
Methodological tools of economic research in the field of sports and recreation services

Библиографический список:

  1. Annenkov, V. Comparative analysis of structural and functional modernization of the Russian system of physical culture and sports and its impact / / Proceedings of University. PF Lesgaft. In 2008. Number 9. Pp. 15-18.
  2. Balsevich VK, BN Shustin Innovative research directions in the sphere of physical culture and sport / / Journal of sports science. In 2004. Number 2. S. 3-7.
  3. Baranov VN, BN Shustin Analysis of the subjects of dissertations in the field of physical culture, sport and tourism, defended in 2010 / / Journal of sports sciences. , 2011. Number 3. S. 9-13.
  4. Zhabakov VE Factor analysis of the professional competence of specialists in physical culture and sport / / Proceedings of University. PF Lesgaft. , 2009. Number 11. Pp. 32-35.
  5. Zhuikov D. Value orientations in physical education in contemporary society / / Bulletin of Adyghe State University. Series 1: Regional Studies: philosophy, history, sociology, law, political science, cultural studies. , 2009. Number 3. S. 154-158.
  6. Kudinov VA The structure of the relationship of qualitative characteristics of the development of physical culture and sports in Russia / / Proceedings of University. PF Lesgaft. , 2009. Number 4. S. 57-60.
  7. Maysakov DL, Zinka D. Assessment of physical culture and sports in the region / / Bulletin of the Tyumen State University. In 2006. Number 7. Pp. 5-10.
  8. Novokreschenov V. Evaluating the effectiveness of management in the sphere of physical culture and sports: criteria and indicators / / Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series: Education, health, physical culture. In 2005. T. 2. Number 4. S. 206-209.
  9. Panachev VD An innovative interpretation of the physical culture and sports in high school / / Teacher education in Russia. , 2009. Number 4. S. 18-25.

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Minimizing the risks and negative factors of the strategic management of industrial enterprise

Библиографический список:

  1. A. J. Forrester, “System dynamics – a personal view of the first and the next 50 years” (translation Yu.Morozova) www.systemdynamics-russia.ru
  2. Gorbunov, AP, N. Lychkina Problems, current challenges and priorities in the creation of decision support systems and application of simulation in management and business. Third All-Russian scientific-practical conference on simulation and its application in science and industry, “Simulation. Theory and Practice “IMMOD-2007-Proceedings, Volume 1, St. Petersburg, 2007.
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Optimization of the quality management system of regional enterprises abrasive industry

Библиографический список:

  1. Alekseeva, MM Planning for the firm. Moscow: Finances and Statistics, 2007. 245 p.
  2. Zhdanov, SA Economic methods and models to manage. Moscow: Publishing House “Business and Service”, 2008. 176 p.
  3. Gorbunov, AP, N. Lychkina Problems, current challenges and priorities in the creation of decision support systems and application of simulation in the field of management and business / / IMMOD-2007, Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference – St. Petersburg, 2007. – Volume 1.

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Decision-making levels in risk management system on management of risks of enterprise activity in regional agrarian and industrial complex

Библиографический список:

  1. Sobchenko N.V., Kuleshov, L. Factors influencing the innovation activity of economic entities. Polythematic power electronic scientific journal of the Kuban State Agrarian University. , 2011. Number 71. S. 264-273.
  2. Latyshev, L.A., Kuzmin K.A. Osobennosti functioning of business organizations in the agricultural sector. Moscow – AIC: economics, management, 2009, № 12, p. 54-58.
  3. Y.M. Sklyarov Projection analysis and diagnosis of the investment climate of Russian regions. Economics and Management. In 2006. Number 1. S. 67-71.
  4. Y.M. Sklyarov, V.E. Balayan Features of the reorganization and its impact on the efficiency of enterprises in agriculture. The Russian business. In 2008. Number 3. S. 166-170.
  5. Shamrin S.J. Assessment and management of credit risks of commercial banks. State Educational Institution “The State University of Management,” Bulletin of the University. 2011 № 12.S. 237-241.

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Risk management innovations in Uzbekistan banks

Библиографический список:

  1. Innovative project management /ed. V.L. Popov. -M.: INFRA-M, 2007. – 336 p.
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Initiation and planning of regional investment projects

Библиографический список:

  1. Antoniuk VS Kapkaeva ER The initiation of structural changes as part of a regional industrial policy / / Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series: Economics and Management. In 2010. № 20-14. S. 4-13.
  2. Baklanov JO, Skopina IV Planning the project management of regional innovation (for example, the Kirov region) / / Regional Economy and Management: an electronic academic journal. , 2011. Number 25. S. 2-7.
  3. Bondarenko, N. Approval of investment interests of economic entities on the basis of meso-level elements of the indicative planning / / Bulletin of the Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics. In 2010. Number 1. S. 19-22.
  4. Bulgakov, NV, KV Shuraeva Evaluating the effectiveness of regional investment projects, such as basic tools to create conditions for sustainable economic growth in the production of / / control of economic systems: electronic scholarly journal. In 2010. Number 24. S. 440-446.
  5. Vlasov VM, Ivanova NA Justification of criteria and indicators of investment projects and the formation of systems on a package of tax lgotirovaniya enterprises implementing investment projects / / Innovations, 2006. – № 9 (96).
  6. Voronov, NP The investment process and the regional investment policy in a market economic system / / Bulletin of Voronezh State Technical University. , 2011. T. 7. № 12-1. S. 152-158.
  7. Koleda A. Assessment of priority regional investment projects with incomplete information / / Region: Economics and Sociology. In 2010. Number 1. S. 198-216.
  8. Kolchin O.A. The principle of competitive selection of investment projects in the investment program of the municipality / / Southern Federal University. Engineering. In 2008. T. 87. Number 10. S. 18-23.
  9. Korotkov, KS The attractiveness of the investment proposals in the regional investment program / / Modern problems of science and education. , 2009. № 6-2. S. 54-56.
  10. Lyman, IA, Minyazev MR The Russian practice of forming regional investment projects under public-private partnership / / Bulletin of the Tyumen State University. In 2010. Number 4. S. 155-163.
  11. Matyas I., Semina, LA A criterion for the system efficiency of investment projects and optimizing the management of a regional economic cluster / / News of Altai State University. , 2011. № 2-2. S. 301-305.
  12. Risin IE, Chariton S. The content of the regional investment policy / / Energy – XXI century. – 2004. – № 4. – S. 90.
  13. Rodionov, AP Managing the time factor coupled with the efficiency of investments in regional investment projects / / Proceedings of the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance. , 2011. Number 5. S. 102a-104.
  14. Skopin AO Chernyaeva WS Research and design management of regional programs and projects of regional industrial cooperation / / Regional Economy and Management: an electronic academic journal. , 2011. Number 28. S. 10-18.

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The introduction of a critical circuit in the organization

Библиографический список:

  1. Alex Lohnin Critical Chain (CCPM) and new product development – project management and engineering
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Person: a resource or capacity development in the economy?

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Optimizing control of quality management

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The development of graphical methods for manufacturing companies gain control

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The system approach to management of innovative development of the industrial enterprises

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Relationship marketing: customers, suppliers and competitors

Библиографический список:

  1. Egan, J. Relationship marketing. Analysis of marketing strategies on the basis of the relationship. Per. from English. – 2nd ed. – Moscow: Unity – Dana, 2008 – 375 p.
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Relationship marketing: customers, suppliers and competitors Read More »

Typology, classification and systematization of innovative projects and initiatives in the company

Библиографический список:

  1. Benko K., Mc Farlan FW Project Portfolio Management: Meeting the strategic objectives of the projects: Trans. from English. – Moscow: OOO “I.D.Vilyams”, 2007. – 240.
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Model decision support system for university of information resources

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The formation of economic policy as a subsystem of the industrial policy of the company

Библиографический список:

  1. Kuznetsov, V.A. Semenov, S.S. The approach to modeling the economic policy of the company (article) / Actual issues of economics and management “: Proceedings of the international correspondence of scientific and practical conference. (September 21, 2011) – Novosibirsk Univ. “A priori”, 2011. – 116 p.
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Institutional development of the sphere of physical culture and recreational services

Библиографический список:

  1. Ananiev, T.N., Ilyukhina G. The interaction of the institutional structures involved in the preparation of competent personnel for the scope of services and tourism / / Service in Russia and abroad. In 2010. Number 1. S. 8-16.
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Problems of growth of the Russian credit cooperation Read More »

Procedure for choice of market niches high-technology products

Библиографический список:

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Procedure for choice of market niches high-technology products Read More »

Investment attractiveness of Russia

Библиографический список:

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Investment attractiveness of Russia Read More »

Project planning to reduce the resistance of staff in the implementation of project management innovation

Библиографический список:

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Project planning to reduce the resistance of staff in the implementation of project management innovation Read More »

Investments at the expense of extra means

Библиографический список:

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Investments at the expense of extra means Read More »

Working out of strategy and complex of actions for increase of investment appeal of the industrial enterprise as object of investment

Библиографический список:

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Working out of strategy and complex of actions for increase of investment appeal of the industrial enterprise as object of investment Read More »

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