
Formation of tax culture in Russia

Библиографический список:

  1. Tjutjurjukov N.N. The tax systems of foreign countries [Nalogovye sistemy zarubezhnyh stran]. М. Gelious АРВ, 2010. 230 p.
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  14. Cvetkov I.V. Partnership in the tax area: Myth or Reality [Partnerstvo v nalogovoj sfere: mif ili real’nost’]. Taxes and taxation. 2010. № 4. pp. 33-40.

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Exploration of strategic development prospects of innovative entrepreneurship in Russia

Библиографический список:

  1. Barysheva G.Ju. An innovative model of development in the region – [Text]. [Innovacionnaja model’ razvitija regiona].  Barysheva G.Ju. . Economist. 2012.  № 11.  pp. 67 – 75.
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  9. Tyshkevich K.V. Formation of a complex assessment of efficiency of technological innovations at the enterprises. [Formirovanie kompleksnoj ocenki jeffektivnosti tehnologicheskih innovacij na predprijatijah]. Nizhny Novgorod, 2010. 158 p.
  10. Federal program of state support of small business in 2000 – 2001 Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation on February 14, 2000. № 121. [Federal’naja programma gosudarstvennoj podderzhki malogo predprinimatel’stva na 2000 – 2001 g. Postanovlenie pravitel’stva RF ot 14 fevralja 2000 g. № 121]. [Electronic resource]  Access mode: http://base.garant.ru/1582435/
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Regional model of state management in the development of innovative

Библиографический список:

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Genesis interaction models of regional socio-economic systems in space transregional

Библиографический список:

  1. Bir S. Cybernetics and Management [Kibernetika i menedzhment]. M., Publishing house «URSS». 2006. p. 280.
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Comparative analysis of assessment models of public administration

Библиографический список:

  1. Butova T.V., Dudko M.A. Public ideology, relevance, necessity, importance. Theoretical and practical questions of science of the XXI century. Collection of articles of the International scientific and practical conference [Gosudarstvennaja ideologija, aktual’nost’, neobhodimost’, vazhnost’. Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie voprosy nauki XXI veka Sbornik statej Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii]. Editor-in-chief Sukiasjan A.A., 2014. pp. 235-239.
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Improving information and analytical support in the management of the business process

Библиографический список:

  1. Dubejkovskij V.I. Efficient simulation AllFusion Process Modeler 4.1.1 and AllFusion PM [Jeffektivnoe modelirovanie s AllFusion Process Modeler 4.1.1 i AllFusion PM]. Moscow, Dialog-MIFI, 2007. p. 384.
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  3. Maklakov S.V. Modeling business processes with AllFussion Process Modeler (BPWin 4.1) [Modelirovanie biznes-processov s AllFussion Process Modeler (BPWin 4.1)].  M., DIALOG_MIFI, 2003. p. 240.
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  6. Pereverzev P.P. An integrated approach to improving enterprise architecture in the service [ntegracionnyj podhod k sovershenstvovaniju arhitek-tury predprijatij v sfere uslug]. Pereverzev P.P., Katochkov V.M., Toshev A.D.. Herald SUSU. Series “Economics and Management” [Serija «Jekonomika i menedzhment»].  2012.  Vol. 21.  № 9 (268). pp. 140-146.
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Youth social work: social & technological approach

Библиографический список:

  1. Pechchei A. The Human Quality. Chelovecheskie kachestva Moscow, Mysl’ 1989. 312 p.
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Management of the pension system: foreign experience

Библиографический список:

  1. Formation and use of private pension funds in Ukraine [Formuvannja ta vikoristannja nederzhavnih pensіjnih fondіv v Ukraїnі]. [monograph] Glushhenko  V. V., Levchenko І. A.. Kharkov,  Virovec’ A. P., 2012. 220 p.
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The Model of Determining the Royalty Rate When Using Natural Resources

Библиографический список:

  1. Tindova M.G., Horkina V.D. mathematical modelling of the process of valuation of copyrights, models, systems, networks in economy, technology, nature and society [Matematicheskoe modelirovanie processa jekonomicheskoj ocenki avtorskih prav, Modeli, sistemy, seti v jekonomike, tehnike, prirode i obshhestve]. Science and practice journal, no. 4 (8). 2013. pp. 298-303.
  2. Tindova M.G. Intellectual handling of information as a basis for assessment of natural resources [Intellektual’nye sredstva obrabotki informacii kak osnova ocenki prirodnyh resursov]. Saratov State socio-economic University. Saratov. 2013. p. 166.
  3. Krasnov E.V., Romanchuk A.Ju. Basis of nature management, training allowance [Osnovy prirodopol’zovanija, ucheb.posobie]. Kaliningrad, IZD-vo Gubkin. I. Kant, 2009. p. 190.

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Multidesign method of the account of a money flow

Библиографический список:

  1. International standard of the financial reporting (IAS) 1 «Representation of the financial reporting» (is entered into action in territory of Russian Federation by the Order of the Ministry of finance of Russia from 25.11.2011 №160н) [Mezhdunarodnyj standart finansovoj otchetnosti (IAS) 1 «Predstavlenie finansovoj otchetnosti» (vveden v dejstvie na territorii Rossijskoj Federacii Prikazom Minfina Rossii ot 25.11.2011 №160n)].
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Multidesign method of the account of a money flow Read More »

Institutional aspects of price formation in construction

Библиографический список:

  1. Construction complex of Russia in 2012. (2014). Statistical bulletin [Oficial’nyj sajt Goskomstata RF]. Retrieved from http://www.gks.ru/.
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Problems and contradictions formation of human resources in education and science

Библиографический список:

  1. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 15 April 2014. №301 «On approval of the State program of the Russian Federation” Development of science and technology “on 2013-2020gg.” [Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 15 aprelja 2014g. №301 «Ob utverzhdenii gosudarstvennoe programmy Rossijskoj Federacii «Razvitie nauki i tehnologij» na 2013-2020gg.»]
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    Information and analysis on the analysis of performance of educational institutions of higher education. [Informacionno-analiticheskie materialy po rezul’tatam analiza pokazatelej jeffektivnosti obrazovatel’nyh organizacij vysshego obrazovanija.]
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    The federal system of monitoring the effectiveness of activities of research organizations, performing research, development and engineering works. [Federal’naja sistema monitoringa rezul’tativnosti dejatel’nosti nauchnyh organizacij, vypolnjajushhih nauchno-issledovatel’skie, opytno-konstruktorskie i tehnologicheskie raboty.]
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Effective mechanism of “savings – investment”: Experience of Iceland

Библиографический список:

  1. Grigorev L., Ivashchenko A. 2011. Global imbalances savings and investment [Mirovye disbalansy sberezhenii i investitcii]. Questions of economy. 6, 4-19.
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Effective mechanism of “savings – investment”: Experience of Iceland Read More »

Methodical approaches to development of classification state methods of regulation business activity in fishery

Библиографический список:

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Place and role of electronic enterprises in inter-regional trade

Библиографический список:

  1. Animitca E.G., Glumov A.A.  Median region: theory, methodology, analysis [Sredinnyi region: teoriia, metodologiia, analiz]. Ekaterinburg: Izd Urals. Reg. ehkon. University Press, 2007.
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Place and role of electronic enterprises in inter-regional trade Read More »

Statistical analysis of the profile of consumer Internet services

Библиографический список:

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Statistical analysis of the profile of consumer Internet services Read More »

Creating integrated information management system for small and medium business

Библиографический список:

  1. Sytnik O.E. Integration of financial and tax accounting in the form of information about income and expenses of the organization [Integratciia sistem finansovogo i nalogovogo ucheta v chasti formirovaniia informatcii o dokhodakh i raskhodakh organizatcii]. International Accounting, 2012, №21.
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Creating integrated information management system for small and medium business Read More »

Theoretical basis of crisis-proof management in industrial enterprises under WTO conditions

Библиографический список:

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Theoretical basis of crisis-proof management in industrial enterprises under WTO conditions Read More »

Actualization the risks local payment systems on the present stage of the national payment system

Библиографический список:

  1. Korobeinikova O.M.Limiting the risk of local payment systems [Limitirovanie riskov v lokalnykh platezhnykh sistemakh]. Innovation Gazette Region. – 2012. № 4. pp. 51-55.
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Actualization the risks local payment systems on the present stage of the national payment system Read More »

Exchange rate formation in Ukraine and its impact on macroeconomic indicators

Библиографический список:

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Exchange rate formation in Ukraine and its impact on macroeconomic indicators Read More »

Development of Public Management: Theory, Experience and Prospects

Библиографический список:

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Development of Public Management: Theory, Experience and Prospects Read More »

Институциональные приоритеты совершенствования регионального механизма управления инвестиционными отношениями

Библиографический список:

  1. Porter M. Competition [Konkurentciia]. Translation from English. M.: Publishing House “Williams”, 2000. 495 p.
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Институциональные приоритеты совершенствования регионального механизма управления инвестиционными отношениями Read More »

Essentiality as a characteristic of recording and reporting of information in the accounting system

Библиографический список:

  1. National accounting standart 1 „The general requirements for financial reporting”, approved by order of MFU № 73 from 07.02.2013 [Natcionalnoe polozhenie (standart) bukhgalterskogo ucheta 1 «Obshchie trebovaniia k finansovoi otchetnosti»]. Mode of access to the resource: http://www.minfin.gov.ua/ control/uk/publish/article?art_id=367055&cat_id =293533.
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Essentiality as a characteristic of recording and reporting of information in the accounting system Read More »

The organisation of management of firm on the basis of weak signals

Библиографический список:

  1. Doliatovskii A., Ivakhnenko A.V., Zolotarev V.S., Gamalei Ia.V. Adaptive management of economic objects in conditions of not completely certain environment [Adaptivnoe upravlenie ekonomicheskimi obektami v usloviiakh ne polnostiu opredelennoi sredy]. The Monography-Rostov-on-don: RSUE, 2005, 302 p.
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The organisation of management of firm on the basis of weak signals Read More »

Rationing of material resources as a tool efficiency

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Rationing of material resources as a tool efficiency Read More »

Formation of production activity enterprise strategy

Библиографический список:

  1. Kulakova Iu.N., Kulakov A.B., Meshkovoi N.P. Classification and the analysis of strategies for the formation of circulating assets of the enterprise [Klassifikatciia i analiz strategii formirovaniia oborotnykh aktivov predpriiatiia]// Finance and credit. 2010. № 30, pp. 35-39.
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Formation of production activity enterprise strategy Read More »

The assessing the economic stability of the agricultural organizations of the Kemerovo region

Библиографический список:

  1. Abalkin, L.I.The new paradigm of the sustainable development of Russia (a linking research of the problems of the sustainable development) [Novaia paradigma ustoichivogo razvitiia Ros-sii (kompleksnoe issledovanie problem ustoichivogo razvitiia)], monograph. L.I. Abalkin, V.V. Aksenov, Iu.P.Altukhov. Moscow: Academy, 2009. 250 p.
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The assessing the economic stability of the agricultural organizations of the Kemerovo region Read More »

Improvement of enterprise’ financial risk evaluation on the basis of accounting data

Библиографический список:

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Improvement of enterprise’ financial risk evaluation on the basis of accounting data Read More »

Methodological approaches to the formation of the system of management of an enterprise on the criteria of economic and financial stability

Библиографический список:

  1. Shmidt A.V. The Genesis of the concept of «economic stability» industrial enterprises [Genezis poniatiia «ekonomicheskaia ustoichivost» promyshlennogo predpriiatiia]. Business. Education. Right. Newsletter of Volgograd Institute of business, 2011,  №4. pp. 20–30.
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Methodological approaches to the formation of the system of management of an enterprise on the criteria of economic and financial stability Read More »

Problems and prospects of the development of the personal income tax in the Russian Federation

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Problems and prospects of the development of the personal income tax in the Russian Federation Read More »

The Development of the system of evaluation of public policies and programs in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Библиографический список:

  1. Shamkov Iu.V., Doroshenko S.V. Institute policy evaluation SCO [Institut otcenki politiki v prostranstve ShOS]. The region’s economy. 2012. № 4. pp. 212-217.
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  3. Shelomentcev A.G., Doroshenko S.V., Shamkov Iu.V. Regulatory impact assessment as a mechanism to protect the economic interests of Russia in the WTO [Otcenka reguliruiushchego vozdeistviia kak mekhanizm zashchity ekonomicheskikh interesov Rossii v usloviiakh VTO]. Business, Management and Law. 2013. № 1 (27). pp. 29-32.

The Development of the system of evaluation of public policies and programs in the Republic of Kazakhstan Read More »

An integrated approach to the management of processes of resource saving machine-building enterprises

Библиографический список:

  1. Federal State Statistics Service [Federalnaia sluzhba gosudarstvennoi statistiki]. Mode of access: http://www.gks.ru
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An integrated approach to the management of processes of resource saving machine-building enterprises Read More »

Organization of information system of management accounting: from theory to practice

Библиографический список:

  1. Holov S. The role of economic theory in the further development of accounting  [Rol ekonomichnykh teoriy u podalshomu rozvytku bukhhalterskoho obliku]. Bukhhalterskyy oblik i audyt. 2013. № 8. pp. 3–9.
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Organization of information system of management accounting: from theory to practice Read More »

Labor Force forming of the Russian Younger’s

Библиографический список:

  1. Social and cultural value orientations of Russian youth: Theoretical and empirical studies [Sotcialnye i kulturnye tcennostnye orientatcii rossiiskoi molodezhi: Teoreticheskie i empiricheskie issledovaniia]. Val. А. Lukov, V. А. Gnevasheva, N. V. Zakharov, Vl. А. Lukov, S. V. Lukov, O. O. Namlinskaya; otv. red. Val. А. Lukov. M., Izd-vo Mosk. gumanit. un-ta, 2007.
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Labor Force forming of the Russian Younger’s Read More »

Control system of motivation of personal based on gradient approach

Библиографический список:

  1. George D. М., Geouns T.R. Organizational behaviour. Management bases [Organizatcionnoe povedenie. Osnovy upravleniia]. М.,  JUNITI, 2004.
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Control system of motivation of personal based on gradient approach Read More »

Methodology for evaluation of economic security of industrial enterprises

Библиографический список:

  1. Dovbnya S., Hichova N. (2008) Diagnostics of economic security as a tool to identify areas of its innovative development [Dіagnostika ekonomіchnoї bezpeki pіdpriєmstva iak іnstrument viznachennia napriamkіv iogo іnnovatcіinogo rozvitku]. Ekonomichnyy visnyk NGU, Issue 3,  pp. 36-42.
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Methodology for evaluation of economic security of industrial enterprises Read More »

Financial competence and macroeconomic forecasts of budget of the Russian Federation

Библиографический список:

  1. Polyak G.B. The budget system of the Russian Federation [Biudzhetnaia sistema RF]. – M.: UNITY, 2012.
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Financial competence and macroeconomic forecasts of budget of the Russian Federation Read More »

Quantitative method of analysis of the impact of the set of risks on the investment project

Библиографический список:

  1. Asaul V.V. Minimizing risks and other building effective integration structures in the field of investment and construction [Minimizatciia riskov formirovaniia effektivnykh integratcionnykh obrazovanii v investitcionno-stroitelnoi sfere]. St. Petersburg, Academy of ANO “IPEV”, 2011, 364 p.
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Quantitative method of analysis of the impact of the set of risks on the investment project Read More »

Biotechnological industries in Russia and in the world: typology and development

Библиографический список:

  1. Comprehensive program of biotechnology development in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 [Kompleksnoi programme razvitiia biotekhnologii v Rossiiskoi Federatcii na period do 2020 goda]:
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Biotechnological industries in Russia and in the world: typology and development Read More »

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