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The econometric model of diagnosis and prognosis of sectors of the economy of Ufa Read More »

Properties of investing in mutual investment funds

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Provide personnel security aircraft construction enterprises: analysis and solution

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Provide personnel security aircraft construction enterprises: analysis and solution Read More »

Problems of industrial development and transport infrastructure of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

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Problems of industrial development and transport infrastructure of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Read More »

Features of the financial and economic security in the Kyrgyz Republic at the present stage

Only Russian

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Features of financial support of reproduction processes in agriculture

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Geoinformation technologies in the management of the condition of agricultural fields

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Concept of regional management in the period of search for effective model of economic development of Russia

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Concept of regional management in the period of search for effective model of economic development of Russia Read More »

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Generalization of some ways of improvement of depreciation policy and restoration of depreciation of fixed assets of the enterprises Read More »

Risk as an object of investment project management in construction enterprises

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The effectiveness of budget financing the system of procurement of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs

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The effectiveness of budget financing the system of procurement of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs Read More »

Features of selection and development of personnel in the light of current social trends

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Features of selection and development of personnel in the light of current social trends Read More »

Technological approach to the tourist innovation complex formation

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Technological approach to the tourist innovation complex formation Read More »

Highlights aspects of business process reengineering wholesale trade enterprises

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Corporate social responsibility: the experience of non-financial reporting of the Russian companies

Библиографический список:

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Corporate social responsibility: the experience of non-financial reporting of the Russian companies Read More »

Prospects of development of the market of derivatives in Russia

Библиографический список:

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The interest of university students in the formation of professional knowledge and competences

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Global and national rankings?

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Analysis of the possibilities of using the principles of behavioral economics to make effective management decisions

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Internal control and audit in the management of the organization

Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful to the reviewers for detailed examination of the manuscript and valuable comments. The authors are (deep) appreciation Krivetsky Tatyana Petrovna for help and interest in the work, as well as valuable advice and comments.

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Internal control and audit in the management of the organization Read More »

On the scientific substantiation of the most effective areas of macroeconomic policy

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On the scientific substantiation of the most effective areas of macroeconomic policy Read More »

Russian tax system as an instrument of socio-economic differentiation

Библиографический список:

  1. Bondarev N.S. Assessment of the tax burden in the Russian Federation [Otsenka nalogovoy nagruzki v Rossiyskoy Federatsii]. Young scientist. №1.  P. 186-188.
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Russian tax system as an instrument of socio-economic differentiation Read More »

The methodology of comparative evaluation of ruble and foreign currency loans in the pre-crisis period

Библиографический список:

  1. Antzoulatos A.A., Koufopoulos K., Lambrinoudakis C., Tsiritakis E. Supply of capital and capital structure: The role of financial development // Journal of Corporate Finance, 2016.
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The methodology of comparative evaluation of ruble and foreign currency loans in the pre-crisis period Read More »

Public-private partnership on the basis of the project approach

Библиографический список:

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Public-private partnership on the basis of the project approach Read More »

Problems of social and economic growth in the Kyrgyz Republic

Библиографический список:

  1. Kumskova N.H., Guseva V.I. Economic growth in the transformational economy [Jekonomicheskij rost v transformacionnoj jekonomike]. Bishkek. Publishing the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, 2012.
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Careers in conditions of instability

Библиографический список:

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The control mechanism of sustainable development of industrial enterprises

Библиографический список:

  1. Accounting Financial Accounting [Buhgalterskij finansovyj uchet]. Textbook aid for students studying in the field Accounting, analysis and audit, Finance and Credit, Tax. Moscow, 2009. Ser. Higher education
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  6. Lytneva N.A., Kyshtymova E.A. Audit of accounting for investments in capital construction [Auditorskaja proverka ucheta investicij v kapital’nom stroitel’stve]. Audit statements. 2009. № 7. P. 21-28.
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The evolution of forms and types of seigniorage and ways to measure it

Библиографический список:

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The concept of in-house management of the formation of the cost of production in the agricultural enterprises

Библиографический список:

  1. Akimova N.V., Kyshtymova E.A., Lytneva N.A. Capital management: modern concepts of accounting methodology support. Monograph. [Upravlenie kapitalom: sovremennye koncepcii  metodologii uchetnogo obespechenija. Monografija]. Eagle. OrelGAU publishing, 2009.  241 p.
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The concept of in-house management of the formation of the cost of production in the agricultural enterprises Read More »

Technological innovations in sales of banking products

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Technological innovations in sales of banking products Read More »

Moving from payg pensions to defined-contribution plan in the Russian Federation

Библиографический список:

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Moving from payg pensions to defined-contribution plan in the Russian Federation Read More »

Problems of development and ecological construction in terms of design and construction activities in the Volgograd region

Библиографический список:

  1. Baulina O.A. State-private partnership as a mechanism of development of housing construction in the region in an unstable economy [Gosudarstvenno-chastnoe partnerstvo kak mehanizm razvitija zhilishhnogo stroitel’stva v regione v uslovijah nestabil’noj jekonomiki]. In the collection. Investment, construction and real estate as a material basis of modernization and innovative development of economy, the Materials of the Fifth all-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation: in 2 parts. Tomsk, 2015. P. 63-68.
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Problems of development and ecological construction in terms of design and construction activities in the Volgograd region Read More »

Formation accounting and analytical subsystems for managing the invested capital

Библиографический список:

  1. Anufriev V.E. Accounting of fixed assets, equity and profit [Buhgalterskij uchet osnovnyh sredstv, kapitala i pribyli]. M . Accounting, 2002. 163 p.
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  11. Lytneva N.A., Sysoeva O.N. Development of innovative methods in the performance management of economic systems [Razvitie innovacionnyh metodov v upravlenii rezul’tativnost’ju hozjajstvennyh sistem]. Herald of Orel State Agrarian University. 2012. T. 38. № 5. P. 118-122.
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  15. Sysoeva O.N., Lytneva N.A. A study of strategic management profit innovation environment [Issledovanie strategicheskogo upravlenija pribyl’ju v innovacionnoj sredeа]. Bulletin OrelGIET, 2012. № 4. P. 57.

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Retrospective analysis of the concept of innovation, its role in development of agricultural enterprises

Библиографический список:

  1. Goncharov P.V., Lytneva N.A. The analytical capabilities of the accounting (financial) accountability in the management of innovation and investment activity of agricultural enterprises [Analiticheskie vozmozhnosti buhgalterskoj (finansovoj) otchetnosti v upravlenii innovacionno-investicionnoj dejatel’nost’ju predprijatij APK]. Basic Research, 2015. № 2-5. P. 1017-1022.
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  12. Sysoeva ON, Lytneva NA A study of strategic management profit innovation environment [Issledovanie strategicheskogo upravlenija pribyl’ju v innovacionnoj srede]. Herald OrelGIET. 2012. № 4. P. 57.
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Retrospective analysis of the concept of innovation, its role in development of agricultural enterprises Read More »

Automation of management processes as a factor in the emergence of the jobs of the future

Библиографический список:

  1. Veretehina S.V. Problems of implementation of electronic document management system in preschool enterprises [Problemy vnedrenija sistemy jelektronnogo dokumentooborota v DOU predprijatij]. Personnel 2014, № 11. P. 122-129.
  2. Bondaletov V.V. Career and professional competence of the manager in the conditions of modern Russia Professional social education levels of experience and development prospects [Kar’era i professional’naja kompetentnost’ upravlenca v uslovijah sovremennoj Rossii. V sbornike Professional’noe social’noe obrazovanie urovni, opyt i perspektivy razvitija]. Collected materials XIII All-Russian Congress of socio-pedagogical. 2013. P. 38-40.
  3. Veretehina S.V. Problems of implementation of electronic document management system in preschool enterprises [Problemy vnedrenija sistemy jelektronnogo dokumentooborota v DOU predprijatij]. Personnel 2014, № 11. P. 122-129.
  4. Veretehina S.V. Automated personnel evaluation system [Avtomatizirovannye sistemy ocenki personala]. personnel and intellectual resources management in Russia. T. 4. number. 5. P. 72-77. DOI: 10.12737 / 14961
  5. Veretehina SV Psychometric tests and software solutions [Psihometricheskie testy i programmnye reshenija]. Materials Athanasian chteniy. 2015. V.1 . 13. P.116-121.
  6. Veretehina SV, Rubtsov EV Automated control systems for the execution of documents. Modern science actual problems of theory and practice [Avtomatizirovannye sistemy kontrolja za ispolneniem dokumentov. Sovremennaja nauka aktual’nye problemy teorii i praktiki]. Series Economy and pravo.2015. 3-4. P.12-16.
  7. Veretehina SV Review the requirements of European specification MOREG-2 and the problem of import substitution software DMS. ECM solutions in the Russian market [Obzor trebovanij evropejskoj specifikacii MOREG-2 i problemy importozameshhenija programmnogo obespechenija SJeD.ESM-reshenij na Rossijskom rynke]. Materials Ivanovo readings. 2015. Number 5. P.203-209.
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Evaluation of the influence of external factors on the feasibility of innovative projects in low-rise housing construction (by the example of Volgograd region)

Библиографический список:

  1. Volobueva T.V. Scientific and methodical approaches to the implementation innovacionno and investment projects of low-rise housing [Nauchno-metodicheskie podhody k realizacii innovacionnno-investicionnyh proektov malojetazhnogo zhilishhnogo stroitel’stva]. dis. … candidate econ. sciences. Saratov, 2012.
  2. Lysenko A.V. Development of economic mechanism of realization of innovative projects (by the example of low-rise housing) [Razvitie jekonomicheskogo mehanizma realizacii innovacionnyh proektov (na primere malojetazhnogo zhilishhnogo stroitel’stva)]. dis. … candidate econ. sciences. Volgograd, 2015.
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Evaluation of the influence of external factors on the feasibility of innovative projects in low-rise housing construction (by the example of Volgograd region) Read More »

Methodological problems of economic security research in the conditions of transformed economy

Библиографический список:

  1. The economic security of Russia: General Course. Ed. V.C. Senchagova. -M .: Delo, 2005. P.323.
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Methodological problems of economic security research in the conditions of transformed economy Read More »

GIS monitoring pendulum labor migration as a problem of regional governance

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  1. Khwanruthai Bunruamkaew, Yuji Murayama. Sustainability 4, 2012, p.412-429.
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Risks as a category of evaluation of innovative development: construction

Библиографический список:

  1. Abramov S.I. Organization of investment and construction activities [Organizacija investicionno-stroitel’noj dejatel’nosti]. Centre for Economics and Marketing, 1999. 240 p. (P. 109-141).
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Risks as a category of evaluation of innovative development: construction Read More »

Controlled institutional chaos: development of conceptual approaches to the study

Библиографический список:

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Controlled institutional chaos: development of conceptual approaches to the study Read More »

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