
The Development of the system of evaluation of public policies and programs in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Библиографический список:

  1. Shamkov Iu.V., Doroshenko S.V. Institute policy evaluation SCO [Institut otcenki politiki v prostranstve ShOS]. The region’s economy. 2012. № 4. pp. 212-217.
  2. Doroshenko S.V., Nozhenko D.Iu., Solomatin Ia.I. Introduction of new optimization mechanisms of state regulation in the Russian regions [Vnedrenie novykh mekhanizmov optimizatcii gosudarstvennogo regulirovaniia v rossiiskikh regionakh]. Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State University. 2013. № 8 (299). pp. 53-56.
  3. Shelomentcev A.G., Doroshenko S.V., Shamkov Iu.V. Regulatory impact assessment as a mechanism to protect the economic interests of Russia in the WTO [Otcenka reguliruiushchego vozdeistviia kak mekhanizm zashchity ekonomicheskikh interesov Rossii v usloviiakh VTO]. Business, Management and Law. 2013. № 1 (27). pp. 29-32.

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An integrated approach to the management of processes of resource saving machine-building enterprises

Библиографический список:

  1. Federal State Statistics Service [Federalnaia sluzhba gosudarstvennoi statistiki]. Mode of access: http://www.gks.ru
  2. Amosenok E. P. Mechanical Engineering as a dominant in innovation processes [Mashinostroenie kak dominanta v innovatcionnykh protcessakh]. ed. G. M. Mkrtchian, V. A. Bazhanov: Publishing House of SB RAS IEIE, 2008. 156 p.
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  4. Salnikov V. A. The competitiveness of Russian industry: current status and prospects [Salnikov V.A. Konkurentosposobnost otraslei rossiiskoi promyshlennosti: tekushchee sostoianie i perspektivy]. V. A. Salnikov, D. I. Galimov. Problems of Forecasting. 2006. № 2. pp. 55–82.

An integrated approach to the management of processes of resource saving machine-building enterprises Read More »

Organization of information system of management accounting: from theory to practice

Библиографический список:

  1. Holov S. The role of economic theory in the further development of accounting  [Rol ekonomichnykh teoriy u podalshomu rozvytku bukhhalterskoho obliku]. Bukhhalterskyy oblik i audyt. 2013. № 8. pp. 3–9.
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  3. Kozachenko A. Practical approaches to improve business processes  [Prakticheskie podhodyi k uluchsheniyu biznes-protsessov]. Menedzher i menedzhment. 2011. № 4. – pp. 2–8.
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  7. Pushkar M. S. Theory and practice of formation of accounting policies  [Teoriya i praktyka formuvannya oblikovoyi polityky: monohrafiya]. M. S. Pushkar, M. T. Shchyrba. Ternopil: Kart-blansh, 2010. 260 p.
  8. Smolenyuk P. Accounting as an information product business  [Zvitnist pidpryyemstv yak informatsiynyy produkt]. Bukhhalterskyy oblik i audyt. 2012. № 10.  pp. 35–39.
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Labor Force forming of the Russian Younger’s

Библиографический список:

  1. Social and cultural value orientations of Russian youth: Theoretical and empirical studies [Sotcialnye i kulturnye tcennostnye orientatcii rossiiskoi molodezhi: Teoreticheskie i empiricheskie issledovaniia]. Val. А. Lukov, V. А. Gnevasheva, N. V. Zakharov, Vl. А. Lukov, S. V. Lukov, O. O. Namlinskaya; otv. red. Val. А. Lukov. M., Izd-vo Mosk. gumanit. un-ta, 2007.
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Control system of motivation of personal based on gradient approach

Библиографический список:

  1. George D. М., Geouns T.R. Organizational behaviour. Management bases [Organizatcionnoe povedenie. Osnovy upravleniia]. М.,  JUNITI, 2004.
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  4. Doliatovskiy V.A., Grechko M.V., Korchinsky A.A. Management development of human resources of the enterprise on the basis of the utility theory [Upravlenie razvitiem chelovecheskikh resursov predpriiatiia na osnove teorii poleznosti]. Economy and society, 1 (6), 2013.
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Methodology for evaluation of economic security of industrial enterprises

Библиографический список:

  1. Dovbnya S., Hichova N. (2008) Diagnostics of economic security as a tool to identify areas of its innovative development [Dіagnostika ekonomіchnoї bezpeki pіdpriєmstva iak іnstrument viznachennia napriamkіv iogo іnnovatcіinogo rozvitku]. Ekonomichnyy visnyk NGU, Issue 3,  pp. 36-42.
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Financial competence and macroeconomic forecasts of budget of the Russian Federation

Библиографический список:

  1. Polyak G.B. The budget system of the Russian Federation [Biudzhetnaia sistema RF]. – M.: UNITY, 2012.
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Quantitative method of analysis of the impact of the set of risks on the investment project

Библиографический список:

  1. Asaul V.V. Minimizing risks and other building effective integration structures in the field of investment and construction [Minimizatciia riskov formirovaniia effektivnykh integratcionnykh obrazovanii v investitcionno-stroitelnoi sfere]. St. Petersburg, Academy of ANO “IPEV”, 2011, 364 p.
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Biotechnological industries in Russia and in the world: typology and development

Библиографический список:

  1. Comprehensive program of biotechnology development in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 [Kompleksnoi programme razvitiia biotekhnologii v Rossiiskoi Federatcii na period do 2020 goda]:
  2. P. Kafarski, Rainbow code of biotechnology // CHEMIK, 2012, 66, 8, pp. 811-816. http://www.chemikinternational.com/pdf/2012/08_2012/chemik_8_2012_01.pdf
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  4. Trends in the development of industrial applications of biotechnology in the Russian Federation [Tendentcii razvitiia promyshlennogo primeneniia biotekhnologii v Rossiiskoi Federatcii]. A.N.Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Moscow, 2011, 323 p.:http://sedi2.esteri.it/Sitiweb/AmbMosca/Pubblicazioni/Faldoni/biotecnologierus.pdf;
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The economic nature of the categories and processes of management of competition and competitiveness in the agricultural market

Библиографический список:

  1. Bidik A.G. The Definition of the strategic potential of competitiveness of agricultural enterprises [Opredelenie strategicheskogo potentciala konkurentosposobnosti selskokhoziaistvennykh predpriiatii]. Economics of agriculture. 2002. № 4. pp. 105–110.
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Strategic crisis management as basis of a sustainable development of the enterprise

Библиографический список:

  1. Ansoff I. New corporate strategy [Novaia korporativnaia strategiia]; per with English. M.: St. Petersburg, 2000. 416 p.
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Analysis of the implementation of administrative reform in the context of formation of the system of evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness activities of civil servants

Библиографический список:

  1. Antoshina N.M. Topical issues of improving the efficiency of public service and professional performance of public servants [Aktualnye voprosy povysheniia effektivnosti gosudarstvennoi sluzhby i rezultativnosti professionalnoi slu-zhebnoi deiatelnosti gosudarstvennykh sluzhashchikh]. Administrative and municipal пальное right, 2010. P. 32-39.
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The development of the housing market in Russian regions by the example of Saint Petersburg

Библиографический список:

  1. Zhuk V.A. The state and characteristics of the housing market in the Russian Federation [Sostoianie i osobennosti rynka zhilia v Rossiiskoi Federatcii]. Problems of modern economy. No 2, 2011.
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The development of the housing market in Russian regions by the example of Saint Petersburg Read More »

CIS Countries, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia: Comparative Analysis of Logistics

Библиографический список:

  1. Connecting to Compete 2007. Trade Logistics in the Global Economy.–Communications Development Incorporated, Washington, DC., 2013. – 38 p.
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CIS Countries, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia: Comparative Analysis of Logistics Read More »

Small and medium-sized towns as strategic management objects of regional and municipal authorities in the subjects of the Russian Federation

Библиографический список:

  1. Liubovnyi V. Ia. Russian towns: alternatives of development and management [Goroda Rossii: alternativy razvitiia i upravleniia]. M.: Econ-inform, 2013. 614 p.
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Small and medium-sized towns as strategic management objects of regional and municipal authorities in the subjects of the Russian Federation Read More »

Implementation of monitoring system of indicators of decent work in Ukraine

Библиографический список:

  1. Grishnova O.A. Labor Economics and Labor Relations [Ekonomika pratsi ta sotsial’no-trudovi vidnosyny: Pidruchnyk]. 5-te vyd., onovlene. K.: Znannya, 2011. 390 p.
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Implementation of monitoring system of indicators of decent work in Ukraine Read More »

Trends of tourism and hospitality industry development in Russia

Библиографический список:

  1. Akimova, O.E. Public-private partnerships as a tool for development of tourism industry in the Russian Federation [Gosudarstvenno-chastnoe partnerstvo kak instrument razvitiia industrii turizma v Rossiiskoi Federatcii]. O.E. Akimova, S.K. Volkov. Regional Economy: Theory and Practice. 2012. № 2. pp. 43-48.
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Trends of tourism and hospitality industry development in Russia Read More »

Innovative Development of the Russian Federation Regions In Current Conditions

Библиографический список:

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Innovative Development of the Russian Federation Regions In Current Conditions Read More »

International experience and development tendencies of the midmarket hotels in Russian Federation

Библиографический список:

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International experience and development tendencies of the midmarket hotels in Russian Federation Read More »

Institutional aspects of corporate governance (publishing and printing industry)

Библиографический список:

  1. Dovgan L.E. Corporate Governance: Institutional aspects: monograph [Korporativne upravlіnnia: іnstitutcіonalnі aspekti]. L.E. Dovgan, I.P. Malyk. Edited by L.E. Dovgan. K.: IVC Publishing house”Polytechnic” 2006. 340 p.
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Institutional aspects of corporate governance (publishing and printing industry) Read More »

Demographic aspect of the pension system of the Russian Federation

Библиографический список:

  1. Zubarevich N.V. Regions of Russia: inequality crisis, modernization [Regiony Rossii: neravenstvo, krizis, modernizatciia]. M.: Institute of Social Policy, 2010. 160p.
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Problems of development of innovative entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Библиографический список:

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Problems of development of innovative entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan Read More »

Problems of formation of the financial resources of small businesses

Библиографический список:

  1. Ibadova L.T. Financing and small business loans in Russia: legal aspects [Finansirovanie i kreditovanie malogo biznesa v Rossii: pravovye aspekty]. Moscow: Wolters Kluwer, 2006. 258 p.
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Problems of formation of the financial resources of small businesses Read More »

Innovative potential as element of competitive development of the enterprise

Библиографический список:

  1. Ivanova, O.V., Permichev N.F. Formation and evaluation of the strategic potential of the enterprises of the regional industrial complex [Formirovanie i otcenka strategicheskogo potentciala predpriiatii regionalnogo promyshlennogo kompleksa]. N. Novgorod: Publishing house Volga-Vyatka academy state. services, 2010. 130 p.
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Innovative potential as element of competitive development of the enterprise Read More »

A new stage in the evolution of management science staff at constant paradigm

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A new stage in the evolution of management science staff at constant paradigm Read More »

Financial management of non-state pension fund forms and methods

Библиографический список:

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Оценка качества государственных услуг на основе анализа данных социальных сетей

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Оценка качества государственных услуг на основе анализа данных социальных сетей Read More »

Continuous planning as an approach to the formulation and implementation of effective financial strategy of the organization

Библиографический список:

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The product life cycle application for production planning

Библиографический список:

  1. Novitckii N.I. Organization, planning and management of the production [Organizatciia, planirovanie i upravlenie proizvodstvom]. Practicum. 2-nd edition. M.: «Knorus», 2008. 320 p.
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The product life cycle application for production planning Read More »

Methodology of estimating the investments in the agriculture complex

Библиографический список:

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Hotel industry in Azerbaijan: problems perspectives of entrepreneurship development

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Hotel industry in Azerbaijan: problems perspectives of entrepreneurship development Read More »

Assessment of the financial stability of credit institutions

Библиографический список:

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Investment project selection by applying copras method

Библиографический список:

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Investment project selection by applying copras method Read More »

The formation of the local housing market in the socio-economic system in the region

Библиографический список:

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The formation of the local housing market in the socio-economic system in the region Read More »

Game theory methods in interactions between real and financial sectors in Russian Federation

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Game theory methods in interactions between real and financial sectors in Russian Federation Read More »

Analysis of domestic methodological approaches to the development of the financial strategy of the enterprise, involving the construction of financial matrices

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Analysis of domestic methodological approaches to the development of the financial strategy of the enterprise, involving the construction of financial matrices Read More »

Simulation of the level of material resources in the management of material consumption

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Simulation of the level of material resources in the management of material consumption Read More »

Enhancement of human capital assets role in current economic situation

Библиографический список:

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