
Marketing aspects of innovation activity organizations

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Marketing aspects of innovation activity organizations Read More »

Actual problems of taxation of agricultural producers

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Actual problems of taxation of agricultural producers Read More »

Complex technique for evaluation of quality of St.Petersburg state polytechnic university’s departments

Библиографический список:

  1. Razvitie sistemy monitoringa sistemy menedzhmenta kachestva SPbGPU (I etap). «Upravlenie kachestvom v politekhnicheskom universitete». Vyp. 21. Pod red. Rechinskogo A.V. – SPb.: Izd-vo Politekhn. un-ta, 2011. – 187 s.
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Complex technique for evaluation of quality of St.Petersburg state polytechnic university’s departments Read More »

Research practices and methodological approaches to the formation mechanism of management of regional projects based on stakeholder management

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  1. Crawford, J. Pollack / International Journal of Project Management 22 (2004) 645–653.
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Research practices and methodological approaches to the formation mechanism of management of regional projects based on stakeholder management Read More »

Analyzing approaches to forming the strategy of industrial enterprises with regard to their innovative activeness

Библиографический список:

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Analyzing approaches to forming the strategy of industrial enterprises with regard to their innovative activeness Read More »

The specifics of the market and marketing innovation

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The specifics of the market and marketing innovation Read More »

Regulatory approach to the calculation of the cost of staff for strategic planning

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Regulatory approach to the calculation of the cost of staff for strategic planning Read More »

Process-oriented concept of strategic management of development of regional industry

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Process-oriented concept of strategic management of development of regional industry Read More »

Qualitative features of the evaluation of the effectiveness of opportunistic investment process

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Qualitative features of the evaluation of the effectiveness of opportunistic investment process Read More »

Formation of econometric research toolkit investment attractiveness industrial complexes

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Formation of econometric research toolkit investment attractiveness industrial complexes Read More »

Hedge-funds as the tool of collective investment in Russia

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Hedge-funds as the tool of collective investment in Russia Read More »

Method of forming of the generalized indicator of the reproduction of the human scientific potential of the russian innovation system

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Method of forming of the generalized indicator of the reproduction of the human scientific potential of the russian innovation system Read More »

Analysis of modern foreign matrix choice models of financial strategy

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Analysis of modern foreign matrix choice models of financial strategy Read More »

The concept of value-based management and strategy of the largest companies in Russia: results of the research

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The concept of value-based management and strategy of the largest companies in Russia: results of the research Read More »

The evolution of scientific views on strategic financial planning abroad

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The evolution of scientific views on strategic financial planning abroad Read More »

The concession mechanism as the tool of the state the investment policy in modern conditions

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The concession mechanism as the tool of the state the investment policy in modern conditions Read More »

Level assessment of innovation susceptibility economic subsystem

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Methodology evaluation of innovative projects under risk and uncertainty

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Methodology evaluation of innovative projects under risk and uncertainty Read More »

Tax incentives for the economic activity of small businesses

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Resource provision of Russia’s scientific-innovative improving models

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Barriers to the implementation of managerial innovations and ways to overcome them

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State support of regional investment projects

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Methodological tools of economic research in the field of sports and recreation services

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Minimizing the risks and negative factors of the strategic management of industrial enterprise

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Optimization of the quality management system of regional enterprises abrasive industry

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Decision-making levels in risk management system on management of risks of enterprise activity in regional agrarian and industrial complex

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Initiation and planning of regional investment projects

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The introduction of a critical circuit in the organization

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Optimizing control of quality management

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