Methodological tools of economic research in the field of sports and recreation services
Библиографический список:
- Annenkov, V. Comparative analysis of structural and functional modernization of the Russian system of physical culture and sports and its impact / / Proceedings of University. PF Lesgaft. In 2008. Number 9. Pp. 15-18.
- Balsevich VK, BN Shustin Innovative research directions in the sphere of physical culture and sport / / Journal of sports science. In 2004. Number 2. S. 3-7.
- Baranov VN, BN Shustin Analysis of the subjects of dissertations in the field of physical culture, sport and tourism, defended in 2010 / / Journal of sports sciences. , 2011. Number 3. S. 9-13.
- Zhabakov VE Factor analysis of the professional competence of specialists in physical culture and sport / / Proceedings of University. PF Lesgaft. , 2009. Number 11. Pp. 32-35.
- Zhuikov D. Value orientations in physical education in contemporary society / / Bulletin of Adyghe State University. Series 1: Regional Studies: philosophy, history, sociology, law, political science, cultural studies. , 2009. Number 3. S. 154-158.
- Kudinov VA The structure of the relationship of qualitative characteristics of the development of physical culture and sports in Russia / / Proceedings of University. PF Lesgaft. , 2009. Number 4. S. 57-60.
- Maysakov DL, Zinka D. Assessment of physical culture and sports in the region / / Bulletin of the Tyumen State University. In 2006. Number 7. Pp. 5-10.
- Novokreschenov V. Evaluating the effectiveness of management in the sphere of physical culture and sports: criteria and indicators / / Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series: Education, health, physical culture. In 2005. T. 2. Number 4. S. 206-209.
- Panachev VD An innovative interpretation of the physical culture and sports in high school / / Teacher education in Russia. , 2009. Number 4. S. 18-25.
Methodological tools of economic research in the field of sports and recreation services Read More »