
Theoretical approaches to assessing network effects

Article avalible only russian

Библиографический список:

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Theoretical approaches to assessing network effects Read More »

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Скорость, габариты, разрешение: чек-лист для тех, кто выбирает принтер ® Read More »

Conceptual basis of legal addictiony

see russian version

Библиографический список:

  1. Andreev A.S. The Addiction as a form of dependent behavior [Addikcija kak forma zavisimogo povedenija]| ed. A.S. Andreev, A.V. Ancyborov. The Psychosphere, Moscow, 2004, 165 p.
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  5. The Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 01.1999 N 1 «On judicial practice in cases of murder» [O sudebnoj praktike po delam ob ubijstve (st. 105 UK RF)]
  6. The Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 14.02.2000 N 7 «On judicial practice in cases of crimes of minors» [O sudebnoj praktike po delam o prestuplenijah nesovershennoletnih]
  7. Stepanenko R.F. The Problems of Russian sense of justice in the context of the general legal theory of marginality [Problemy rossijskogo pravosoznanija v kontekste obshhepravovoj teorii marginal’nosti]. Scientists of the Kazan Federal University. Humanitarian sciences, Kazan, 2013, T. 155, №4, pp. 46-54.
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  11. Tihomirov Ju.A. The state [Gosudarstvo]. INFRA-M, Moscow, 2013, 320 p.

Conceptual basis of legal addictiony Read More »

Order portfolio formation at metallurgical enterprises in cases of product exporting

Библиографический список:

  1. Vahrushina M.A. Accounting management accounting [Buhgalterskij upravlencheskij uchet]: Textbook for high schools. 2 nd ed., Ext. And lane. – M .: Omega-L; Higher education Shk., 2003. – 528s.
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  3. Vojnova E.S., Danilov G.V., Ryzhova I.G. Methods for determining the risk region in multivariate operational analysis. In collection [Metody opredelenija oblasti riska v mnogomernom operacionnom analize]: Collection of scientific papers. 2006 year. – Magnitogorsk, 2006. pp. 39-44.
  4. Vojnova E.S., Danilov G.V., Ryzhova I.G. Operative analysis and acceptance of managerial decisions in real production conditions [Operativnyj analiz i prinjatie upravlencheskih reshenij v uslovijah real’nogo proizvodstva]// Scientific and technical bulletins of the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University. Economic sciences. 2008. № 3-1 (58). 225-230.
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  6. Danilov G.V., Ryzhova I.G., Vojnova E.S. Analysis and optimization of the structure of the production capacity of the enterprise [Analiz i optimizacija struktury proizvodstvennyh moshhnostej predprijatija]// Scientific and technical bulletins of the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University. Economic sciences. 2010. № 4 (102). Pp. 87-90.
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  10. Danilov G.V., Vojnova E.S., Ryzhova I.G. Modeling the influence of the product mix on the company’s main indicators [Modelirovanie vlijanija assortimenta produkcii na osnovnye pokazateli predprijatija]// Economic analysis: theory and practice. 2012. № 15. P. 40-46.
  11. Danilov G.V., Vojnova E.S., Ryzhova I.G. Modeling the influence of the product range on the company’s key indicators [Modelirovanie vlijanija assortimenta produkcii na osnovnye pokazateli predprijatija]// International Accounting. 2012. № 21. P. 22-28.
  12. Danilov G.V., Ryzhova I.G., Vojnova E.S. The application of statistical methods in analyzing the break-even of an enterprise [Primenenie statisticheskih metodov pri analize bezubytochnosti predprijatija]// Scientific and Technical Bulletins of the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University. Economic sciences. 2009. No. 6-1 (90). Pp. 163-157.
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  16. Zambrzhickaja E.S., Kurkova A.V. Theory and Practice of Forming a Portfolio of Orders at Enterprises of the Metallurgical Complex [Teorija i praktika formirovanija portfelja zakazov na predprijatijah metallurgicheskogo kompleksa]// Young Scientist. 2016. № 2 (106). Pp. 497-500.
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  18. Managerial Accounting [Upravlencheskij uchet]: Textbook. Allowance / R.Zeman, M. Vohozka, E.S. Zambrzhickaja, N.E. Ivanova, R. Pihova, M. Popilkova, K. Kabourkova. – Magnitogorsk: Publishing house Magnitogorsk. State. Tech. Un-ta them. G.I. Nosov, 2015. – 223 p.
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Order portfolio formation at metallurgical enterprises in cases of product exporting Read More »

The problems of formation of individual educational trajectory of masters of a direction “Management”

Библиографический список:

  1. Vinogradov P.G. The case study in our universities [Uchebnoe delo v nashih universitetah]// Vestnik Evropy. 1901. October.
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The problems of formation of individual educational trajectory of masters of a direction “Management” Read More »

Methodological approaches to the management of enterprise energy efficiency

Библиографический список:

  1. Ageev M.K. New energy efficiency factors [Novye faktory  jenergojeffektivnosti] // Nezavisimaya Gazeta. – 2013.- №10. – 5- to 6.
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Methodological approaches to the management of enterprise energy efficiency Read More »

Innovational platform as institution of transaction costs optimisation in education

Библиографический список:

  1. North, D. Institutions, Institutional Change And Economic Performance [Instituty, institucional’nye izmenenija i funkcionirovanie jekonomiki]/ D. North translated from English by A.N. Nesterenko; foreword and edited by B.Z. Milner. – M.: Economics books foundation «Nachala», 1997. – 180 p.
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Innovational platform as institution of transaction costs optimisation in education Read More »

Trinitarian systems in management

Библиографический список:

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Trinitarian systems in management Read More »

Subject-substantive conditions of realization of model of training of future teachers to the automation of processes in network design clusters

Библиографический список:

  1. Bajgil’dina Z.F. Creative potential of personality [Tvorcheskij potencial lichnosti] // Bulletin of the Bashkir University. – 2008. – Vol. 13. – No. 3. – S. 693-696.
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  5. Popova I.S. Development of initiative of students in the non-formal education, non-profit organization [Razvitie iniciativnosti studentov v uslovijah neformal’nogo obrazovanija v nekommercheskoj organizacii]: dis. kand. PED. Sciences. – Chelyabinsk, 2011. – 171 p.
  6. Jakovleva N.O. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the problem of actualization of creative potential of student: collective monograph [Teoretiko-metodologicheskie osnovanija problemy aktualizacii tvorcheskogo potenciala shkol’nika: kollektivnaja monografija]/ N.O. Jakovleva, E.V. Jakovlev, N.V. Uvarina [et al.]; ed. N.O. Jakovleva. – Chelyabinsk: publishing house of Chelyabinsk state pedagogical University, 2013. – 188 p. (500 copies)

Subject-substantive conditions of realization of model of training of future teachers to the automation of processes in network design clusters Read More »

Labor force efficiency in agricultural sector of regional economy (for example, Oryol region)

Библиографический список:

  1. Ananskih A.A. Increased productivity – the main task of the region [Povyshenie proizvoditel’nosti truda – osnovnaja zadacha jekonomiki regiona] // Herald Michurinsk State Agrarian University. 2014. № 2. S. 106-109.
  2. Petrushina V.V. Role of productivity in the provision of production impotrozamescheniya [Rol’ proizvoditel’nosti truda v obespechenii impotrozameshhenija proizvodstva]/ V.V. Petrushina, M.V. Shatohin, V.A. Klimov // Bulletin of the Kursk State Agricultural Academy. 2015, №6, pp 30-32.
  3. Chekalin V.S. Improving the efficiency of agricultural production as a factor in the acceleration of import [Povyshenie jeffektivnosti sel’skohozjajstvennogo proizvodstva kak faktor uskorenija importozameshhenija] // Innovative development – from Schumpeter to the present day: the economy and obrazovanieSbornik scientific articles on materials of the international scientific-practical conference. 2015. pp 518-522.
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  5. Guljaeva T.I., Features of formation of personnel potential of regional agriculture and its impact on the economic efficiency of agricultural enterprises [Osobennosti formirovanija kadrovogo potenciala regional’nogo APK i ego vlijanie na jekonomicheskuju jeffektivnost’ dejatel’nosti sel’skohozjajstvennyh predprijatij]/ T.I. Guljaeva, T.M. Kuznecova, E.V. Buraeva // The economic analysis: theory and practice. 2014. №29 (380). S. 16-24.
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  7. Buraeva E.V. Application of the cluster approach in the study of labor productivity in the agricultural sector of the regional economy [Primenenie klasternogo podhoda pri izuchenii proizvoditel’nosti truda v agrarnom sektore regional’noj jekonomiki] // The economic analysis: theory and practice. 2014. №31 (382). S. 32-37.
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  9. Buraeva E.V. Using econometric techniques in the study of factors and reserves of growth of labor productivity in the agricultural sector [Ispol’zovanie jekonometricheskih metodov pri issledovanii faktorov i rezervov rosta proizvoditel’nosti truda v agrarnom sektore jekonomiki] // The economic analysis: theory and practice. 2013. №38. S. 38-48.
  10. Kuznecova T.M. Diagnosis and evaluation of the personnel policy of the agricultural organizations [Diagnostika i ocenka jeffektivnosti kadrovoj politiki sel’skohozjajstvennyh organizacij] // Herald of Orel State Agrarian University. – 2010. T.26. – №5. – S. 9-10.
  11. Guljaeva T.I. Staffing of the agricultural sector of the regional agrarian and industrial complex: analysis of the state and directions of improvement [Kadrovoe obespechenie agrarnogo sektora regional’nogo APK: analiz sostojanija i napravlenija sovershenstvovanija]/ T.I. Guljaeva, E.V. Buraeva, O.Ju. Grishaeva // The economic analysis: theory and practice. – 2015. – №31 (430). – S.26-38.
  12. The Federal Target Programme “Sustainable Development of Rural Areas for 2014-2017 and for the period till 2020 [Ustojchivoe razvitie sel’skih territorij na 2014-2017 gody i na period do 2020 goda]”. Approved by the RF Government Decree of 15 July 2013 №598.

Labor force efficiency in agricultural sector of regional economy (for example, Oryol region) Read More »

Analytical tools of inventory management

Библиографический список:

  1. Big encyclopedia of oil and gas [Bol’shaja jenciklopedija nefti i gaza] access Mode: http://www.ngpedia.ru/id60331p1.html Date of the address: 05.05.2016.
  2. Voronina V.M., Kalinina A.P., Fedorishheva O.V. Analytical tools in preventive crisis management by industrial enterprise: conceptual bases [Analiticheskij instrumentarij v preventivnom antikrizisnom upravlenii promyshlennym predprijatiem: konceptual’nye osnovy]//Audit and financial analysis / No. 3, 2010 [Electronic resource] access Mode: http://www.auditfin.com Date of the address: 04.05.2016.
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Recognition of financial results venturers in accounting

Библиографический список:

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  9. Zhukova A.K. Peculiarities of taxation deyatelnosi under partnership agreements [Osobennosti nalogooblozhenija dejatel’nosti po dogovoram prostogo tovarishhestva]. In: Topical areas of accounting, taxation and statistics in an innovation-oriented economy, Proceedings of the IV International scientific-practical conference. Usenko LN (Editor). 2015. pp 490-494.
  10. Zhukov AK Kisilevich TI Audit of simple association activities, accounting when joint activities //A.K. Zhukov, TI Kisilevich Economy and Entrepreneurship. 2015. № 6-3 (59-3). pp 432-436
  11. Kisilevich T.I. Non-standardized forms of primary accounting documents in accounting and tax accounting [Neunificirovannye formy pervichnyh uchetnyh dokumentov v buhgalterskom i nalogovom uchete]. – Audit and financial analysis. 2009. № 6. C. 48-57.
  12. Kisilevich T.I., Azarova V.S. Storage control the primary accounting documents in the organization [Kontrol’ hranenija pervichnyj uchetnyh dokumentov v organizacii]. In the book: Development of economic control and audit in Russia. Trends and Prospects. Materials of All-Russian scientific-practical conference. Edited by MF Safonova, is responsible for the release of SA Kucherenko, MA Olejnik. 2016. pp 141-148
  13. Kisilevich T.I., Sjutkin A.I. Small businesses with a large country: continuous federal statistical observation [Malyj biznes s bol’shoj strany: sploshnoe federal’noe statisticheskoe nabljudenie]. – Economy and Entrepreneurship. 2015. № 12-1 (65-1). Pp 211-214.
  14. Sivkova S.V. Internal control: the right or obligation hozyaytsvuyuschego subject [Vnutrennij kontrol’: pravo ili objazannost’ hozjajtsvujushhego sub’ekta]. In: Modern Problems of methodology and organization of accounting, economic analysis and audit in the conditions of transition to IFRS and MSL collection of scientific articles. 2014. pp 262-268
  15. Sivkova S.V., Glushhenko D.P. The accounting financial statements as a source of information for the analysis of the financial situation of small businesses [Buhgalterskaja finansovaja otchetnost’ kak istochnik informacii dlja analiza finansovogo polozhenija sub’ektov malogo predprinimatel’stva]. In: Academic science – Challenges and achievements Materials VIII VIII International scientific-practical conference. 2016. pp 194-197.

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Technologization management: review of scientific literature and author’s view

Библиографический список:

  1. Albastova L.N. Effective management of technology [Tehnologii jeffektivnogo upravlenija]. – M .: PRIOR, 1998. – 258 p.
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  19. Surmin P., Tulenkov N.V. The theory of social technologies [Teorija social’nyh tehnologij]: Textbook. allowance. – K. AIDP, 2004. – 608 p.
  20. Telemtaev M.M. System technology (system philosophy of activity) [Sistemnaja tehnologija (sistemnaja filosofija dejatel’nosti)]: monograph. – Almaty: ID “ST-Informservis”, 1999. – 336 p.
  21. Chizhov N.A. Human technology [Kadrovye tehnologii]. – M .: Examination, 2000. – 352 p.
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Technologization management: review of scientific literature and author’s view Read More »

Legal regulation of education service quality

Библиографический список:

  1. Batrova T. A. The civic law aspects of servise providing [Grazhdansko-pravovye aspekty okazanija obrazovatel’nyh uslug] // The annual of russian education legislation. Education and civic law. 2009. Volume 4. Issue 2. Pp. 68-72.
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  4. Korotaeva E.V. On interaction of subjects of remote education [O vzaimodejstvii sub#ektov distancionnoj formy obuchenija] // Pedagogical education in Russia. 2014. № 3. Pp. 68-73.
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  14. Shablova E.G. Economic analyzis of service industry as a premise of legal regulation of services provision relationships [Jekonomicheskij analiz sfery uslug kak predposylka pravovogo regulirovanija obshhestvennyh otnoshenij po okazaniju uslug] / Economic analyzis of law: questions of theory, metodology, and law application. / Ed-s E.G. Shablova, A.V. Shibin. Ekaterinburg, 2013. 236 p.

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E-neural network economy: the formation of new segments of the global market

Библиографический список:

  1. The state and the market: a new quality of cooperation in information and network economy [Gosudarstvo i rynok: novoe kachestvo vzaimodejstvija v informacionno-setevoj jekonomike]. Collective monograph 2 t.- St. Petersburg, 2007.- Volume 2.
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Administrative mechanisms of implementation of the Federal state educational standard of preschool education

Библиографический список:

  1. Zvereva, V.I. Organizational-pedagogical activity of the head of school [Organizacionno–pedagogicheskaja dejatel’nost’ rukovoditelja shkoly]/ V.I Zvereva. – M .: Education, 1992.- 320 p.
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Economic growth in Germany in 2005-2015

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Economic growth in Germany in 2005-2015 Read More »

The integrated information and analytical providing sustainable development of economic activity

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The integrated information and analytical providing sustainable development of economic activity Read More »

Subsidiary management

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Subsidiary management Read More »

The new political economy and its convergence with other sciences

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The new political economy and its convergence with other sciences Read More »

Тайм-менеджмент – залог успеха ®

В наш стремительный век управлять своим временем не так уж просто. Помимо того немалого количества времени, которое мы уделяем работе, нужно успеть выполнить дела по дому, побыть с семьей, заняться собой и еще многое другое. Вот почему так важно научиться тайм-менеджменту.

Сейчас все вокруг нас ориентировано на то, чтобы помочь наиболее эффективно использовать свое время: благодаря Интернету можно, не выходя из дома, пройти обучение, сделать покупки, оплатить счета и даже оформить экспресс кредитную карту. Все это говорит о том, что наше время оптимизировано и дело только за нами. Как же правильно подойти к вопросу тайм-менеджмента?

Чтобы правильно себя организовать, надо будет приучить себя выполнять ряд простых правил. Научно доказано, что привычка вырабатывается в течение 66 дней1. Это время может быть очень непростым для вас, однако оно того стоит – вы буквально станете другим человеком и будете успевать всё.

Прежде всего, необходимо научиться отказываться от тех вещей, которые попросту крадут наше время, в пользу действительно важных дел. Социальные сети, различные мессенджеры, компьютерные игры способны увлечь настолько, что мы незаметно для себя тратим на них по несколько часов в день – неудивительно, что самое важное в результате может остаться несделанным. Поэтому если в течение дня нужно выполнить определенный список задач – концентрируйтесь на нем, вежливо предупредив людей, что на данный момент вы заняты. Все дела стоит продумывать заранее, чтобы всегда иметь четкий план действий на день и понимать, что можно отложить, а что необходимо сделать срочно. Это поможет расставить приоритеты и довести до конца важные задачи, а также успеть последовательно сделать и все остальное. При этом, планируя свой день, учитывайте, что в реальности то или иное занятие может отнять у вас больше времени, чем предполагалось изначально. Закладывайте небольшой временной запас для таких случаев, особенно если на вас рассчитывают и ориентируются другие люди.

И конечно же, всем нам необходимо отдыхать. После 8 часов работы эффективность труда снижается. Мы тратим больше времени на задачи, которые могли бы быть выполнены быстрее, если бы мы взялись за них со свежими силами. Иными словами, происходит нерациональный расход энергии и времени. Важно уметь говорить себе «стоп», когда это необходимо, и переносить дела на завтра. И в течение рабочего дня обязательно следует выделять несколько минут, чтобы отвлечься от работы и немного расслабиться. Это способствует лучшей концентрации в дальнейшей работе и, соответственно, ее большей эффективности.


1 https://www.gazeta.ru/science/2009/07/20_a_3225021.shtml

® На правах рекламы

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Тайм-менеджмент – залог успеха ® Read More »

Features of the methodology for developing a regional strategy development

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Financial stability of the sports organization as a factor in the development of sports infrastructure

Библиографический список:

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Financial stability of the sports organization as a factor in the development of sports infrastructure Read More »

Review of international research in the area of cluster formation and evaluation of effects for the participating enterprises

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Personnel potential of conversion of system of utilization of chemical weapon in interests for the benefit of sustainable development of regions

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Personnel potential of conversion of system of utilization of chemical weapon in interests for the benefit of sustainable development of regions Read More »

Development of professionalism of the teaching staff, as a quality control tool in higher education

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Investigation of the influence of environmental factors on the development of innovative investment and construction of the complex in the Republic of Tatarstan

Библиографический список:

  1. Kleshcheva O. A. Perfection of process of introduction of innovations in a building complex of Republic Tatarstan [Sovershenstvovanie processa vnedrenija innovacij v stroitel’nom komplekse Respubliki Tatarstan]. Regional economy, the theory and practice, 2010, № 31 (166).  22 p.
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Risk management in the enterprise: methodological and organizational aspects

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Mentoring and on-the-job training: the terminological analysis of foreign methods

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The mechanism of administering reproduction of engineering staff based on competencies metamodeling

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Factors development of trade cluster region

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The Concept of “Similarity” in the Socio-Economic Modeling

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Spa Organization of Russia: current status and characteristics of economic activity in modern conditions

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A combined approach to the management of bad debts of the banking

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Research methods valuation the shares of a commercial bank

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The housing market: modeling and assessment methods

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Model evaluation of agricultural consumer cooperatives

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The audit was conducted as a control payments by cash

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Analysis discount cards as a basis for the description of the client base of pharmacy

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