
On the impact of interbudgetary federal funds on the economic development of the subjects of the North Caucasian Federal District

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Avakov, A.I. Problems of regional development of Russia: socio-economic development of the North Caucasus Federal District [Problemy regional’nogo razvitiya Rossii: sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoye razvitiye SKFO] //Strategy of sustainable development of regions of Russia. 2013. No. 14 p.12-19.
  2. Alekhin, B.I. Vertical budget imbalance and regional economic growth [Vertikal’nyy byudzhetnyy disbalans i regional’nyy ekonomicheskiy rost] // Financial magazine. 2020. v.12. No. 6. With. 39-53.
  3. Andriyanov, A.D., Dombrovsky, E.A. Measures of fiscal and budgetary stimulation of the economic growth of territories [Mery nalogovo-byudzhetnogo stimulirovaniya ekonomicheskogo rosta territoriy] // Finansovyj zhurnal. 2020. v.12. No. 5. With. 99-113.
  4. Arlashkin, I.Yu. Inter-budget instruments for stimulating regional economic growth in Russia [Mezhbyudzhetnyye instrumenty stimulirovaniya regional’nogo ekonomicheskogo rosta v Rossii] // Finansovyj zhurnal. 2020. v.12. No. 6. With. 54-68.
  5. Bishenov, A.A., Ittieva, L.Kh. Analysis of the distribution of equalization subsidies for the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation [Analiz raspredeleniya vyravnivayushchikh dotatsiy dlya byudzhetov sub”yektov Rossiyskoy Federatsii] // Entrepreneur’s Guide. 2020. v.13. With. 106-117.
  6. Mikhailova, A.A. Interbudgetary transfers as a mechanism for stimulating the growth of the regional economy [Mezhbyudzhetnyye transferty kak mekhanizm stimulirovaniya rosta ekonomiki regionov] // Scientific Research Financial Institute. Financial magazine. 2017. v.13. Number 3. With. 106-117.

On the impact of interbudgetary federal funds on the economic development of the subjects of the North Caucasian Federal District Read More »

On the issue of safety management of construction facilities in areas with special regimes of economic activity of main pipelines

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Enbridge [Electronic resource]. Access mode: https://www.enbridge.com (date of access: 12/19/2021).
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On the issue of safety management of construction facilities in areas with special regimes of economic activity of main pipelines Read More »

Economic growth: historical and institutional aspect

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. For a long time. Russia in the World: Essays on Economic History [Dolgoye vremya. Rossiya v mire: ocherki ekonomicheskoy istorii]. – 2nd ed. – M .: Delo, 2005 .– 656 p.
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Analysis of the current level of project management in the organization

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Averin, A.V. Fundamentals of project management [Osnovy upravleniya proyektami]/ A. V. Averin, V. V. Zhidikov, I. V. Korneva [and others]; ed. S.A. Field. – M .: Publishing house KnoRus, 2020 .– 258 p.
  2. Bel’chik, T. A. Project management: teaching aid [Proyektnoye upravleniye: uchebno-metodicheskoye posobiye]/ T. A.Bel’chik. – Kemerovo: KemSU, 2020 .– 78 p.
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  4. Guzhina, G.N., Ezhkova, V.G. Application of project management in the activities of modern organizations [Primeneniye proyektnogo menedzhmenta v deyatel’nosti sovremennykh organizatsiy]// Central Russian Bulletin of Social Sciences, 2021. Vol. 16. No. 14. S. 163-177.
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New climate policy in Europe and the USA: Impact on global climate governance

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Anthony Froggatt, “2021: A ‘Super Year’for Climate and Environment Action, ”Chatham House, March 22, 2021, https: // www.chathamhouse.org/ 2021/03/2021-super-year-climate-and-environment-action, May 10, 2021.
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Methodology of digital financial stainability

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

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  10. Kudriev, Sh. Methodological aspects of digital transformation of business [Metodologicheskiye aspekty tsifrovoy transformatsii]// International scientific review. – 2020. – №LXVII. – Pp. 29-36.
  11. 9 Of The Most Popular Project Management Methodologies Made Simple // [Electronic resource] URL: https://thedigitalprojectmanager.com/project-management-methodologies-made-simple/, free.
  12. How to win at digital transformation // [Electronic resource] URL: https://www.forbes.com/forbesinsights/hds_digital_maturity/HowToWinAtDigitalTransformation.pdf, free.
  13. The digital finance imperative: measure and manage what matters next // [Electronic resource] URL: https://www.oracle.com/webfolder/s/delivery_production/docs/FY16h1/doc16/Oracle-CIMA-Thought.pdf, free.
  14. Ten benefits of digital financial management // [Electronic resource] URL: https://www.accountor.com/en/finland/article/ten-benefits-digital-financial-management, free.
  15. Why We Need to Promote Digital Financial Literacy // [Electronic resource] URL: https://development.asia/policy-brief/why-we-need-promote-digital-financial-literacy, free.

Methodology of digital financial stainability Read More »

Features of the current state of specialized institutions of the infrastructure of the banking services market

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Yadryshnikova, N.Ye. Banking system of Russia and prospects of its development [Bankovskaya sistema Rossii i perspektivy yeye razvitiya]/ N.Ye. Yadrysheva // In the book: Collection of abstracts of the scientific-practical conference of students of Kurgan State University Kurgan State University. – 2019. – S. 14-15.
  2. Materials of the official website of the Bank of Russia [Materialy ofitsial’nogo sayta Banka Rossii]. Access mode: http://www.cbr.ru/today/?PrtId=bankstructute (date of access: 10.11.2021)
  3. Shubbar, H. Content and principles of stability of the banking system / H. Shubbar [Soderzhaniye i printsipy ustoychivosti bankovskoy sistemy]// Bulletin of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Series: Economics. – 2019. – T. 27. – No. 1. – S. 63-71.

Features of the current state of specialized institutions of the infrastructure of the banking services market Read More »

Modern approaches to motivation at sea transport as an element of human resources management

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Amstrong, M. Practice of Human Resource Management [Praktika upravleniya chelovecheskimi resursami]. – SPb.: Peter, 2004.824 p. S. 154-155.
  2. Karartinyan, ZO Regulation of informal relations in modern Russian administrative organizations [Regulyatsiya neformal’nykh otnosheniy v sovremennykh rossiyskikh administrativnykh organizatsiyakh]: abstract of thesis. … candidate of sociological sciences / Z.O. Karartinyan. – Rostov-on-Don, 2015-25 p.
  3. Podlesnykh, V.I. Management: a textbook for universities [Menedzhment: uchebnoye posobiye dlya VUZov] – St. Petersburg: ed. House of “Businesspress”. – 2014-340 p.
  4. Voronov, A.A. Competition in the XXI century [Konkurentsiya v XXI veke]/ A. A. Voronov // Marketing, 2017. – No. 5. – S. 16-24
  5. Doronina, I.V. Assessment in personnel management [Otsenka v upravlenii personalom]: uchebnoye posobiye]: a tutorial / IV Doronina, VN Menshova. – Novosibirsk: Publishing house SibAGS, 2016.-214 p.
  6. Bashmachnikova, Ye.V. Scope of services: definition, classification, tasks / EV Bashmachnikova [Sfera uslug: opredeleniye, klassifikatsiya, zadachi]// Problems of the theory and practice of management. – 2015.-189 p.
  7. Marenkov, N.L., Kosarenko, N.N. Organization personnel management: A textbook for students of higher educational institutions [Upravleniye personalom organizatsii: Uchebnoye posobiye dlya studentov vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy]. – M .: Academic project; Tricksta, 2014.-225 p.
  8. Komissarova, T.A. Human resource management: textbook. manual [Upravleniye chelovecheskimi resursami: ucheb. posobiye]/ T.A. Komissarova // Tool for business and business administration. – M .: Delo, 2016.-211 p.
  9. Test Motype – building a motivational profile [Test Motype – postroyeniye motivatsionnogo profilya] / Test V.I. Gerchikov. – Access mode: http: // b- t.com.ua/test_motype.php

Modern approaches to motivation at sea transport as an element of human resources management Read More »

Municipal Solid Waste Risk Management

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Interparliamentary Assembly of Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Resolution of October 31, 2007 N 29-15 On the new edition of the model law “On production and consumption waste” [Ob otkhodakh proizvodstva i potrebleniya].
  2. Federal Law of 10.01.2002 N 7-FZ (as amended on 02.07.2021) “On environmental protection” [Ob okhrane okruzhayushchey sredy].
  3. Kolotyrin K. P. Insurance of environmental risks in the field of consumer waste management: methodological issues [Strakhovaniye ekologicheskikh riskov v sfere obrashcheniya s otkhodami potrebleniya: voprosy metodologii]// URL: https://pandia.ru/text/77/298/96388.php

Municipal Solid Waste Risk Management Read More »

Building a cognitive model as the basis for planning the development of an innovative enterprise

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Plotinskiy, Yu.M. Models of Social Processes: A Textbook for Higher Educational Institutions [Modeli sotsial’nykh protsessov: Uchebnoye posobiye dlya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy]. – Ed. 2nd, rev. and add. – M .: Logos, 2001. – 296 p.
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  3. Gorelova, G.V., Zakharova, E.N., Radchenko, S.N. Study of semi-structured problems of socio-economic systems: a cognitive approach [Issledovaniye slabostrukturirovannykh problem sotsial’no-ekonomicheskikh sistem: kognitivnyy podkhod]. – Rostov / Don: Publishing house of the Russian State University, 2006. – 332s.
  4. Karpov, Yu.G. Simulation of systems. Introduction to modeling with AnyLogic 5 [Imitatsionnoye modelirovaniye sistem. Vvedeniye v modelirovaniye s AnyLogic 5]. – St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2006. – 400 p.
  5. Gorokhov, A.V., Putilov, V.A. System dynamics in the problems of regional planning [Sistemnaya dinamika v zadachakh regional’nogo planirovaniya]. – Apatity: Ed. KNTs RAN, 2005, 137p.
  6. 6 Malygina, S.N., Abalymova, D.N. Development of a system for simulation modeling of the development of a small and medium-sized industrial enterprise [Razrabotka sistemy imitatsionnogo modelirovaniya razvitiya malogo i srednego promyshlennogo predpriyatiya] // Applied Problems of Macrosystem Management, Proceedings of the Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISA RAS) 2008, Volume 39, pp. 256-262.

Building a cognitive model as the basis for planning the development of an innovative enterprise Read More »

The ways of efficient use of labor resources and increasing of employment in the regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Labor economics: textbook [Ekonomika truda]/ A.I.Rofe. – M .: KNORUS, 2010 .– 400 p.
  2. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On employment of the population” [O zanyatosti naseleniya] No. ЗРУ-642 dated October 20, 2020 https://lex.uz/ru/docs/5055696
  3. Labor economics: textbook and workshop for undergraduate and graduate programs [Ekonomika truda: uchebnik i praktikum dlya bakalavriata i magistratury]/ I.M.Aliyev, N.A.Gorelov, L.O.Il’ina. – 4th ed., Rev. and add. – M .: Yurayt Publishing House, 2019 .– 486 p.
  4. Podverbnykh, O.Ye., Camokhvalova, S.M. An indicative model for assessing the indicators of the balance of labor resources of municipalities in the region [Indikativnaya model’ otsenki pokazateley balansa trudovykh resursov munitsipal’nykh obrazovaniy regiona]// Economy of the region. – 2019. – T. 15, no. 4. – S. 1141-1155. https://doi.org/10.17059/2019-4-14
  5. Abdullayev, S.A., Mambetzhanov K.K., Mamanazarov A.A. Natural and human factors of increasing the national wealth of Uzbekistan [Prirodnyye i chelovecheskiye faktory uvelicheniya natsional’nogo bogatstva Uzbekistana]. Economics and Finance (Uzbekistan). No. 3, 2020. P.7-14.
  6. Bobkov, V.N., Kvachev, V.G., Novikova, I.V. Precarious employment in the regions of the Russian Federation: results of sociological research [Neustoychivaya zanyatost’ v regionakh Rossiyskoy Federatsii: rezul’taty sotsiologicheskogo issledovaniya]// Regional Economy. – 2018 .– Vol. 14, no. 2. – S. 366-379. doi 10.17059 / 2018-2-3
  7. Kalabina, Ye. G., Gazizova, M. R., Khusainova, ZH. S. Structural dynamics of employment of the older population of the countries – participants of the Eurasian Economic Union [Strukturnaya dinamika zanyatosti naseleniya starshego vozrasta stran — uchastnits yevraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza]// Economy of the region. 2021.vol. 17, no. 3.S. 842-854. https://doi.org/10.17059/ekon.reg.2021-3-9.
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  9. Khashimova, N.A., Buranova, M.A. Features of the use of labor resources in the Republic of Uzbekistan [Osobennosti ispol’zovaniya trudovykh resursov v Respublike Uzbekistan]. “Economy and Society” № 7 (62) 2019. Russia. https://readera.org/osobennosti-ispolzovanija-trudovyh-resursov-v-respublike-uzbekistan-140242096
  10. Burayeva, Ye.V. Efficiency of the use of labor resources in the agricultural sector of the regional economy (on the example of the Oryol region) [Effektivnost’ ispol’zovaniya trudovykh resursov v agrarnom sektore regional’noy ekonomiki (na primere Orlovskoy oblasti)]// Modern management technologies. ISSN 2226-9339. – No. 2 (74). Article number: 7406. Publication date: 2017-02-21. Access mode: https://sovman.ru/article/7406/
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  14. Bekchanov, R. Ish ўrinlarini tashkil ethishning istiқbol kўrsatkichlari [Ish ŭrinlarini tashkil etishning istikˌbol kŭrsatkichlari] // Business-Expert. 2014 No. 9-B.59.
  15. Khashimova, N.A., Buranova, M.A. (2019) Ensuring Employment of the Population is a Pledge of Effective Use of the Labor Potential of the Country [Ensuring Employment of the Population is a Pledge of Effective Use of the Labor Potential of the Country]. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. Vol. 6, Issue 6, June 2019.http: //www.ijarset.com/upload/2019/june/45-IJARSET-Usovoxaus-81.pdf
  16. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to ensure reliable protection of private property, small business and private entrepreneurship, removing barriers to their accelerated development” [O merakh po obespecheniyu nadezhnoy zashchity chastnoy sobstvennosti, malogo biznesa i chastnogo predprinimatel’stva, snyatiyu pregrad dlya ikh uskorennogo razvitiya] No. UP-4725 dated May 15, 2015

The ways of efficient use of labor resources and increasing of employment in the regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan Read More »

Problems of Russian natural science at the beginning of the third decade of the XXI century

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Passport of the national project “Science” [Pasport natsional’nogo proyekta «Nauka»] (approved by the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and National Projects, Protocol № 6 of 24.12.2018). URL: http://www.econom22.ru/pnp/natsionalnye-proekty-programmy/%D0%9D%D0%B0%D1%83%D0%BA%D0%B0.pdf
  2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation № 479 of April 22, 2019 “On Approval of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Genetic Technologies for 2019-2027” [Ob utverzhdenii Federal’noy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy programmy razvitiya geneticheskikh tekhnologiy na 2019–2027 gody]. URL: http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001201904230021?index=53&rangeSize=1
  3. Rebrikov D.V., Korostin D.O., SHubina E.S., Il’inskij V.V. NGS: high-performance sequencing [NGS: vysokoproizvoditel’noye sekvenirovaniye]; under the general editorship of D. V. Rebrikov – 2nd edition. Moscow: BINOM. Laboratoriya znanij, 2015. – 232 p.
  4. Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes [O zashchite zhivotnykh, ispol’zuyushchikhsya dlya nauchnykh tseley]. URL: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/dir/2010/63/oj
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  7. Kulagin A.S. Monitoring of scientific organizations or monitoring of scientific research. What is the correct way? [Monitoring nauchnykh organizatsiy ili monitoring nauchnykh issledovaniy. Kak pravil’neye?]// Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2020. V. 90. Is. 6. P. 549–559. DOI: 10.31857/S0869587320060079
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Problems of Russian natural science at the beginning of the third decade of the XXI century Read More »

Voluntary health insurance market in Kazakhstan: analysis and development prospects

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Koshanov, A.K., Chulanova, Z.K. Some approaches to assessing the state of human capital (on the example of Kazakhstan) [Nekotoryye podkhody k otsenke sostoyaniya chelovecheskogo kapitala (na primere Kazakhstana).] // Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 6. Economy. 2021. No. 4. Pp. 49–72.
  2. Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the health of the people and the health care system”. Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 7, 2020 No. 360-VI ЗРК. [Kodeks RK «O zdorov’ye naroda i sisteme zdravookhraneniya». Kodeks Respubliki Kazakhstan ot 7 iyulya 2020 goda № 360-VI ZRK.] Access mode: https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/K2000000360 (access date 1.09.2021)
  3. Nazarchuk, I.M. Insurance: textbook. Allowance [Strakhovaniye: ucheb. posobiye]. Almaty: Nurpress Publishing House, 2014.158 p.
  4. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On compulsory social health insurance” [Ob obyazatel’nom sotsial’nom meditsinskom strakhovanii] dated August 29, 2015 No. 693, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 16, 2015 No. 405-V “On compulsory social health insurance”.
  5. Skamay, L.G. Insurance business: textbook. manual for universities [Strakhovoye delo: ucheb. posobiye dlya vuzov]. M .: Infra-M., 2010.324s.
  6. Didenko, A. V. Features of voluntary medical insurance, (VHI) [Osobennosti dobrovol’nogo meditsinskogo strakhovaniya, (DMS)]// Young scientist. 2018. No. 39. S. 69-71.
  7. Grishchenko, N.B., Klevno, V.A., Mishchenko, V.V. “Voluntary health insurance. Foundations of Modern Practice ” [«Dobrovol’noye meditsinskoye strakhovaniye. Osnovy sovremennoy praktiki»]. Altai State University Publishing House, 2001 78 p.
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Voluntary health insurance market in Kazakhstan: analysis and development prospects Read More »

The experience of building corporate communications in public self-government bodies on the example of the student council

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Krasil’nikova, M. Public relations: textbook and workshop for SPO [Svyazi s obshchestvennost’yu: uchebnik i praktikum dlya SPO] / M. Krasil’nikova, A. Safronov, Ye. Fadeyeva.: Yurayt, 2020.263 p.
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The experience of building corporate communications in public self-government bodies on the example of the student council Read More »

Fundamental approaches to the preparation of a risk-based internal audit work plan

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Paramonova, L.A. Risk-based approach to the organization of internal audit of an economic entity [Risk-oriyentirovannyy podkhod k organizatsii vnutrennego audita ekonomicheskogo sub”yekta]// Humanitarian Balkan Studies, 2017, no. S. 35-37.
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Fundamental approaches to the preparation of a risk-based internal audit work plan Read More »

Problems of investment attractiviness of the Kyrgyz Republic

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

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Problems of investment attractiviness of the Kyrgyz Republic Read More »

Gas oil sector by Industry 4.0.: transfer to renewable energy sources and digitalization results

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Myasnikova, O.Y., Shatalova, I.I., Zenkina, E.V., Bogacheva, T.V., Illeritsky, N.I., Kutlyeva, G.M. “Promising directions of cooperation among Eurasian Economic Union countries”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE), 2018, vol. 7(3.14), pp. 386-391. DOI: 10.14419/ijet.v7i3.6.16009.
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Gas oil sector by Industry 4.0.: transfer to renewable energy sources and digitalization results Read More »

Interaction of education, science, and business-as an innovative structure

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Sevek,K. Small innovative organizations at the university: problems and prospects [Malyye innovatsionnyye organizatsii pri vuze: problemy i perspektivy]// Technological entrepreneurship and commercialization of innovations in the investment and construction sector (Part I): Mater. Interd. XX Scientific Conf. under the editorship of the Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Honored Builder of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Professor A. N. Asaul. – St. Petersburg. IPEV, 2018 – 294 p. (pp. 140-147).
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Interaction of education, science, and business-as an innovative structure Read More »

Features of obtaining the status of a resident of the free port of Vladivostok

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. On the free port of Vladivostok: Federal Law No. 212-FZ dated July 13, 2015. Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, 29 (part I), art. 4338.
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Features of obtaining the status of a resident of the free port of Vladivostok Read More »

Innovation’s timing system SmartSpeed in assessing the fitness of hockey players

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

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Innovation’s timing system SmartSpeed in assessing the fitness of hockey players Read More »

“Knowledge” is a key element of the competitiveness of the research and production complex

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

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“Knowledge” is a key element of the competitiveness of the research and production complex Read More »

Characteristic of the parameters of the risk assessment of the economic security of the regional enterprises

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Glaz’yev, S.YU. On urgent measures to strengthen the economic security of Russia and to put the Russian economy on a trajectory of advanced development [O neotlozhnykh merakh po ukrepleniyu ekonomicheskoy bezopasnosti Rossii i vyvodu rossiyskoy ekonomiki na trayektoriyu operezhayushchego razvitiya]. Report / S.Yu. Glazyev. Moscow: Institute for Economic Strategies, Russian Biographical Institute, 2015. – 60 p.
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Characteristic of the parameters of the risk assessment of the economic security of the regional enterprises Read More »

Assessment of the economic safety of peat mining enterprises

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

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Current problems of the realization of the right for the implementation of local self-government by the population in the municipal formations of the Nizhny Novgorod region

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

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Current problems of the realization of the right for the implementation of local self-government by the population in the municipal formations of the Nizhny Novgorod region Read More »

Methodological support of technologization organization management subprocess

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

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Internal communications during pandemic

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Analysis of the impact of threats on the economic security of a coal mining company

Only Russian

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Prospects for the formation of the international legal regime of cryptocurrency

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

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  14. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on 12.12.1993) (taking into account the amendments introduced by the Laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation dated 30.12.2008 No. 6-FKZ, dated 30.12.2008 No. 7-FKZ, dated 05.02.2014 No. 2 –FKZ, dated 01.07.2020 No. 11 –FKZ) [Konstitutsiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii (prinyata vsenarodnym golosovaniyem 12.12.1993) (s uchetom popravok, vnesennykh Zakonami RF o popravkakh k Konstitutsii RF ot 30.12.2008 № 6–FKZ, ot 30.12.2008 № 7–FKZ, ot 05.02.2014 № 2–FKZ, ot 01.07.2020 № 11–FKZ)]/ IPO Garant. [Electronic resource] URL: //www.garant.ru/ (date of access: 20.02.2021).
  15. Letter of the Tax Policy Department of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 17, 2020 N 03-11-11 / 99914 On taxation of digital financial assets [Pis’mo Departamenta nalogovoy politiki Minfina Rossii ot 17 noyabrya 2020 g. N 03-11-11/99914 O nalogooblozhenii tsifrovykh finansovykh aktivov]/ IPO Garant. [Electronic resource] URL: //www.garant.ru/ (date of access: 20.02.2021).
  16. Report by Satoshi Nakamoto “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” with notes and explanations [Doklad Satoshi Nakamoto «Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System» s primechaniyami i poyasneniyami]/ Yandex.Zen. [Electronic resource] URL: //www.zen.yandex.ru/media/id/ (date of access: 20.02.2021).
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  18. Mehdi Bali. Les crypto-monnaies, une application des block chain technologies lamonnaie. Revue de droit bancaireet financier – revue bimestri-ellelexisnexisjurisclasseur. Mars-avril 2016 [Mehdi Bali. Les crypto-monnaies, une application des block chain technologies lamonnaie. Revue de droit bancaireet financier – revue bimestri-ellelexisnexisjurisclasseur. Mars-avril 2016]/ CVRIA. [Electronic resource] URL: // www.curia.europa.eu/jcms/jcms/j_6/sl/ (date of access: 20.02.2021).
  19. Directive 2018/1673 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union of 23 October 2018 on combating money laundering through criminal measures [Direktiva Yevropeyskogo Parlamenta i Soveta Yevropeyskogo Soyuza 2018/1673 ot 23 oktyabrya 2018 g. o bor’be s otmyvaniyem deneg posredstvom ugolovno-pravovykh mer]/ IPO Garant. [Electronic resource] URL: //www.garant.ru/ (date of access: 20.02.2021).
  20. Directive 2019/713 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union of April 17, 2019 on the fight against fraud and counterfeiting of non-cash means of payment, as well as on the replacement of the Framework Decision 2001/413 [Direktiva Yevropeyskogo Parlamenta i Soveta Yevropeyskogo Soyuza 2019/713 ot 17 aprelya 2019 g. o bor’be s moshennichestvom i poddelkoy beznalichnykh platezhnykh sredstv, a takzhe o zamene Ramochnogo Resheniya 2001/413/PVD Soveta YES]/ PVD of the Council of the EU / IPO Garant. [Electronic resource] URL: //www.garant.ru/ (date of access: 20.02.2021).
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Prospects for the formation of the international legal regime of cryptocurrency Read More »

Public events in the field of science and technology: features, problems and development trends

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. GOST R 56765-2015 Exhibition and fair activities. Basic provisions [GOST R 56765-2015 Deyatel’nost’ vystavochno-yarmorochnaya. Osnovnyye polozheniya].
  2. Information and analytical system of the Roscongress Foundation [Informatsionno-analiticheskaya sistema Fonda Roskongress]//https: //roscongress.org/news/eksperty-kongressno-vystavochnoj-industrii-proveli-didzhital-konferentsiju-o-rabote-vo-vremja-i-posle-pandemii/
  3. Exhibition business: textbook for universities [Vystavochnoye delo: uchebnik dlya vuzov]/ VI Fomichev. – 3rd ed., Rev. and add. – Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2021 .– 227 p. – ISBN 978-5-534-12657-0. // EBS Yurayt [site]. with. 182 – URL: https://urait.ru/bcode/447954/p.37 (date of access: 03.02.2021).
  4. Fundamentals of exhibition activities: textbook for secondary vocational education [Osnovy vystavochnoy deyatel’nosti: uchebnoye posobiye dlya srednego professional’nogo obrazovaniya]/ LK Komarova; executive editor V.P. Nekhoroshkov. – 2nd ed., Rev. and add. – Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2020 .– 194 p. – (Professional education). – ISBN 978-5-534-07508-3 // EBS Yurayt [site]. with. 78 – URL: https://urait.ru/bcode/455113/
  5. Exhibition: technique and technology of success [Vystavka: tekhnika i tekhnologiya uspekha]/ Gennady Zakharenko / Publisher: Vershina, 2006 – 232 p. – ISBN: 5-9626-0262-5
  6. Exhibition activities in Russia and abroad [Vystavochnaya deyatel’nost’ v rossii i za rubezhom]/ Gusev E.B., Prokudin V.A., Salashchenko A.G. / Source http://evartist.narod.ru/text11/04.htm

Public events in the field of science and technology: features, problems and development trends Read More »

Communication strategy of a new brand in the publishing market

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Voropayeva, A. N. , Zorina, S. YU., Lenskiy, B. V. , Stolyarov A. A.Book market in Russia. State, trends, prospects [Knizhnyy rynok Rossii. Sostoyaniye, tendentsii, perspektivy]// Book Industry, 2020. Under the general editorship of the Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications V.V. Grigoriev.
  2. Book business: Results of 2020 [Knizhnyy biznes: Itogi 2020 goda]// Book business 2020. №1. with. 57.
  3. Lizunova, I. V. Market of electronic books in Russia: the specifics of production and distribution [Rynok elektronnykh knig v Rossii: spetsifika proizvodstva i distributsii]// Text. Book. Book publishing. 2019. No. 19. p. 106-125.
  4. L’vova, A. Brand dialectics [Dialektika brenda] // Director. 2014. No. 3. p. 60-62.
  5. Monitoring the state of the Moscow book market [Monitoring sostoyaniya moskovskogo knizhnogo rynka]// Book industry. 2020. No. 6 (174).
  6. Mkhitaryan, S. V. Industry marketing [Otraslevoy marketing]. – M .: Eksmo, 2015. p. 24-74
  7. Popov, Ye.V. Promotion of goods and services [Prodvizheniye tovarov i uslug]. – M .: Finance and statistics, 1999. – 320s.
  8. Fifth International Intellectual Forum “Reading at the Eurasian Crossroads” (Chelyabinsk, October 24-25, 2019) [Pyatyy mezhdunarodnyy intellektual’nyy forum «Chteniye na yevraziyskom perekrestke» (Chelyabinsk, 24–25 oktyabrya 2019 g.)]: Forum materials / V.Ya. Askarova, Yu.V. Gushul, Ministry of Culture Ros. Federation.— Chelyabinsk: ChGIK, 2019 .— 437 p. – Access mode: https://chgik.ru/sites/default/files/news/files/forum_evraziya2019_programma.pdf
  9. Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications [Federal’noye agentstvo po pechati i massovym kommunikatsiyam] – Access mode: https://fapmc.gov.ru/rospechat.html – (date of access 03/16/2021)
  10. Evans, Joel R., Barry Berman. Marketing [Marketing]. – Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992.
  11. Data of the Russian Book Chamber for 2019.
  12. Industry report “The Russian book market: conditions, trends and development prospects.” [Otraslevoy doklad «Knizhnyy rynok Rossii: sostoyaniya, tendentsii i perspektivy razvitiya»]

Communication strategy of a new brand in the publishing market Read More »

Prerequisitesand conditions for introducing a digital ruble based on the blockchain system as a tool for increasing economic security in the financial sphere

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation” (Bank of Russia) ” [O Tsentral’nom banke Rossiyskoy Federatsii” (Banke Rossii)]// Bulletin of the Bank of Russia of July 31, 2002, N 43.
  2. Bezpalov, V.V., Remeslennikov, A.YU. Application of blockchain technology as a tool in combating corruption [Primeneniye tekhnologii blokcheyn kak instrument v protivodeystvii korruptsii]// In the collection: General question of world science. Collection of scientific papers on materials VIII International Scientific Conference. 2019.S. 55-62.
  3. Grishchenko, V. (2019). Fiat money. Analytic note [Fiatnyye den’gi. Analiticheskaya zapiska]. Bank of Russia. August.
  4. Remeslennikov, A.YU. The use of blockchain technology in modern conditions [Primeneniye tekhnologii blokcheyn v sovremennykh usloviyakh]. In the collection: XXXII International Plekhanov Readings. Collection of students’ articles: In two volumes. 2019.S. 55-58.
  5. Central Bank of Russia. Public consultation report. Moscow (2020).
  6. Official website of the Bank of Russia. Digital ruble. … [Electronic resource] – Access mode: https: //cbr.ru/analytics/d_ok/dig_ruble/ (Date of access: 18.02.2021)
  7. Pay Space Magazine Global. Central banks have identified the key principles for creating a CBDC. [Electronic resource] – Access mode: https://psm7.com/emoney/centralnye-banki-opredelili-klyuchevye-principy-sozdaniya-cbdc.html (Date of access: 18.02.2021)
  8. Pay Space Magazine Global. State cryptocurrencies: why central banks need the Central Bank of Central Banks. [Electronic resource] – Access mode: https: //psm7.com/emoney/gosudarstvennye-kriptovalyuty-zachem-centrobankam-cvcb.html (Date of access: 18.02.2021)

Prerequisitesand conditions for introducing a digital ruble based on the blockchain system as a tool for increasing economic security in the financial sphere Read More »

The essence of the application of the method of prioritization when making management decisions

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Kiselev, N.I.  Expert-statistical method for determining the preference function based on the results of paired comparisons of objects [Ekspertno-statisticheskiy metod opredeleniya funktsii predpochteniya po rezul’tatam parnykh sravneniy ob”yektov]// Algorithmic and software for applied statistical analysis. – M.: Nauka, 1980.S. 111-123.
  2. Litvak, B.G. Development of management decisions: textbook [Razrabotka upravlencheskogo resheniya: uchebnik]. – 2nd ed. – M .: Delo, 2001 .– 392 p.
  3. Orlov A.I. Methods for making managerial decisions: textbook [Metody prinyatiya upravlencheskikh resheniy: uchebnik]/ A.I. Orlov. – Moscow: KNORUS, 2018.S. 286
  4. Rychnikov, O.V. Management decisions. Program, guidelines and control tasks [Upravlencheskiye resheniya. Programma, metodicheskiye ukazaniya i kontrol’nyye zadaniya]. St. Petersburg, 2003.S. 41
  5. Sal’nikova, K.V. Expert methods in the process of forecasting and developing management decisions [Ekspertnyye metody v protsesse prognozirovaniya i razrabotki upravlencheskikh resheniy]. Collection of scientific papers based on the results of the international scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of management and economics in Russia and abroad” (February 11, 2017). Publisher: Innovation Center for the Development of Education and Science. 2017.S. 43-50
  6. Fal’ko, S.G. Controlling for managers and specialists [Kontrolling dlya rukovoditeley i spetsialistov]. – M .: Finance and statistics, 2008 .– 272 p.

The essence of the application of the method of prioritization when making management decisions Read More »

Digital technologies for monitoring the outsourcing development in the regions of the Far Eastern federal district

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Vasil’yev, A.S. Problems and prospects of accounting outsourcing in Russia [Problemy i perspektivy autsorsinga bukhgalterskogo uchota v Rossii]/ A.S. Vasiliev, T.V. Mirgorodskaya // International scientific research journal. – 2015. – No. 1-2 (32). – S. 19-21.
  2. Grekova, G.I. Outsourcing form of interaction of entrepreneurial structures in the Russian business environment [Autsorsingovaya forma vzaimodeystviya predprinimatel’skikh struktur v rossiyskoy biznes-srede]/ G.I. Grekova, E.I. Fedotova // Bulletin of the Novgorod State University. Yaroslav the Wise. – 2015. – No. 4-2 (87). – S. 73-76.
  3. Unified register of small and medium-sized businesses [Yedinyy reyestr sub”yektov malogo i srednego predprinimatel’stva]. – Electron. Dan. – Access mode: www.rmsp.nalog.ru/ (Date of access: 01.02.2021)
  4. Zolotarova, S.Ye. Development of outsourcing in Russia and abroad / S.E. Zolotareva [Razvitiye autsorsinga v Rossii i za rubezhom]// Russian Foreign Economic Bulletin. – 2018. – No. 10. – P. 117-132.
  5. Zolotarova, S.Ye. Trends in the development of financial outsourcing in Russia and abroad [Tendentsii razvitiya finansovogo autsorsinga v Rossii i za rubezhom]/ S.E. Zolotareva // MIR (Modernization. Innovation. Development). – 2018. – No. 9 (33). – S. 148-160.
  6. Ivin, V.V. Conceptual development of a system for statistical monitoring of the commodity market environment [Kontseptual’naya razrabotka sistemy statisticheskogo monitoringa kon”yunktury tovarnogo rynka]/ V.V. Ivin // Collection of scientific works SWorld. – 2012. – T. 20. – No. 3. – S. 79-84.
  7. Ivin, V.V. On the need to develop a system for statistical monitoring of the conjuncture of the commodity market [O neobkhodimosti razrabotki sistemy statisticheskogo monitoringa kon”yunktury tovarnogo rynka]/ V.V. Ivin // Practical Marketing. – 2012. – No. 9 (187). – S. 23-27.
  8. Kramskikh, A.S. Accounting outsourcing in Russia [Bukhgalterskiy autsorsing v Rossii]/ A.S. Kramskikh, I.V. Ovchinnikova, E.V. Ostanina et al. // Bulletin of the Kuzbass State Technical University. – 2015. – No. 1 (107). – S. 146-150.
  9. Kriger, A.B. On the use of outsourcing in the regions of Eastern Siberia and the Far Eastern Federal District [Ob ispol’zovanii autsorsinga v regionakh Vostochnoy Sibiri i Dal’nevostochnogo federal’nogo okruga]/ A.B. Krieger, V.V. Ivin // Economic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast. – 2017. – No. 4 (52). – S. 78-93.
  10. New features of Power BI Desktop [Novyye vozmozhnosti Power BI Desktop]. – Electron. Dan. – Access mode: https://docs.microsoft.com/ru-ru/power-bi/fundamen¬tals/desktop-latest-update (Date of access: 02/01/2021)
  11. OKVED 2020 [OKVED 2020]. – Electron. Dan. – Access mode: https: //xn--b1aeqp1f.xn--p1ai/okved-2020 (Date of access: 02/01/2021)
  12. The official site of Microsoft Power BI [Ofitsial’nyy sayt Microsoft Power BI]. – Electron. Dan. – Access mode: www.powerbi.microsoft.com/ru-ru/desktop/ (Date of access: 02/01/2021)
  13. Official site of the National Rating Agency [Ofitsial’nyy sayt Natsional’nogo Reytingovogo Agentstva]. – Electron. Dan. – Access mode: www.ra-national.ru/ (Date of access: 01.02.2021)
  14. Official site of RAEKS-Analytics [Ofitsial’nyy sayt RAEKS-Analitika]. – Electron. Dan. – Access mode: www.raex-a.ru/ (Date of access: 01.02.2021)
  15. Samoylova, I.A. Introduction to BI technologies [Vvedeniye v BI-tekhnologii]/ I.A. Samoilova // Young Scientist. – 2015. – No. 3. – S. 78-80.
  16. Tochilkina, T.Ye. Data warehouses and business intelligence tools: a tutorial [Khranilishcha dannykh i sredstva biznes-analitiki: uchebnoye posobiye]/ Т.Е. Tochilkina, A.A. Gromov. – M .: Financial University, 2017 .– 161 p.
  17. Federal State Statistics Service [Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki]. – Electron. Dan. – Access mode: www.gks.ru/ (Date of access: 01.02.2021)
  18. Center for entrepreneurship development: general information [Tsentr razvitiya predprinimatel’stva: obshchaya informatsiya]. – Electron. Dan. – Access mode: http://crpvl.ru/o-centre/obshchaya-informaciya (Date of access: 01.02.2021)
  19. What is Power BI Desktop? [Chto takoye Power BI Desktop?]. – Electron. Dan. – Access mode: ¬https: //docs.microsoft.com/ru-ru/power-bi/fundamentals/-desktop-what-is-desktop (Date of access: 02/01/2021)
  20. Shestakov, A.V. Economics and Law: Encyclopedic Dictionary [Ekonomika i pravo: entsiklopedicheskiy slovar’]// A.V. Shestakov. – M .: Dashkov and Co, 2000 .– 568 p.
  21. Business Intelligence (Russian market) [Business Intelligence (rynok Rossii)]. – Electron. Dan. – Access mode: https://www.tadviser.ru/index.php/Article:Business_-Intelligence_(Russian_market) (Date of access: 01.02.2021)
  22. Business Intelligence Бизнес-Аналитика [Электронный ресурс]. – Электрон. дан. – Режим доступа: https://www.tadviser.ru/index.php/BI (Дата обращения: 01.02.2021)
  23. Ivin, V.V. Tendencies in information technology outsourcing at higher education of the Russian Far Eastern / V.V. Ivin, A.B. Kriger // Cross-border markets of goods and services: Issues of research. – Vladivostok. – 2017. – P. 394-398.
  24. TAdviser – portal of choice of technologies and suppliers of Analytics [TAdviser – portal vybora tekhnologiy i postavshchikov Analitika]. – Electron. Dan. – Access mode: www.tadviser.ru/ (Date of access: 01.02.2021)

Digital technologies for monitoring the outsourcing development in the regions of the Far Eastern federal district Read More »

Investment process in the innovation economy

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Lapteva, E.V., Ogorodnikova, E.P., Remizova, V.F. Development trend of the construction market in Russian regions // В сборнике: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Buildintech bit 2020. Innovations and technologies in construction. 2020. с. 012015.
  2. Ogorodnikova, Ye.P., Glazova, I.V. Regional investment policy [Regional’naya investitsionnaya politika] // Financial Economics. 2020.No. 12.P. 276-277.
  3. Ogorodnikova, Ye.P., Singayeva, YU.V. Analysis of the effectiveness of the investment portfolio of the corporation [Analiz effektivnosti investitsionnogo portfelya korporatsii] // Bulletin of the Academy of Knowledge. 2020. No. 5 (40). S. 345-348.
  4. Ogorodnikova, Ye.P., Tabakayeva, I.V. Impact of the pandemic on the Russian national currency exchange rate [Impact of the pandemic on the Russian national currency exchange rate]// The Age of Science. 2020.No. 24, pp. 240-244.
  5. Bem-Baverk, O. Selected works on value, interest and capital [Izbrannyye trudy o tsennosti, protsente i kapitale]/ -M .: OOO EKSMO Publishing House, 2009. S. 76-78.
  6. Keyns, Dzh. M. General theory of employment, interest and money [Obshchaya teoriya zanyatosti, protsenta i deneg]/ Per. from English – M .: Progress, 1978. – P.281.
  7. Khayyek, F. Pernicious Arrogance. Errors of socialism [Pagubnaya samonadeyannost’. Oshibki sotsializma]/ M .: Novosti, 1992. S. 267-270.
  8. Simon,H. Rational decision – making in business organizations// Les. Prih Nobel. 1978- Stockholm,1979. P285.
  9. Heiner, R. The origin of predictable behavior// Amer.Econ.Rew.1983 № 4. P.560-593.

Investment process in the innovation economy Read More »

Development of an educational course using technologies for launching and developing innovative and social projects

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Bayborodova, L. V. Education and training in a rural small school: monograph [Vospitaniye i obucheniye v sel’skoy malochislennoy shkole: monografiya] / L. V. Bayborodova. – Yaroslavl: Publishing house of YAGPU im. K. D. Ushinsky, 2004.
  2. Bayborodova, L. V., Serebrennikov, L. N. Project activities of schoolchildren [Proyektnaya deyatel’nost’ shkol’nikov]. – Yaroslavl: YAGPU Publishing House, 2012.
  3. Lavrent’yeva, I. V., Sysuyeva, L. YU. Continuity of education: application of the problem dialogue technology at all levels of education as a means of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education [Preyemstvennost’ obrazovaniya: primeneniye tekhnologii problemnogo dialoga na vsekh urovnyakh obrazovaniya kak sredstva realizatsii FGOS obshchego obrazovaniya] / IV Lavrentyeva, L.Yu. Sysueva // Materials of the interregional scientific-practical conference. – M., 2016.
  4. Design tasks in primary school [Proyektnyye zadachi v nachal’noy shkole [Tekst]: posobiye dlya uchitelya]: a guide for teachers / ed. A. B. Vorontsov. – M .: Education, 2009.
  5. Tikhonov, A.S. The creative potential of educational design [Tvorcheskiy potentsial uchebnogo proyektirovaniya] // School and production, 1995 №1.
  6. Federal state educational standard of primary general education [Federal’nyy gosudarstvennyy obrazovatel’nyy standart nachal’nogo obshchego obrazovaniya]. – 2nd ed. – M .: Education, 2011.

Development of an educational course using technologies for launching and developing innovative and social projects Read More »

Social computer technologies in project management

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Management of social work [Menedzhment sotsial’noy raboty]: textbook. manual for stud. higher. study. Institutions / Ed. E.I. Komarov and A.I. Voitenko. – M .: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2001 .- 288 p.
  2. Remorenko, I.M. On the path to network management [Na putyakh k setevomu upravleniyu]// Russian education. Networked approach. – M .; SPb., – 2003. No. 3 [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://www.altruism.ru/sengine.cgi/5/7/8/12/8 (date of access: 01.10.2020).
  3. Pavlicheva, E.N. Social networks as a tool for modernizing education [Sotsial’nyye seti, kak instrument modernizatsii obrazovaniya]// Public education. – 2012. – No. 1. – P. 42–47.
  4. Gasumova, S.E., Information technologies in the social sphere [Informatsionnyye tekhnologii v sotsial’noy sfere]. – M .: Dashkov i K, 2012 .- 248 p.
  5. Kemi, A.O. Impact of Social Network on Society: A Case Study of Abuja //American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS). – 2016. – Т. 21. – №. 1. – С. 1–17.

Social computer technologies in project management Read More »

Basic rules for effective management of a remote team

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Gurova, IM Remote work as a trend of time: results of mass experience [Distantsionnaya rabota kak trend vremeni: rezul’taty massovogo opyta]// WORLD (Modernization. Innovation. Development) – 2020. – Volume 13. – No. 2. – P. 128-147. – DOI: 10.18184 / 2079-4665.2020.11.2.128-147
  2. Sheve, G. Management of digital economy organizations: a tutorial [Menedzhment organizatsiy tsifrovoy ekonomiki : uchebnoye posobiye]/ Sheve G., Khuzig S., Gumerova GI, Shaimieva E.Sh. – Moscow: KnoRus, 2021 .– 299 p. – ISBN 978-5-406-04534-3. – URL: https://book.ru/book/938773 (date of access: 12/29/2020). – Text: electronic.
  3. Managing a Remote Team with High Performance, 9 June 2018 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://medium.com/@RiterApp/managing-a-remote-team-with-high-performance-e96b90a9bc9b

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On the issue of organizing the management of the municipality

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation: Adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993, subject to amendments dated December 30, 2008 No. 7-FKZ.
  2. Budget Code of the Russian Federation. – M.: TK Velby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2010. – 215 p.
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On the issue of organizing the management of the municipality Read More »

Branding of children’s tourism as an innovative component of the sustainable development of the destination

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Библиографический список:

  1. Bakumenko, O.A. Theoretical aspects of the implementation of the cluster approach in the tourism industry [Teoreticheskiye aspekty realizatsii klasternogo podkhoda v industrii turizma] // Bulletin of the Pskov State University. – 2017. – No. 4. – P. 33-44.
  2. Valeeva, S.V. Development of the concept of cluster approach in tourism [Razvitiye kontseptsii klasternogo podkhoda v turizme] // National interests: priorities and security. – 2016. – No. 1 (334). – S. 116-130.
  3. Yurov, A.A. Regional aspects of the development of a support system for children’s health improvement on the example of the Krasnodar Territory [Regional’nyye aspekty razvitiya sistemy podderzhki detskogo ozdorovleniya na primere Krasnodarskogo kraya] // Management of economic systems. – 2019. – No. 33. – P. 30-32.
  4. Brand formation as a factor in the development of domestic and inbound tourism [Formirovaniye brenda kak faktor razvitiya vnutrennego i v”yezdnogo turizma] // Socio-economic phenomena and processes. 2017. V. 12. No. 6. S. 411-417.

Branding of children’s tourism as an innovative component of the sustainable development of the destination Read More »

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