2. pp. 106-110.
  4. Dzhandzhugazova E.A., Pervunin S.N. Russian tourism, anatomy of a crisis [Rossijskij turizm, anatomija krizisa].  The Russian regions, looking into the future. 2015, No. 1(2), pp. 116-129.
  5. Kozlov D. A. Popov L. A. Problems and prospects of tourism in the Crimea [Problemy i perspektivy turizma v Krymu]. Vestnik of the Russian Plekhanov University of Economics. 2014. No. 6 (72), pp. 137-144.
  6. Kosheleva A. I. Organizational-economic mechanism of development of additional tourist services in midscale city hotels [Organizacionno-jekonomicheskij mehanizm razvitija dopolnitel’nogo turistskogo obsluzhivanija v srednekategorijnyh gostinichnyh predprijatijah krupnogo goroda].  Abstract of thesis. … of candidate of economic Sciences. 08.00.05  Russian Plekhanov University of Economics. Moscow, 2013.
  7. Kosheleva A. I. International experience and development tendencies of the midmarket hotels in Russian Federation [Mezhdunarodnyj opyt i tendencii razvitija gostinichnyh predprijatij srednego cenovogo segmenta v RF]. Modern technologies of management, 2014.  №06 (42).  ISSN 2226-9339.  Access mode: http://sovman.ru
  8. Morozov M.A., Morozova N.S. Tourist destination development, modeling and forecasting [Modelirovanie i prognozirovanie razvitija turistskih destinacij].  Service plus. 2014. Vol.8. No.3, pp. 32-39.

Crisis as an opportunity to intensify development of tourist-recreational complex of Sochi after the Olympics Read More »

Evaluation of the sensitivity of neural network method for constructing the dynamic model of bankruptcy to identify signs of a developing process of the crisis of the Corporation

Библиографический список:

  1. Makeeva E.YU., Gorbatkov S.A., Belolipcev I.I. Models of diagnostic bankruptcies organizations [O modelyah diagnostiki bankrotstv organizacij]. Management and Business  Administration. 2014. №1. pp. 151-171.
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Evaluation of the sensitivity of neural network method for constructing the dynamic model of bankruptcy to identify signs of a developing process of the crisis of the Corporation Read More »

Global risks and the economic security of Russia: problems of management

Библиографический список:

  1. Senchagov V.K. Innovative transformation as an imperative for sustainable development and economic security of Russia [Innovacionnye preobrazovanija kak imperativ ustojchivogo razvitija i jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti Rossii]. M. Ankil, 2013  688 p.
  2. Senchagov V.K. The national interests of Russia, the international sanctions and the threat of economic security [Nacional’nye interesy Rossii, mezhdunarodnye sankcii i ugrozy jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti]. Collection of Materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Economic Security in Russia Problems and Prospects, 27-30 May 2014  Nizhny Novgorod. NSTU, 2014.
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  6. Solov’ev A.I. The impact of global imbalances on the economic security of Russia [Vlijanie global’nyh disbalansov na jekonomicheskuju bezopasnost’ Rossii ]. Report for the II International Congress on Information Security of the national economies INFOSECURITYFINANCE, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, May 15, 2014 M. Finuniversitet 2014.

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Methods of assessing the environmental quality of socio-economic development of regions

Библиографический список:

  1. Agafonov V.A., Ukrainchuk E.V. Rolе of target programs in increase of efficiency of social and economic development of the region [Rol’ celevyh programm v povyshenii jeffektivnosti social’no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija regiona]. Innovations. No. 4 (186).  2014.  pp. 87-93.
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The problem of information management in knowledge-intensive industry in Russia

Библиографический список:

  1. Volkova V.N. Information models and automated processes to manage innovation [Informacionnye modeli i avtomatizirovannye procedury dlja upravlenija innovacijami]. Applied Informatics. 2013. № 5. pp. 14-20.
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  3. Volkova V.N. System analysis of information systems [Sistemnyj analiz informacionnyh kompleksov]. SPb., 2014.
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  5. Golub Ju.A. Design of the database structure for the monitoring and assessment of the high technology cluster development: an analysis of the approaches and methods [Proektirovanie struktury bazy dannyh dlja monitoringa i ocenki processov naukoemkogo klasternogo razvitija: analiz podhodov i metodov]. Scientific and technical statements STU. Economic sciences.  2012.  № 154. pp. 222-228.
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  7. Zav’jalova E.K. The relationship of human resource management and innovation activity of Russian companies [Vzaimosvjaz’ upravlenija chelovecheskimi resursami i innovacionnoj aktivnosti rossijskih kompanij].  Russian Management Journal. 2014. T. 12. № 3. pp. 3-32.
  8. Kozlovskaja Je.A. Economics and Management of Innovation: A Textbook of Classical University Education [Jekonomika i upravlenie innovacijami: Uchebnik po klassicheskomu universitetskomu obrazovaniju]. SPb . Publishing House of STU, 2010 304 p.
  9. Loginova A.V. Models of structural and human resource approach in the management of enterprises: diss. on competition uch. degree in economics [Modeli strukturno-kadrovogo podhoda v upravlenii predprijatijami. diss. na soiskanie uch. stepeni kandidata jekonomicheskih nauk]. Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University. St. Petersburg, 2007.
  10. Silkina G.Ju. Economic-mathematical modeling in adopting innovative solutions [Jekonomiko-matematicheskoe modelirovanie  v prinjatii innovacionnyh reshenij]. Proceedings of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics. 2014. № 3. pp. 43-53.
  11. Volkova V.N., Emel’janova A.A.Systems theory and systems analysis in management of organizations: Reference [Teorija sistem i sistemnyj analiz v upravlenii organizacijami: Spravochnik]. Proc. allowance.  M . Finance and Statistics, 2006.  848 p.
  12. Chudesova G.P. Tensor structure as a method of innovation management [Tenzornye struktury kak metod innovacionnyh preobrazovanij upravlenija predprijatiem]. In System analysis in the design and management; Collection of scientific works of the XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, the House of scientists (Forest), 2014 pp. 179-181.
  13. Shirokova S.V. Project management. Project management information systems implementation for the enterprise [Upravlenie proektami. Upravlenie proektami vnedrenija informacionnyh sistem dlja predprijatija]. Proc. Benefit / Sergey Shirokov. SPb . Publishing House of the Polytechnic. University Press, 2012.  56 p.
  14. Jur’ev V.N. Assessment of the quality and competitiveness of software products [Ocenka kachestva i konkurentosposobnosti  programmnyh produktov]. Applied Informatics. 2013. № 5. pp. 104-111.
  15. Jur’ev V.N. Theoretical and organizational aspects of information industrial enterprise [Teoretiko-organizacionnye aspekty informatizacii promyshlennogo predprijatija.]. Scientific and technical sheets of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University. Economic sciences. 2008. T. 3-2. № 58. pp. 86-94.

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Tourism as a Perspective Trend for the Sustainable Development of Rural Territories in the Arkhangelsk region

Библиографический список:

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Tourism as a Perspective Trend for the Sustainable Development of Rural Territories in the Arkhangelsk region Read More »

Formula inflation

Библиографический список:

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Formula inflation Read More »

How to evaluate the impact of employee training: problems and solutions

Библиографический список:

  1. Miller N.N. Financial analysis of questions and answers [Finansovyj analiz v voprosah i otvetah]. M . TC Welby, Publishing House of the Prospectus, 2005. 232 p.
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Analysis of the energy efficiency of the economy and the problems of fuel and energy complex of the far Eastern Federal district on the basis of the fuel and energy balance

Библиографический список:

  1. Barannik B.G., Kalinina N.V., Abramov Ju.V. i dr. Possible fuel and energy balance of the Murmansk region for the future [Vozmozhnye varianty toplivno-energeticheskogo balansa Murmanskoi oblasti na perspektivu]. Proceedings of the Kola Scientific Center RAS. 2010. № 1.
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Modern systems of the financial system in the context of globalization

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Monitoring the quality of life of the population as a tool to assess the effectiveness of management at the municipal level

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Monitoring the quality of life of the population as a tool to assess the effectiveness of management at the municipal level Read More »

Model application of stochastic cooperative games to achieve the coalition agreements between undertakings

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The competency-based approach to solve contradictions and increase effectiveness of the public administration

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The competency-based approach to solve contradictions and increase effectiveness of the public administration Read More »

Prospects of development of the Russian pension system, based on actuarial calculations

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Prospects of development of the Russian pension system, based on actuarial calculations Read More »

Mechanisms of economic innovation development management at meso-level: socio-economic system “region” as an object of strategic planning

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Mechanisms of economic innovation development management at meso-level: socio-economic system “region” as an object of strategic planning Read More »

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The experience of creating a knowledge economy in South Korea Read More »

Adaptation of resource-market theory to the company’s strategy

Библиографический список:

  1. Azoev G. L. Competitive advantages of the company, a monograph [Konkurentnye preimushhestva firmy monografija]. M. State University of Management, 2007
  2. Afonichkin A. I. Management decisions in economic systems [Upravlencheskie reshenija v jekonomicheskih sistemah]. SPb. Piter, 2009. 480 p.
  3. Bashelutskov P. P. Koplex monitoring of the strategic potential of the company [Kompleksnyj monitoring strategicheskogo potenciala predprijatija]. Bulletin of Volgograd State University. Series 3. Economics. 2006. №10. pp.35-39.
  4. Grant R. Modern strategic analysis, 5th ed. [Sovremennyj strategicheskij analiz: 5-e izd]. SPb. Peter, 2008. p. 560.
  5. Lagunova  E. V. Strategic potential of the company and its evaluation [Strategicheskij potencial kompanii i ego ocenka]. Control. № 6. 2007. pp.40-44.
  6. Petrov P. A. Formation of methodology of controlling the strategic potential of industrial enterprise [Formirovanie metodologii kontrollinga strategicheskogo potenciala promyshlennogo predprijatija]. Management. 2011. № 3 (16). pp. 128-137.
  7. Poljanskij A. V. Essence and structure of the strategic potential of industrial enterprise [Sushhnost’ i sostav strategicheskogo potenciala promyshlennogo predprijatija]. Proceedings of the Saint-Petersburg University of Economics and Finance. 2013. № 1 (79). pp.113-115.

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HR technology in modern Russia

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Al’-Dzhajoka, Sjem. How to pass psychometric tests professional level [Kak sdavat’ psihometricheskie testy professional’nogo urovnja].  M. AST. Astrel, 2006, pp. 37-42.
  2. Voronin M., Tihonova M., Kabickaja D. HR-quest. How do staff lawyers brenda [Kak sdelat’ sotrudnikov advokatami brenda]. M . Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2013, pp. 40-43.
  3. Glinkina O.V. Personnel motivation: the basics of building crisis management incentive system [Motivacija i stimulirovanie personala: osnovy postroenija antikrizisnoj sistemy stimulirovanija]. Collection of scientific articles of teachers and students of the institute. Vyp.2. M . OU OAOU, 2012. pp.12-29.
  4. Krol’ L., Purtova E. Organizational Development and HR-management [Razvitie organizacii i HR-menedzhment].  M.  Class, 2004, pp. 15-19.
  5. Mark P. Kosentino i Dzhoan Olek. Case in point, the full training [Delo v tochku, polnaja podgotovka]. Interview.  M. Case 2013, pp. 53-55.
  6. Osovickaja N. HR-branding. Working with generation Y, new tools for communication [Rabota s pokoleniem Y, novye instrumenty dlja kommunikacii]. Saint-Petersburg . Peter, 2015, pp. 112-115.
  7. Parkinson. M. How to pass psychometric tests. Tips on Internet testing [Kak sdavat’ psihometricheskie testy. Sovety po internet testirovaniju]. Mark Parkinson. M . Astrel; AST, 2006, pp. 92-97 (174 p.).

HR technology in modern Russia Read More »

Management and self-organization in the field of education

Библиографический список:

  1. Akbashev T.F. The third way. M .: Social Movement Education for Life [Obshhestvennoe dvizhenie Obrazovanie radi zhizni]. 1996.  80 p.
  2. Andreev D.L.  Rose of the World [Roza Mira]. M . Other World, 1992. 576 p.
  3. Asmolov  A.G.  Psychoanalytic notes official [Psihoanaliticheskie zametki chinovnika]. M . Izd Beginning Press, 1995. 47 p.
  4. Vasil’ev Ju.V. Pedagogical management of the school, methodology, theory and practice [Pedagogicheskoe upravlenie v shkole, metodologija, teorija, praktika]. M .: Pedagogy, 1990. 143 p.
  5. Vernadskij V.I. The beginning and the eternity of life [Nachalo i vechnost’ zhizni]. M . Sov. Russia, 1989. 704 p.
  6. Viner N. Cybernetics and Society [Kibernetika i obshhestvo]. M . Publishing House of Foreign Literature, 1958. 200 p.
  7. Vladimirov A.S. Sociocultural modernization, the basis of education policy in the northern region [Sociokul’turnaja modernizacija, osnova obrazovatel’noj politiki v severnom regione]. The People Education.  ‑ 2012. ‑ № 8.  ‑pр. 18-22.
  8. Zapesockij A.S. Liberal arts education and spiritual security problems [Gumanitarnoe obrazovanie i problemy duhovnoj bezopasnosti].  Pedagogy. 2002.  № 2. pp. 3-8.
  9. Lebedev V.I. Russia’s Development Strategy [Strategija razvitija Rossii]. URL:  http://www.press-volga.ru/2012-01-09/1/
  10. Moiseev N.N. The crisis of modern education [Krizis sovremennogo obrazovanija]. Science and Life. 1998. № 6. pp. 2-9.
  11. Moiseev N.N. The man and the noosphere [Chelovek i noosfera]. M . Young Guard, 1990. 351 p.
  12. Nikitenko V.N. Polysemy of the concept and phenomenon of education [Polisemija ponjatija i fenomena obrazovanija].Philosophy of Education.    2012. № 3 (42).  pp. 14-19.
  13. Nikitenko V.N.  Management of educational systems, a tutorial [Upravlenie obrazovatel’nymi sistemami, uchebnoe posobie].  Birobidzhan. Publishing House of the State Educational Institution “DVGSGA”, 2006.  149 p.
  14. Paideia-regio-Khabarovsk Development Programme Khabarovsk Krai through education and culture [Programma razvitija Habarovskogo kraja cherez obrazovanie i kul’turu]. General strategy (project 1995-2005.). Khabarovsk. Education Committee of Khabarovsk Krai Administration, 1995.  49 p.
  15. Dictionary of Russian language [Tolkovyj slovar’ russkogo jazyka]. In 4 t. T. 2. M .: TERRA Book Club, 2007. P. 694.
  16. The Federal Law of 29.12.2012 № 273 FZ On Education in the Russian Federation [Federal’nyj Zakon ot 29.12.2012 № 273 FZ Ob obrazovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii]. M., 2013.
  17. Fokin Ju.G. Teaching and education in high school [Prepodavanie i vospitanie v vysshej shkole]. Methodology, objectives, content, creativity. M . The Academy, 2002. 320 p.
  18. Haken G. Synergetics [Sinergetika]. M . Mir, 1980. 406 p.
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Internal reserves industrial corporations. Management of own sources of financing in the implementation of the various approaches to calculating depreciation bonus

Библиографический список:

  1. Bannova K.A., Rjumina Ju.A. The consolidated corporate tax system, the Russian and foreign experience [Sistema konsolidirovannogo nalogooblozhenija korporacij, rossijskij i zarubezhnyh opyt]. Tomsk. TSU Publishing House, 2014. 302 p.
  2. Bannova K.A., Grinkevich L.S. Areas of reform of the tax consolidated group of taxpayers [Napravlenija reformirovanija sistemy nalogooblozhenija konsolidirovannyh grupp nalogoplatel’shhikov]. Bulletin of Tomsk State University. The Economy. 2013. N 3 (23). pp.139-145.
  3. Koncipko N.V. Amortization strategy as a tool for financial policy of the industrial corporation [Amortizacionnaja strategija kak instrument finansovoj politiki razvitija industrial’noj korporacii]. Siberian School of Finance. 2010. N 3. pp. 85-91.
  4. Koncipko N.V. Formation of strategic financial savings in large industrial corporations [Formirovanie strategicheskih finansovyh nakoplenij v krupnyh industrial’nyh korporacijah]. Novosibirsk, 2011.
  5. Kungurov Ju.A. The organizational and financial aspects of reform of the Nuclear Power Complex of Russia. Siberian financial school [Organizacionnye i finansovye aspekty reformirovanija atomnogo jenergopromyshlennogo kompleksa Rossii]. 2008. N 2. pp.28-32.
  6. Litvinenko M.A. Basic theoretical principles of formation of organizational and functional management mechanism [Osnovnye teoreticheskie polozhenija formirovanija organizacionno-funkcional’nogo mehanizma upravlenija korporaciej]. Mikroekonomika.2012 Corporation. N 4. pp.65-59.
  7. Lozhkomoeva E.N. Some issues of improving the organizational-economic mechanism of industrial enterprises, efficiency, stabilization, modification [Nekotorye voprosy sovershenstvovanija organizacionno-jekonomicheskogo mehanizma promyshlennyh predprijatij, jeffektivnost’, stabilizacija, modifikacija]. Microeconomics. 2012. N 1. pp.47-50.
  8. Tax Code of the Russian Federation [Nalogovyj Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii]. http: www.consultant / popular / nalog2 / (date of circulation: 25.09.2014 city)
  9. Russia by the Numbers [Rossija v cifrah]. 2014. Short. stat. Sat. M., 2014  558 p.
  10. Federal Law of November 29, 2012 N 206-FZ (ed. By 07.23.2013, the) On Amendments to Chapter 21 and 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Article 2 of the Federal Law On Amendments to Parts One and Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation [Federal’nyj zakon ot 29 nojabrja 2012 g.  N 206-FZ (red. ot 23.07.2013 g.) O vnesenii izmenenij v glavy 21 i 25 chasti vtoroj Nalogovogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii i stat’ju 2 Federal’nogo zakona O vnesenii izmenenij v chasti pervuju i vtoruju Nalogovogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii i otdel’nye zakonodatel’nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii].
  11. The Federal Law of 25.02.1999 № 39-FZ On Investment Activities in the Russian Federation in the form of capital investments (ed. 28.12.2013, the) [Federal’nyj zakon ot 25.02.1999 № 39-FZ Ob investicionnoj dejatel’nosti v Rossijskoj Federacii, osushhestvljaemoj v forme kapital’nyh vlozhenij (red. 28.12.2013 g.)].
  12. Fedorovich V.O. Strategic and operational funding of the corporation, features source selection [Strategicheskoe i operativnoe finansirovanie dejatel’nosti korporacii, osobennosti vybora istochnikov]. Financial Policy: Problems and Solutions. 2013. N 6. pp. 2-13.
  13. Fedorovich V.O. Ensuring public interest in the establishment of management of property complexes of large corporations [Obespechenie gosudarstvennyh interesov pri formirovanii mehanizma upravlenija imushhestvennymi kompleksami krupnyh korporacij]. National interests: priorities and security. 2013. N 26. pp.12-26.
  14. Fedorovich V.O. Drozhzhina IV Problems of formation of information about the financial results of the holding [Problemy formirovanija informacii o finansovyh rezul’tatah dejatel’nosti holdinga]. International Accounting uchet .2013. N 23 (269) . pp.18-26.

Internal reserves industrial corporations. Management of own sources of financing in the implementation of the various approaches to calculating depreciation bonus Read More »

Problems of state adjustment the telecommunications industry

Библиографический список:

  1. Tregub A.V., Tregub I.V. Metodika prognozirovanija pokazatelej stohasticheskih jekonomicheskih sistem // Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta lesa – Lesnoj vestnik. – 2008. – № 2. – S. 144-151.
  2. Tregub I.V. Prognozirovanie sprosa i predlozhenija dopolnitel’nyh uslug sotovoj svjazi // Vestnik Izhevskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta. – 2008. – № 3. – S. 91-93.
  3. Shapiro M.Ya., Tregub I.V. Imitacionnoe modelirovanie sprosa na dopolnitel’nye uslugi sotovoj svjazi (na primere raboty servisa «Novosti») // Vestnik Finansovogo universiteta. – 2006. – № 4. – S. 89-96.

Problems of state adjustment the telecommunications industry Read More »

Dispute Resolution Services Online: selected cases

Библиографический список:

  1. C. Rule, Online Dispute Resolution for Businesses: B2B, E-Commerce, Consumer, Employment, Insurance, and Other Commercial Conflicts [San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002], p.37.
  2. J.A. García Alvaro, “Online Dispute Resolution: Uncharted Territory” [2003] 7 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration 175, 180.
  3. E. Katsh and J. Rifkin, Online Dispute Resolution: Resolving Conflicts in Cyberspace [San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001], p.9.
  4. O. Rabinovich-Einy and E. Katsh, “Reshaping Boundaries in an Online Dispute Resolution Environment” [2014] 1[1] International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution 5
  5. H.W. Micklitz, “The Future of Consumer Law — Plea for a Movable System” [2013] 2[1] Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 5; and C. Hodges, I. Benohr and N. Creutzfeldt-Banda, Consumer ADR in Europe [Civil Justice Systems] [Beck/Hart, 2012], pp.367–453.
  6. N. Rogers, R. Bordone, F. Sander and C. McEwen, Designing Systems and Processes for Managing Disputes [Kluwer, 2013], pp.24–25; S. Smith and J. Martinez, “An Analytical Framework for Dispute System Design” [2009] 14[4] Harvard Negotiation Law Review 1401; L. del Duca, C. Rule and Z. Loebl, “Facilitating Expansion of Cross-Border E-Commerce-Developing a Global Online Dispute Resolution System” [2012] 1[1] Penn State Journal of Law & International Affairs 59.
  7. A. Lodder, “The Third Party and Beyond: An Analysis of the Different Parties, in Particular the Fifth, Involved in Online Dispute Resolution” [2006] 15[2] Information and Communications Technology Law 143, 144; and G. Kaufmann-Kohler and T. Schultz, Online Dispute Resolution: Challenges for Contemporary Justice [Kluwer,2004], p.5.
  8. Katsh and Rifkin, Online Dispute Resolution [2001], pp.93–117.
  9. Katsh and Wing, “Ten Years of Online Dispute Resolution [ODR]: Looking at the Past and Constructing the Future” [2006] 38 University of Toledo Law Review 19, 31; A. Gaitenby, “The Fourth Party Rises: Evolving Environments of Online Dispute Resolution” [2006] 38 University of Toledo Law Review 372. More recently, it has also introduced the fifth party [the provider of the technology], which also plays a unique role in ODR. cf. Lodder, “The Third Party and Beyond” [2006] 15[2] Information and Communications Technology Law 143, 144 .
  10. Katsh and Rifkin, Online Dispute Resolution [2001], p.129
  11. Katsh and Wing, “Ten Years of Online Dispute Resolution [ODR]: Looking at the Past and Constructing the Future” [2006] 38 University of Toledo Law Review 19, 27.
  12. See http://www.cybersettle.com/about-us [Accessed July 9, 2014].
  13. See http://www.cybersettle.com/pub/home/about.aspx [Accessed April 2, 2014].
  14. J. Krause, “Settling it on the Web. New Technology, Lower Costs Enable Growth of Online Dispute Resolution”, American Bar Association Journal [October 2007].
  15. See http://cybersettle.com/paymd/the-challenge [Accessed July 9, 2014].
  16. See http://cybersettle.com/about-us [Accessed July 9, 2014].
  17. R. Weiss, “Some Economic Musings on Cybersettle” [2006] 38 University of Toledo Law Review 89.
  18. B. Deffains and Y. Gabuthy, “Efficiency of Online Dispute Resolution: A Case of Study” [2005] 60 Communications and Strategies 205.
  19. See http://www.smartsettle.com/products/smartsettle-one [Accessed July 9, 2014].
  20. P. Jacobs, “Mediation Now and Then” in Michael P. Barbee, Newsletter, Mediation, International Bar Association Legal Practice Division, July 2007, p.14.
  21. P. Motion, “Article 17 ECD: Encouragement of Alternative Dispute Resolution: On-line Dispute Resolution: A View from Scotland” in Lilian Edwards (ed.), The New Legal Framework for E-Commerce in Europe (Oregon and Portland: Hart Publishing, 2005), p.145.
  22. SquareTrade, “ODR Is No Longer Offered by SquareTrade”, http://www.squaretrade.com/pages/odr-discontinued [Accessed April 2, 2014]; O. Rabinovich-Einy, “Technology’s Impact: The Quest for a New Paradigm for Accountability in Mediation” (2006) 11 Harvard Negotiation Law Review 253, 284. By contrast, SquareTrade’s automatic negotiation software matched problems to solutions. During its existence SquareTrade resolved millions of disputes across 120 nations in five different languages. SquareTrade resolved small value disputes using a process in which a mediator assists disputants through asynchronous email and web communications with the parties. SquareTrade employed around 200 mediators from over 15 different countries. There are no more detailed statistics on the negotiation and mediation schemes, but Conley Tyler reported in 2006 that over a million eBay disputes had been settled via SquareTrade. See Summer Raines and Conley Tyler, “From e-Bay to Eternity: Advances in Online Dispute Resolution”, University of Melbourne Legal Studies Research Paper No.200 (April 5, 2006).
  23. See https://www.netneutrals.com/About-Us.aspx [Accessed July 9, 2014].
  24. C. Rule and C. Nagarajan, “Leveraging the Wisdom of Crowds: The eBay Community Court and the Future of Online Dispute Resolution” (Winter 2010) AC Resolution 4.
  25. Rule, Online Dispute Resolution for Businesses (2002), p.103.
  26. Rabinovich-Einy, “Technology’s Impact” (2006) 11 Harvard Negotiation Law Review 253, 258.
  27. E. Dyson, “Do You See a Pattern?” (August 28, 2006), http://www.squaretrade.com/pages/about-us-news?vhostid =daffy&stmp=squaretrade&cntid=3ja18a4y81 [Accessed April 2, 2104].
  28. See http://resolutioncentre.ebay.co.uk/ [Accessed July 9, 2014].
  29. See eBay Motors Vehicle Purchase Protection, http://pages.motors.ebay.com/buy/purchase-protection/ and eBay Business Equipment Protection, http://pages.ebay.com /help/buy/business-protection.html [Both accessed July 9, 2014
  30. L. del Duca, C. Rule and K. Rimpfel, “eBay de Facto Low Value High Volume Resolution Process: Lessons and Best Practices for ODR System Designers” (2014, forthcoming), pp.3–4.
  31. C. Rule, “Quantifying the Economic Benefits of Effective Redress: Large E-Commerce Data Sets and the Cost-Benefit Case for Investing in Dispute Resolution” (2012) 34 University of Arkansas Little Rock Law Review 767.
  32. Rule, “Quantifying the Economic Benefits of Effective Redress” (2012) 34 University of Arkansas Little Rock Law Review 767, 772.
  33. Rule, “Quantifying the Economic Benefits of Effective Redress” (2012) 34 University of Arkansas Little Rock Law Review 767, 773.
  34. Rule, “Quantifying the Economic Benefits of Effective Redress” (2012) 34 University of Arkansas Little Rock Law Review 767, 776.
  35. Rule, “Quantifying the Economic Benefits of Effective Redress” (2012) 34 University of Arkansas Little Rock Law Review 767, 776.
  36. See http://www.modria.com/ [Accessed July 9, 2014]. See also B.H. Barton, “The Lawyer’s Monopoly — What Goes and What Stays” (2014) 82 Fordham Law Review 3067, 3075–3076.
  37. See “Our Modular Dispute Resolution System”, Modria, http://www.modria.com/resolution-center [Accessed July 9, 2014].
  38. Modria and LawMediaLabs have also created http://www.DivorceMediationResources.com [Accessed July 9, 2014].
  39. See http://www.modria.com/assessment/ [Accessed July 9, 2014].
  40. C. Rule, ODR News (April 2014), “AAA Chooses ODR for Its Largest Volume Case Load” (2014) 1(1) International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution 97.
  41. See http://rtapiclaimsprocess.org.uk [Accessed July 9, 2014].
  42. See http://www.claimsportal.org.uk/en/using-the-portal [Accessed July 9, 2014].
  43. B. Trent and C. Rule, “Moving Arbitration Online: The Next Frontier”, New York Law Journal (April 1, 2013). These technologies can also be useful in adjudicative processes. For instance, “the eBay and PayPal context, where tens of millions of arbitration decisions were made on cases averaging only $75 in value”.
  44. Trent and Rule, “Moving Arbitration Online”, New York Law Journal (April 1, 2013).
  45. BIS, “Alternative Dispute Resolution in Large or Complex Cases: pilot evaluation summary” (September 2013), https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/alternative -dispute-resolution-in-large-or-complex-cases-pilot-evaluation-summary [Accessed July 9, 2014].
  46. See BIS, “Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings (MIAMs) and mediation in private family law disputes: Qualitative research findings” (April 3, 2014), https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/mediation-information-and-assessment-meetings-miams-and-mediation-in-private-family-law-disputes-qualitative-research-findings [Accessed July 9, 2014].
  47. BIS, “Resolving Workplace Disputes: The Government Response to the Consultation” (November 2011), https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/32181/11-1365-resolving-workplace-disputes-government-response.pdf [Accessed July 9, 2014].
  48. Dunnett v Railtrack Plc [2002] 1 W.L.R. 2434 CA (Civ Div); Halsey v Milton Keynes General NHS Trust [2004] EWCA Civ 576, [2004] 1 W.L.R. 3002; Burchell v Bullard [2005] EWCA Civ 358, [2005] C.P. Rep. 36; Egan v Motor Services (Bath) [2007] EWCA Civ 1002, [2008] 1 W.L.R. 1589; Faidi v Elliot Corp [2012] EWCA Civ 287, [2012] H.L.R. 27; Oliver v Symons [2012] EWCA Civ 267, [2012] 2 P. & C.R. 2; Ghaith v Indesit Co UK Ltd [2012] EWCA Civ 642, [2012] I.C.R. D34.
  49. CEDR, “The 21st Century ADR Corporate Pledge” (August 2013), http://www.cedr.com/foundation/corporate-adr-pledge/ [Accessed July 9, 2014].
  50. DRS Procedure r.7, http://www.nominet.org.uk/disputes/when-use-drs/policy-and-procedure/drs-procedure [Accessed July 9, 2014].
  51. See https://www.moneyclaim.gov.uk/web/mcol/welcome [Accessed July 9, 2014].
  52. EU Consumer Agenda of 2012, COM(2012) 225 final.
  53. EU Justice Agenda for 2020, COM(2014) 144 final.
  54. Directive 2013/11 on Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes [2013] OJ L165/63 (ADR Directive); and Regulation 524/2013 on Online Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes [2013] OJ L165/1 (ODR Regulation).
  55. ADR Directive arts 6–11.
  56. P. Cortés, “A New Regulatory Framework for Extra-Judicial Consumer Redress: Where We Are And How To Move Forward” (2014) 34(3) Legal Studies, forthcoming; P. Cortés and A. Lodder, “Consumer Dispute Resolution Goes Online: Reflections on the Evolution of European Law for Out-of-Court Redress” (2014) 21(1) Maastricht Journal 14.
  57. The draft rules propose a tiered procedure that commences with negotiation, moves on to facilitated settlement, and the remaining unresolved disputes are decided through an online arbitration stage (or through a non-binding adjudication procedure when parties choose this alternative track). See UNCITRAL Working Group III (Online Dispute Resolution), Online Dispute Resolution for Cross-border Electronic Commerce Transactions: Draft Procedural Rules (March 24–28, 2014), http://www.uncitral.org/uncitral/commission/working_groups/3Online_Dispute_Resolution.html [Accessed July 9, 2014].
  58. cf. P. Cortés and F. Esteban de la Rosa, “Building a Global Redress System for Low-Value Cross-Border Disputes” (2013) 62(2) International Comparative Law Quarterly 407
  59. R. Susskind, Tomorrow’s Lawyers: An Introduction to Your Future (Oxford University Press, 2012) p.102.

Dispute Resolution Services Online: selected cases Read More »

The benefits in the tax system of organizations and evaluate their incentive role

Библиографический список:

  1. Analytical Report on the evaluation of the 2012 budget and social efficiency provided by the regional tax incentives [Analiticheskaja zapiska o rezul’tatah ocenki za 2012 god bjudzhetnoj i social’noj jeffektivnosti predostavljaemyh regional’nyh nalogovyh l’got]. The Administration of Kursk Region. Access http://adm.rkursk.ru/index.php?id=13&mat_id=20456.
  2. Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Parts one and two [Nalogovyj kodeks  Rossijskoj Federacii. Chasti pervaja i vtoraja]. Moscow. Prospekt, KnoRus, 2013.  848 p.
  3. On the main directions of tax policy of the Russian Federation for 2012 and the planning period of 2013 and 2014 [Ob osnovnyh napravlenijah nalogovoj politiki Rossijskoj Federacii na 2012 g. i na planovyj period 2013 i 2014 gg.]. Federal Tax Service.  Access: http://www.minfin.ru/ru/.
  4. About the transport tax. Kursk region Law of 21.10.2002g. Number 44 WKO [O transportnom naloge. Zakon Kurskoj oblasti ot 21.10.2002g. № 44-ZKO].
  5. On the reduction of the tax rate corporate income tax payable to the regional budget, for certain categories of taxpayers. the Law of the Kursk region of 14.12.2010g. Number 112, WKO [O ponizhenii nalogovoj stavki naloga na pribyl’ organizacij, podlezhashhego zachisleniju v oblastnoj bjudzhet, dlja otdel’nyh kategorij nalogoplatel’shhikov. Zakon Kurskoj oblasti ot 14.12.2010g. № 112-ZKO].
  6. On the property tax of organizations, the Law of the Kursk region of 26.11.2003. Number 57 WKO [O naloge na imushhestvo organizacij. Zakon Kurskoj oblasti ot 26.11.2003g. № 57-ZKO].
  7. Report on income tax payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation on the basic types of economic activity the form № l-HOM [Otchet o postuplenii nalogovyh platezhej v bjudzhetnuju sistemu Rossijskoj Federacii po osnovnym vidam jekonomicheskoj dejatel’nosti forma № l-HOM]. Access: http://www.nalog.ru/rn46/.
  8. Report on the tax base, and the structure of charges for corporate income tax the form number 5-P [Otchet o nalogovoj baze i strukture nachislenij po nalogu na pribyl’ organizacij forma № 5-P]. Access: http://www.nalog.ru/rn46/.
  9. Report on the tax base, and the structure of charges for local taxes the form number 5-MN [Otchet o nalogovoj baze i strukture nachislenij po mestnym nalogam forma № 5-MN]. Access: http://www.nalog.ru/rn46/.
  10. Report on the tax base, and the structure of charges for property tax form number 5 NIO [Otchet o nalogovoj baze i strukture nachislenij po nalogu na imushhestvo organizacij forma № 5-NIO]. Access: http://www.nalog.ru/rn46/.
  11. Report on the tax base and structure of charges on transport tax Form number 5-TH [Otchet o nalogovoj baze i strukture nachislenij po transportnomu nalogu forma № 5-TN]. Access: http://www.nalog.ru/rn46/.
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The benefits in the tax system of organizations and evaluate their incentive role Read More »

Controls innovative development at the macro level

Библиографический список:

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  5. Lavrovskij B.L., Masakov V. M. On the question of methodology and technique of the regional classification [K voprosu o metodologii i tehnike regional’noj klassifikacii]. In Regional policy, aimed at reducing socio-economic and legal asymmetry. 2000. pp. 272-306.
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  7. http://www.mirec.ru/old/index.php%3Foption=com_content&task=view&id=182.html.
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