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Methodical ecologization principles in construction management

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Commodity sector, development factor or deceleration of the national economy

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Quantitative methods for assessing the level of competence for quality management systems of education

Библиографический список:

  1. Bol’shakov A.A., Veshneva I.V., Mel’nikov L.A., Perova L.G. Method of assessment of professional competence-based approach to linguistic system university management [Metod ocenki professional’nyh kompetencij, osnovannyj na lingvisticheskom podhode dlja sistemy upravlenija vuzom]. Management system and information technologies. 2013. V. 43. № 1.1. pp. 117-121.
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The formation of advertising activity on the market of tourism services under the conditions global economy

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The control system as the main resource efficient economy

Библиографический список:

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How to evaluate the impact of employee training: problems and solutions

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Basic conditions of innovative development of Volgograd suburban zone

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Features of development of small business in the Arkhangelsk region in modern conditions

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Methodological approach in assessing sustainable development of regional economy

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  4. Gutman G.V. Management of regional economy [Upravlenie regional’noj jekonomikoj]. M. Finance and statistics, 2001.
  5. Danilov-Danil’jan V.I. Sustainable development, the problem of human survival [Ustojchivoe razvitie, problema vyzhivanija cheloveka]. Man. 2003. №5. p. 11.
  6. Kazjajkina S.A. Sustainable economic development from the point of view of the institutional nature of the state [Ustojchivoe razvitie jekonomiki s tochki zrenija institucional’noj prirody gosudarstva]. Vestnik of Samara state University. 2012. №10 (101). p. 179-184
  7. L’vov D.S. Development Economics [Jekonomika razvitija]. M. Examination, 2002.
  8. Storonenko M.G. Consumer cooperation in conditions of sustainable development of the region [Potrebitel’skaja kooperacija v uslovijah ustojchivogo razvitija regiona]. Bulletin of the Chuvash University, 2006. №7.  pp. 488-495
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Methodological approach in assessing sustainable development of regional economy Read More »

Development of interorganizational communications as instrument of competitiveness increase of business subjects

Библиографический список:

  1. Vajlunova Ju. G. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the evaluation of the level of development of partnership enterprises in the context of competitiveness [Teoretiko-metodicheskie aspekty ocenki urovnja razvitija partnerskih otnoshenij predprijatij v kontekste konkurentosposobnosti]. Vestnik VSTU № 2 Vitebsk, 2012. p.194 pр. 137 – 144.
  2. Ivanov Ju.V. Integration of the enterprises [Integracija predprijatij]. journal of Russian entrepreneurship. 2000.  № 10 (10). pp. 30-36.
  3. Lopatinskaja I.V. Loyalty as the main indicator of retention of consumers of banking services [Lojal’nost’ kak osnovnoj pokazatel’ uderzhanija potrebitelej bankovskih uslug]. in Russia and abroad. 2002. No. 3. pp. 20 – 32.
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Development of interorganizational communications as instrument of competitiveness increase of business subjects Read More »

The role of the education market in the development of a competitive environment

Библиографический список:

  1. Aleksunin V.A. Marketing in the branches and spheres of activity [Marketing v otrasljah i sferah dejatel’nosti]. Text book, M.2008, 516 p.
  2. Aleshina I.V. Public relations for managers [Pablik-rilejshnz dlja menedzherov]. Text book. M. 2009. 480 p.
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  4. Karpenko E.M. Positions of Higher Education Institutions in the market of educational services [Poziicionirovanie vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij na rynke obrazovatel’nyh uslug]. Materials of international symposium. Ganja. Azerbaijan, 23-24 November 2012, 138p.
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The role of the education market in the development of a competitive environment Read More »

Innovative approach to improving the competitiveness of the textile industry


Innovation approach for increasing competition ability connected with risk. Incoonnection with it conseption is needed for increasing competition capebility of  home (inner) production.

For this purpose it is necessary the followings:

  • Development new  qualitative and quantative indices determining activity of the enterprise for the effective diagnose for the development of competitive ability.
  • adaptation of innovation solutions, by mean of carrying out marketing researches for the reveal consumer to give preferense and changes in the market of the production to sociological-interrogarogation workers.

Библиографический список:

  1. Marion B,. The orqanization and perfomance of the V.S. Food system.1987.
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  4. Nel’son R.R. Why firms differ from one another [Pochemu firmy otlichajutsja drug ot druga]. The lesson of organizing  busness. M. 1990 p. 75.

Innovative approach to improving the competitiveness of the textile industry Read More »

Features of the social behavior of university graduates in the labor market crisis

Библиографический список:

  1. Ruzavin G.I. Bases of philosophy of history [Osnovy filosofii istori]. YuNIGI-DDNA publishing house. 2001 . 189 pages.
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Features of the social behavior of university graduates in the labor market crisis Read More »

Development and improvement of audit in Russia

Библиографический список:

  1. The Federal law from December 01, 2007, № 315-FZ «On self-regulating organizations» [Federal’nyj zakon ot 01 dekabrja 2007 g. № 315-FZ «O samoreguliruemyh organizacijah»].
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  3. The Federal law from December 30, 2008 № 307-FZ «On auditing activity» [Federal’nyj zakon ot 30 dekabrja  2008 g. № 307-FZ «Ob auditorskoj dejatel’nosti»].
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  10. http://www.rkanp.ru/

Development and improvement of audit in Russia Read More »

The pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation: the main structural parameters of development in the years 2001-2013

Библиографический список:

  1. Bogdanov V.V., Malahovskaja M.V. Approaches to the analysis of the market of drugs in the regions (the example of the Krasnoyarsk Territory) [Podhody k analizu rynka lekarstvennyh preparatov v sub#ekte Federacii (na primere Krasnojarskogo kraja)]. Herald of Tomsk State University. 2011. № 4 (16), pp. 192-196.
  2. Gorlov V.V. Condition of the Russian pharmaceutical market and performance indicators of industrial activity of pharmaceutical organizations [Sostojanie farmacevticheskogo rynka Rossii i pokazateli jeffektivnosti proizvodstvennoj dejatel’nosti farmacevticheskih organizacij]. Financial analytics: problems and solutions. 2013. № 7 (145), pp. 22-27.
  3. Gorlov V.V. Managerial accounting of manufacturing pharmaceutical organizations customer segmentation [Upravlencheskij uchet proizvodstvennyh farmacevticheskih organizacij segmentacija klientov]. Financial Life. 2011. № 3, pp. 10-15
  4. Gorlov V.V. Control and accounting in manufacturing pharmaceutical organizations [Uchet i kontrol’ v farmacevticheskih proizvodstvennyh organizacijah]. RISK, resources, information, supply, competition. 2011. № 4, pp. 684-692.
  5. Gracheva A.V., Pushkarev O.N. Transformation of the structure of the domestic pharmaceutical market [Transformacii struktury otechestvennogo rynka lekarstvennyh sredstv]. Herald of economics, law and sociology. 2013. № 1, pp. 36-41.
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  8. Evstratov A.V. Formation and development of the pharmaceutical market in the Russian Federation [Formirovanie i razvitie farmacevticheskogo rynka Rossijskoj Federacii]. News VSTU. 2006. №. 5, pp. 24-28.
  9. Evstratov A.V., Berezhnova A.I. Competitiveness of domestic producers in the segment of antiallergic drugs in the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation [Konkurentosposobnost’ otechestvennyh proizvoditelej v segmente protivoallergicheskih preparatov na farmacevticheskom rynke Rossijskoj Federacii]. News VSTU. Volgograd, 2012. № 16 (103), pp. 35-39.
  10. Evstratov A.V. Regional specificity of formation of pharmaceutical clusters in modern Russia [Regional’naja specifika formirovanija farmacevticheskih klasterov v sovremennoj Rossii]. News VSTU. Volgograd, 2011. № 4. pp. 210-215.
  11. Evstratov A.V., Ignat’eva V.S. Dynamics of the main structural parameters of development on the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation: trends and prospects [Dinamika osnovnyh strukturnyh parametrov razvitija farmacevticheskogo rynka Rossijskoj Federacii: tendencii i perspektivy]. Young scientist. 2014. № 18 (77). pp. 357-361.
  12. Evstratov A.V., Rjabova G.A. The main trends and prospects of development of the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation [Osnovnye tendencii i perspektivy razvitija farmacevticheskogo rynka Rossijskoj Federacii]. Young scientist. 2014. № 19 (77).
  13. Martynjuk O.V., Evstratov A.V. Peculiarities of the development of distribution on the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation [Osobennosti razvitija distrib’jucii na farmacevticheskom rynke Rossijskoj Federacii]. International scientific research journal. 2014. №. 5-2 (24), pp. 32-35.
  14. Pushkarev O.N., Gracheva A.V. Some features of the promoting complex of pharmaceutical products in the market of Russia [Nekotorye osobennosti kompleksa prodvizhenija farmacevticheskoj produkcii na rynke Rossii]. Herald of economics, law and sociology. 2011. № 4, pp. 97-101.
  15. Rjabova G.A., Evstratov A.V. Regulation of domestic and foreign companies in the pharmaceutical market in Russia [Regulirovanie dejatel’nosti otechestvennyh i zarubezhnyh kompanij na farmacevticheskom rynke v RF]. International scientific research journal. 2014. № 3-3(22), pp. 64-65.
  16. Rjabova G.A., Evstratov A.V. Analysis of the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation [Analiz farmacevticheskogo rynka Rossijskoj Federacii]. International scientific research journal. 2014. №. 5-2(24), pp. 47-49.
  17. Stepanov A.S. Approaches to conduct a comparative assessment of the level of prices for medicines in retail pharmacy organizations [Podhody k provedeniju sravnitel’noj ocenki urovnja cen na lekarstvennye sredstva v roznichnyh aptechnyh organizacijah]. Practical marketing. 2011. № 11, pp. 56-61.
  18. Stepanov A.S., Shhekin M.V., Sapozhnikov A.A. Pharmaceutical sales forecasting, seasonal aspect [Prognozirovanie farmacevticheskih prodazh, sezonnyj aspekt]. New pharmacy. 2006. № 2, pp. 31-35.
  19. Tret’jakova E.A., Shilova E.V. Conceptual modeling of dynamic control system of competitive pharmaceutical industry [Konceptual’noe modelirovanie dinamicheskoj sistemy upravlenija konkurentosposobnost’ju farmacevticheskih promyshlennyh predprijatij]. Herald of the Perm university. 2012. № 2 (13), pp. 42-51.
  20. Tret’jakova E.A., Shilova E.V. Status and prospects of innovative development of the Russian pharmaceutical industry [Sostojanie i perspektivy innovacionnogo razvitija rossijskoj farmacevticheskoj promyshlennosti]. Management of economic systems: an electronic journal. 2012. № 40 (40), pp 52-70.
  21. Tjurenkov I.N., Evstratov A.V. Commodity system of Volgograd pharmaceutical market [Tovaroprovodjashhaja sistema volgogradskogo farmacevticheskogo rynka]. New pharmacy. 2003. № 5, pp. 18-22.
  22. Halatjan S.G. Development of the wholesale pharmaceutical market structures of the southern federal district:logistic aspect [Razvitie optovyh struktur farmacevticheskogo rynka juzhnogo federal’nogo okruga: logisticheskij aspekt]. Regional economy: theory and practice. 2012. № 4 (235), pp. 51-57.
  23. Halatjan S.G. Logistics system wholesale distribution of pharmaceutical products (the example of the Southern federal district) [Logisticheskaja sistema optovogo raspredelenija farmacevticheskoj produkcii (na primere Juzhnogo federal’nogo okruga)]. Regional economy. theory and practice. 2012. № 43 (274), pp. 61-67.
  24. Halatjan S.G. Issue of supply chain management in the pharmaceutical industry in Russia [K voprosu ob upravlenii cepjami postavok v farmacevticheskoj otrasli Rossii]. Herald of the Institute of friendship of peoples of the Caucasus. 2012. № 1 (21), pp. 148-152.
  25. Shahovskaja L.S., Evstratov A.V., Peskova O.S. Formation of regional pharmaceutical clusters in modern Russia [Formirovanie regional’nyh farmacevticheskih klasterov v sovremennoj Rossii]. Herald of Peoples’ Friendship University. Series: The Economy. 2011. № 2, pp. 49-56.
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  27. Shilova E.V. The analysis of the market of Russian pharmaceutical companies, producing drugs on the basis of the matrix approach [Analiz rynka rossijskih farmacevticheskih predprijatij-proizvoditelej lekarstvennyh preparatov na osnove matrichnogo podhoda]. Management in Russia and abroad. 2010. № 5, pp. 73-78.
  28. Shilova E.V., Tret’jakova E.A. Assessment of management system of competitive pharmaceutical companies [Ocenka sistemy upravlenija konkurentosposobnost’ju farmacevticheskih predprijatij]. Russian entrepreneurship. 2011. № 72, pp. 117-122.

The pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation: the main structural parameters of development in the years 2001-2013 Read More »

The definition of the role and place of the strategic audit in the control system of the commercial organization

Библиографический список:

  1. Hahonova N.N., Hahonova I.I., Bogataja I.N. Audit: a manual [Audit: uchebnoe posobie]. Mini type, 2011. 464 p.
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The definition of the role and place of the strategic audit in the control system of the commercial organization Read More »

Directions transformation of the financial management of educational institutions

Библиографический список:

  1. Kupro E.G. Problems of financing higher education institutions in the Russian Federation [Problemy finansirovanija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij v Rossijskoj Federacii]. Accounting in budget and not-for-profit organizations.  No. 21. 2007
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Directions transformation of the financial management of educational institutions Read More »

Perfection the technologyтof the state strategic planning development of the region

Библиографический список:

  1. Akimova T.A. Basic economics of sustainable development [Osnovy jekonomiki ustojchivogo razvitija]. M . Economics. 2013. 332 p.
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  3. Vetoshkina L.P., Sin’kova N.V. Waste management: general purification scheme settlements [Upravlenie othodami: general’nye shemy ochistki naselennyh punktov]. solid waste. 2014  1 pp.16-19.
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Perfection the technologyтof the state strategic planning development of the region Read More »

Возможности использования результатов интеллектуальной деятельности в холдинговых структурах

Библиографический список:

  1. The Oxford Encyclopedic English Dictionary. Oxford. 1999. pp. 679.
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Возможности использования результатов интеллектуальной деятельности в холдинговых структурах Read More »

Features of the Quality Management of the Organization

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Features of the Quality Management of the Organization Read More »

Methodological priorities of the system of internal financial control in companies

Библиографический список:

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Sustainable energy development: essence and methodological approaches to assessment

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The use of development schemes as a way to reduce costs in the investment and construction sector of the Republic of Tatarstan

Библиографический список:

  1. Gareev I.F.  The need to develop the concept of providing housing for young families in the Republic of  Tatarstan [O neobhodimosti razrabotki koncepcii obespechenija zhil’em molodyh semej v Respublike Tatarstan]. Russian Entrepreneurship, 2010. № 12. no. 1. pp. 166-170.
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Score Card Survey on Rating of Real Estate Market Institute

Библиографический список:

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Score Card Survey on Rating of Real Estate Market Institute Read More »

A social value of green tourism is in the context of development of rural territories of Ukraine

Библиографический список:

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A social value of green tourism is in the context of development of rural territories of Ukraine Read More »

Problematic issues of competitiveness of Russian business (financial aspects)

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The Impact of International Diversification on the Corporate Valuation

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The Impact of International Diversification on the Corporate Valuation Read More »

Rational compensating model of behavior of elderly consumers

Библиографический список:

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Rational compensating model of behavior of elderly consumers Read More »

The state of the market of transport services of the Russian Federation

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The state of the market of transport services of the Russian Federation Read More »

Logic of management of strategic problems of the enterprise

Библиографический список:

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Logic of management of strategic problems of the enterprise Read More »

The methodology of an assessment of information risks in management of the organization

Библиографический список:

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The methodology of an assessment of information risks in management of the organization Read More »

Theoretical and methodological basis for the formation and evaluation of the level of the economic system’s strategic economic potential

Библиографический список:

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Theoretical and methodological basis for the formation and evaluation of the level of the economic system’s strategic economic potential Read More »

Features of use of marketing in management of activity of establishments of secondary professional education

Библиографический список:

  1. Dashkovskaja O. Strategy-2020 for professional education, whether forecasts will come true [Strategija-2020 dlja professional’nogo obrazovanija, sbudutsja li prognozy]. An access mode: http://ps.1september.ru/view_article.php? ID=201101906
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Features of use of marketing in management of activity of establishments of secondary professional education Read More »

Research of practice and assessment of efficiency of technological development of the woodworking enterprises in Primorsky Territory

Библиографический список:

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Research of practice and assessment of efficiency of technological development of the woodworking enterprises in Primorsky Territory Read More »

Insurance market and mega: New Perspectives

Библиографический список:

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Insurance market and mega: New Perspectives Read More »

The relevance to business valuation in Russian companies for the purpose of choosing and implementing strategies

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The relevance to business valuation in Russian companies for the purpose of choosing and implementing strategies Read More »

Methods of state regulation of agricultural production of the Far Eastern Federal Region

Библиографический список:

  1. Shelepa A.S., Glaz N.V., Uzlovenko T.V., Nikitin A.V., Chetvertnyh T.P. Forecast of development of agricultural production in the southern territories of the Far Eastern Federal District until 2025 [Prognoz razvitija sel’skohozjajstvennogo proizvodstva v juzhnyh territorijah Dal’nevostochnogo federal’nogo okruga do 2025 g.]. Khabarovsk HGAEPRITS, 2013. 100 p.
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Modernization of the vector of financial mechanism of educational institutions

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Conditions, factors and criteria for successful project implementation: generalization of experience of project management

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