
Use of modern information and communication technologies for conducting a series of educational events on contemporary art for the elderly

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

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Use of modern information and communication technologies for conducting a series of educational events on contemporary art for the elderly Read More »

Key factors for the success of a medical organization: the perspective of future medical professionals

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Библиографический список:

  1. Aleshkina O.YU., Tupikin D.V. Modern approaches to the system of professional training of health managers heads of nursing personnel with higher medical education [Aleshkina O.YU., Tupikin D.V. Sovremennyye podkhody k sisteme professional’noy podgotovki menedzherov zdravookhraneniya  rukovoditeley sestrinskogo personala s vysshim meditsinskim obrazovaniyem]// Head nurse. 2008. No. 6. S. 157-160.
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  3. Glybochko P.V., Kirichuk V.F., Tupikin D.V. Actual problems of medical and technical training of medical specialists [Aktual’nyye problemy mediko-tekhnicheskoy podgotovki meditsinskikh spetsialistov]// Biomedical Technologies and Radioelectronics. 2003. No. 12. P. 61-67.
  4. Zhavoronkov Ye.P., Kim YU.O., Kulikova N.V., Nikolayeva T.G.The influence of business management ethics on the development of the organizational culture of a medical organization [Vliyaniye delovoy etiki menedzhmenta na razvitiye organizatsionnoy kul’tury meditsinskoy organizatsii]// Medicine and Education in Siberia. 2013. No. 3. P. 17-21.
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  20. Tupikin D.V., Arkhangel’skaya A.A., Koltygo Ye.I., Tsyganova I.V. Design method for teaching students of the Faculty of Pharmacy: development and implementation of a training model [Proyektnyy metod obucheniya studentov farmatsevticheskogo fakul’teta: razrabotka i vnedreniye modeli podgotovki]// Higher Education Today. 2020. No. 4. P. 53-58.
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  22. Shcherbakova I.V. Innovative technologies of professional medical education [Innovatsionnyye tekhnologii professional’nogo meditsinskogo obrazovaniya]// For high-quality education: materials of V All-Russian. Forum (with international participation). Saratov, 2020.

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Innovative enterprise management: key concepts, features, examples

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

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Digitalization as a key factor in the development of rural areas and agriculture

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Zibrova N.M., Simonyan L.G. To the question of the formation of the digital economy in Russia [K voprosu o formirovanii tsifrovoy ekonomiki v Rossii]// Sustainable development of science and education. 2019.No 1. S. 86-90.
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  3. Magomedov A.M. Digital transformation of the domestic economy and regional problems [Tsifrovaya transformatsiya otechestvennoy ekonomiki i regional’nyye problemy]// Economics and Management: Problems, Solutions. 2019.Vol. 1. No. 12 (96). S. 88-96.
  4. Sal’nikov S.G., Tukhina N.YU. Information support systems in the agro-industrial complex: analysis of development and implementation [Sistemy informatsionnogo obespecheniya v APK: analiz raz-rabotok i vnedreniy]// Vestnik MGEI (on line). 2018. No. 2. P. 30-37.
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Monitoring satisfaction and accessibility for the population of financial services provided in the Leningrad region

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Библиографический список:

  1. As Bulging Client Data Heads for the Cloud, Law Firms Ready for a Storm, and More Discovery Woes from Web 2.0, ABA Journal. April 2011
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  4. Wesselink Bert Monitoring guidelines for semiformal financial institutions active in small enterprise finance // Enterprise and Cooperative Development Department. Poverty-oriented Banking. Working paper. No. 9
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Monitoring satisfaction and accessibility for the population of financial services provided in the Leningrad region Read More »

The problem of assessing the value of intellectual property in Russia in the digital economy

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

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  14. Bliznets I.A., Borisova M.S., Agayeva K.A. Intellectual Property in the Modern World [Intellektual’naya sobstvennost’ v sovremennom mire]// Monograph – S. 234-256 (accessed 12/22/2019)
  15. Rozhkova M.A. The civilistic concept of intellectual property in the system of Russian law [Tsivilisticheskaya kontseptsiya intellektual’noy sobstvennosti v sisteme rossiyskogo prava]// Monograph – S. 456-497 (accessed 12/19/2019)

The problem of assessing the value of intellectual property in Russia in the digital economy Read More »

The use of time management in management activities of heads of business organizations

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

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The use of time management in management activities of heads of business organizations Read More »

Quantitative analysis of profitability of growing of key agricultural crops in the context of strategic development of agricultural enterprises

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

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Quantitative analysis of profitability of growing of key agricultural crops in the context of strategic development of agricultural enterprises Read More »

Fake news as a tool of social management and an object of application of information security methods

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Mironova N.G. On information security in a sociocultural context [Ob informatsionnoy bezopasnosti v sotsiokul’turnom kontekste]// Problems of Higher Education and Current Trends in Socio-Humanitarian Knowledge (VIII Arsentiev Readings): Materials of the All-Russian Scientific. conf. from the international participation (Cheboksary, Dec 31, 2019) / editorial: O.N. Shirokov [et al.] – Cheboksary: ​​Publishing House “Wednesday”, 2020. – S. 239-243. – URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_42174989_96438729.pdf
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Fake news as a tool of social management and an object of application of information security methods Read More »

Economic and mathematical justification of methods for ensuring the efficiency of small business in Russia

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Yevdokimov V.S. Small business in the system of innovative development of Russia [Maloye predpriyatiye v sisteme innovatsionnogo razvitiya Rossii]// Microeconomics. – 2009. – No. 5. – C. 56-63.
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Nonprofit organizations as an indicator of the successful functioning of civil society: the connection between the theory of civil society of J. Habermas and Nonprofit organizations

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Khabermas YU. Political work [Politicheskiye raboty]. — M/: Praxis, 2005. 368 p.
  2. Khabermas YU. The Problem of legitimation of late capitalism [Problema legitimatsii pozdnego kapitalizma]. — M.: Praxis, 2010. 272 p.
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Electronic resource

  1. The Commissioner for human rights in the Lipetsk region [Upolnomochennyy po pravam cheloveka v Lipetskoy oblasti] URL: https://ombudsman-lipetsk.ru/deyatelnost/novosti/153-lipeczkie-nko-stali-obladatelyami-prezidentskix-grantov/

Nonprofit organizations as an indicator of the successful functioning of civil society: the connection between the theory of civil society of J. Habermas and Nonprofit organizations Read More »

Organization and management of additional education of students on the basis of legal clinics of specialized universities (for example, the Far Eastern Institute of Management – a branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration)

OnLy Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. A large dictionary of foreign words [Bol’shoy slovar’ inostrannykh slov]/ comp. A.Yu. Moskvin. Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 2005.656 s.
  2. Moem S. The burden of human passions [Bremya strastey chelovecheskikh]. M .: AST, 2020.800 s.
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Organization and management of additional education of students on the basis of legal clinics of specialized universities (for example, the Far Eastern Institute of Management – a branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration) Read More »

The economic function of the state and the problem of state intervention in the economy

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Martyshin O.V. On the history of the formation of the concept of “state” [K istorii formirovaniya ponyatiya «gosudarstvo»]//Vestnik University O. Kutafina, 2019. 46
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Improvement of the container transport system based on the use of the advantages of the digital economy

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Expert: Maersk blockchain platform is smart, but torn off from Russian reality [Ekspert: blokcheyn-platforma Maersk shikarna, no otorvana ot rossiyskoy deystvitel’nosti]. – Access mode: http://logirus.ru/news/transport/ekspert-_blokcheyn-platforma_maersk_shikarna-_no_otorvana_ot_rossiyskoy_deystvitelnosti.html (accessed December 1, 2019)
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  5. A single container platform has been launched in Russia [V Rossii zapushchena yedinaya konteynernaya platforma]. – Access mode: https://news.ati.su/news/2019/07/16/v-rossii-zapushchena-edinaya-konteynernaya-platforma-173600/ (accessed 12/01/2019).
  6. The FCS of Russia discussed the implementation of the TradeLens logistic blockchain platform in Russia [V FTS Rossii obsudili vnedreniye logisticheskoy blokcheyn-platformy TradeLens v Rossii]. – Access mode: https://s-standard.ru/news?view=7079286 (accessed December 1, 2019).
  7. Maersk introduces a blockchain for container control: the platform will see half of the planet’s cargo [Maersk vvodit blokcheyn dlya kontrolya konteynerov: platforma uvidit polovinu gruzov planety]. – Access mode: https://summarynews.ru/2019/05/28/maersk-vvodit-blokchejn-dlya-kontrolya-kontejnerov-platforma-uvidit-polovinu-gruzov-planety/ (accessed December 1, 2019).
  8. Digitalization and its place in the world [Tsifrovizatsiya i yeye mesto v mire]. – Access mode: https://www.gd.ru/articles/10334-tsifrovizatsiya (accessed 11/27/2019).
  9. Container transportation of goods [Konteynernyye perevozki gruzov] // TransSphere official website. URL: http://transsphere.com/en/info/konteinernye-perevozki-gruzov (accessed November 3, 2019).
  10. PortNews [Electron. resource]. – Access mode: http://portnews.ru/news/277473/ (accessed December 1, 2019).
  11. Guide. All containers on one site [Electron. resource]. – Access mode: https://containers.guide/containers/sale (accessed December 1, 2019).
  12. IBM will conduct a large-scale digitalization of the port of Rotterdam [IBM provedet masshtabnuyu tsifrovizatsiyu porta Rotterdam]. – Access mode: https://iot.ru/promyshlennost/ibm-provedet-masshtabnuyu-tsifrovizatsiyu-porta-rotterdam (accessed 12/01/2019).
  13. Statista Research & Analysis [Electron. resource]. – Access mode: https://www.statista-research.com/en (accessed 11.28.2019)
  14. TADviser: state, business, IT [TADviser: gosudarstvo, biznes, IT]. – Access mode: http://www.tadviser.ru/ (accessed 11.28.2019).
  15. The Global Innovation Index (GII) 2019. [Electron. resource]. – Access mode: https://www.globalinnovationindex.org/Home (accessed 11.28.2019).
  16. The World Economic Forum [Electron. resource]. – Access mode: https://www.weforum.org/ (accessed 11.28.2019).
  17. Top 50 World Container Ports [Electron. resource]. – Access mode: http://www.worldshipping.org/about-the-industry/global-trade/top-50-world-container-ports (accessed 11.28.2019).
  18. Volvo Vera: an unmanned electric truck without a cab [Volvo Vera: bespilotnyy elektricheskiy gruzovik bez kabiny]. – Access mode: https://www.popmech.ru/vehicles/news-440952-volvo-vera-bespilotnyy-elektricheskiy-gruzovik-bez-kabiny/ (accessed December 1, 2019).
  19. An analytical review on the topic of “smart contracts”, October 2018 of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation [Analiticheskiy obzor po teme «smart-kontrakty», oktyabr’ 2018 g. Tsentral’nogo banka RF].
  20. JSC Infotech Baltic introduced a blockchain solution for servicing seaports [AO «Infotek Baltika» vnedrilo blokcheyn-resheniye dlya obsluzhivaniya morskikh portov]. – Access mode: http://www.morvesti.ru/detail.php?ID=77091 (accessed December 1, 2019).
  21. Departmental target program “Digital platform of the transport complex of the Russian Federation” (approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia on 09/05/2019) [Vedomstvennaya tselevaya programma “Tsifrovaya platforma transportnogo kompleksa Rossiyskoy Federatsii”].
  22. The introduction of blockchain in container transportation was postponed to 2020 [Vnedreniye blokcheyna v konteynernyye perevozki perenesli na 2020 god]. – Access mode: https://www.rbc.ru/technology_and_media/22/11/2019/5dd6ea5d9a7947b0d1b704f1 (accessed 12/01/2019).
  23. The digitalization index of business in 2019 [Indeks tsifrovizatsii biznesa v 2019 g.]. – Access mode: https://issek.hse.ru/data/2019/02/27/1193920132/NTI_N_121_27022019.pdf (accessed 11.28.2019).
  24. Indicators of the digital economy: 2019: statistical compilation / G.I. Abdrakhmanova, K.O. Vishnevsky, L.M. Gokhberg and others; Nat researched University “Higher School of Economics”. – M.: HSE, 2019.
  25. The Internet of things (in the examples) – what it is and how it works [Internet veshchey (v primerakh) − chto eto takoye i kak on rabotayet]. – Access mode: https://finfocus.today/internet-veshhej.html (accessed December 1, 2019).
  26. Information and analytical agency SeaNews [Informatsionno-analiticheskoye agentstvo SeaNews]. – Access mode: https://seanews.ru/2019/11/26/en-kontejnerooborot-liderov-12/ date of access 11/28/2019.
  27. UN study: e-government 2018 [Issledovaniye OON: elektronnoye pravitel’stvo 2018] // Official website of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. – Access mode: https://publicadministration.un.org/publications/content/PDFs/UN%20E-Government%20Survey%202018%20Russian.pdf (accessed 11/28/2019).
  28. Logistics of the future: five examples of digital solutions in transport [Logistika budushchego: pyat’ primerov tsifrovykh resheniy na transporte]. – Access mode: https://media.mts.ru/business/175864#top (accessed December 1, 2019).
  29. The global container shipping market [Mirovoy rynok konteynernykh perevozok]. – Access mode: https://ar2018.trcont.com/en/30/10 (accessed 11.28.2019).
  30. Overview of maritime transport. UNCTAD 2018 Report [Obzor morskogo transporta. Otchet YUNKTAD 2018]. – Access mode: https://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/rmt2018_ru.pdf (accessed 11.28.2019).
  31. Overview of maritime transport. UNCTAD 2019 Report [Obzor morskogo transporta. Otchet YUNKTAD 2019]. – Access mode: https://unctad.org/en/pages/PublicationWebflyer.aspx?publicationid=2563 (accessed 11/28/2019).
  32. The main activities of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024 (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on September 29, 2018) [Osnovnyye napravleniya deyatel’nosti Pravitel’stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii na period do 2024 goda].
  33. Report of the international telecommunication union 2017 [Otchet mezhdunarodnogo soyuza elektrosvyazi 2017 g.] // ITU official website. – Access mode: https://www.itu.int/ru/Pages/default.aspx (accessed 11.28.2019).
  34. Ports switch to the digit [Porty perekhodyat na tsifru]. – Access mode: http://www.morvesti.ru/analitics/detail.php?ID=77721 (accessed December 1, 2019).

Improvement of the container transport system based on the use of the advantages of the digital economy Read More »

Analysis of the quality of cargo transportation services based on the 5M method

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Idrisova, Z.N., Sitdikov, A.T. Financial modeling of investment development [Finansovoye modelirovaniye investitsionnogo razvitiya] // In the collection: Economic Management: Methods, Models, Technologies Materials of the XVI International Scientific Conference. 2016. S. 346-349.
  2. Efimov, V.V. Statistical methods in quality management [Statisticheskiye metody v upravlenii kachestvom]. Ulyanovsk: UlGTU, 2015
  3. The official website of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise GTSSS https://www.cccb.ru/.
  4. Kasatkin, F.P., Konovalov S.I., Kasatkina E.F. Organization of transportation services and safety of the transport process [Organizatsii perevozochnykh uslug i bezopasnost’ transportnogo protsessa]. M.: Academy, 2017 – 342 p.;
  5. Okrepilov, V.V. Quality control [Upravleniye kachestvom]. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2015

Analysis of the quality of cargo transportation services based on the 5M method Read More »

Changing working conditions and requirements for an employee in the context of the development of Industry 4.0 technologies

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Andreeva, G.N., Badal’yants, S.V., Bogatyreva, T.G. et al. Development of the digital economy of Russia as a key factor in economic growth and improving the quality of life of the population [Razvitiye tsifrovoy ekonomiki Rossii kak klyuchevoy faktor ekonomicheskogo rosta i povysheniya kachestva zhizni naseleniya], 2018. [Electronic resource] // URL: http://scipro.ru/conf/monograph_digital_economy.pdf
  2. Kelchevskaya, N.R., Shirinkina, E.V. Features of human capital management at enterprises in the digital economy [Osobennosti upravleniya chelovecheskim kapitalom na predpriyatiyakh v usloviyakh tsifrovoy ekonomiki] // Innovations in Management. 2018. No. 18. C. 24-31.
  3. Nikolenko, Yu.V. Foreign experience and Russian practice in supporting entrepreneurship with the help of a technopark [Zarubezhnyy opyt i rossiyskaya praktika v podderzhke predprinimatel’stva s pomoshch’yu tekhnoparka] // Scientific almanac. 2015. No. 11/1(13). pp.125-140.
  4. Shirinkina, E.V. Assessment of the demand for digital competencies in the sectors of the economy [Otsenka vostrebovannosti tsifrovykh kompetentsiy v otraslyakh ekonomiki] // Economics and management of control systems. 2019. V.3. No. 1. S. 86-91.
  5. Shirinkina, E.V., Korolenko, V.V. Development of human resources at the stage of development of digital technologies: semantic analysis [Razvitiye chelovecheskikh resursov na etape razvitiya tsifrovykh tekhnologiy: semanticheskiy analiz] // Economics: yesterday, today, tomorrow. 2018. Vol. 8. No. 10A. pp. 279-287.
  6. McKinsey. Rethinking work in the digital age, 2016. [Electronic resource] // URL: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/ rethinking-work-in-the-digital-age
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  8. United Nations. World Population Prospects, 2017. [Electronic resource] // URL: https://population.un.org/wpp/DataQuery/
  9. WEF. The Future of Jobs, 2018. [Electronic resource] // URL: https://www.weforum.org/reports/the-future-of-jobs-report-2018

Changing working conditions and requirements for an employee in the context of the development of Industry 4.0 technologies Read More »

Features of management systems of telecommunication enterprises in the digital economy

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Ready report of PJSC Megafon for 2017 [Gotovoy otchet PAO «Megafon» za 2017 god]: official website of PJSC Megafon – Access mode: http://ar2017.megafon.ru/
  2. Digital Literacy Index 2017: All-Russian study [Indeks tsifrovoy gramotnosti 2017: vserossiyskoye issledovaniye] // ROSCIT, 2018. – URL: http://digitalliteracy.rf/media/Digital_Literacy_Index_2017.pdf
  3. PJSC VimpelCom [PAO «VympelKom»]: official website. – Access mode: https://kursk.beeline.ru/customers/products/
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  5. TOP-50 innovative companies in the world [TOP-50 innovatsionnykh kompaniy mira]: TMN Internet portal. – Access mode: http://1tmn.ru/ratings/world-ratings/top-50-innovacionnykh-kompanijj-mira-4140006.html
  6. China Mobile enters the Russian market [China Mobile vykhodit na rossiyskiy rynok]: Sostav Internet portal – Access mode: http://www.sostav.ru/publication/china-mobile-vykhodit-na-rossijskij-rynok-29931.html
  7. GSMA Intelligence. – URL: https://www.gsmaintelligence.com/

Features of management systems of telecommunication enterprises in the digital economy Read More »

The powers of local governments in the field of additional education and their implementation

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131 – FZ “On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” (as amended on May 3, 2011) / / ATP Consultant Plus. – Access mode: http://www.consultant.ru.
  2. Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ// SPS Consultant Plus. – Access mode: http://www.consultant.ru.
  3. Department of Youth Affairs of the Administration of the Moscow Region of Krasnodar – http://molodej.info

The powers of local governments in the field of additional education and their implementation Read More »

The role of achievement motivation in shaping the entrepreneurial culture of an enterprise

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Orlov, V.B., Mizerova, O.G., Orlova, E.V. Entrepreneurial culture: the essence and content of the concept [ Predprinimatel’skaya kul’tura: sushchnost’ i soderzhaniye ponyatiya] Bulletin of the Yugra State University 2009. Issue 4(15)
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  6. Ermachenko, N.A. Approaches to the study of the phenomenon of psychological culture [Podkhody k issledovaniyu fenomena psikhologicheskoy kul’tury] Pedagogical education in Russia 2015.
  7. Hofstede, G., Culture’s Consequences, Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nations. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications, 2001
  8. Murray, H.A., Explorations in Personality. New York: Oxford Univer. Press, 1938, p.164.
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The role of achievement motivation in shaping the entrepreneurial culture of an enterprise Read More »

Financial insolvency and bankruptcy of vertically integrated companies in the construction industry: the essence and causes of occurrence

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Federal Law No. 127-FZ of October 26, 2002 (as amended on July 29, 2017) “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)”.
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  9. Glukhova, O.Yu., Shevyakov, A.Yu. Insolvency (bankruptcy) as a legal and economic category [Nesostoyatel’nost’ (bankrotstvo) kak pravovaya i ekonomicheskaya kategorii] // Socio-economic phenomena and processes. 2017. No. 5. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/nesostoyatelnost-bankrotstvo-kak-pravovaya-i-ekonomicheskaya-kategorii (Date of access: 03/17/2019)
  10. Kadyrova, A.M., Vilkov, I.N. The specifics of the activities of vertically integrated companies in Russia [Spetsifika deyatel’nosti vertikal’no-integrirovannykh kompaniy Rossii] // Student: electron. scientific magazine 2018. No. 12(32). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/32/111513 (date of access: 03/17/2019).
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  15. Lyubushkin, N.P. Insolvency Risk Assessment of Organizations [Otsenka riska nesostoyatel’nosti organizatsiy] // Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice. 2013. No. 42 (345). S. 6.
  16. Slepyshev, V.A. The concept and signs of insolvency (bankruptcy) [Ponyatiye i priznaki nesostoyatel’nosti (bankrotstva)] // Vestnik ChelGU. 2009. No. 36. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/ponyatie-i-priznaki-nesostoyatelnosti-bankrotstva (date of access: 03/17/2019).
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  18. Yulova E.S. Legal regulation of insolvency (bankruptcy): Textbook and Practicum: Yurayt [Pravovoye regulirovaniye nesostoyatel’nosti (bankrotstva): Uchebnik i Praktikum: Yurayt] // 2016. 254 p.
  19. Demidova, V., Demidov, V. Bankruptcy of developers and unemployment: one of the scenarios of the housing crisis in Russia [Bankrotstvo zastroyshchikov i bezrabotitsa: odin iz stsenariyev zhilishchnogo krizisa v Rossii] // URL: https://365info.kz/2017/08/bankrotstvo-zastrojshhikov-i-bezrabotitsa-odin-iz -stsenariev-zhilishhnogo-krizisa-v-rossii/ (date of access: 03.12.2018)
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Financial insolvency and bankruptcy of vertically integrated companies in the construction industry: the essence and causes of occurrence Read More »

Socio-psychological factors of organizational behavior

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Vishnyakova, M. Hunt for a manager in a crisis period [Okhota na menedzhera v krizisnyy period] //Personnel management. -2009.-№9.-p.43-46
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  3. Penkova, I.V., Glebova, A.S. Organizational behavior of the firm in the external environment, taking into account social trust [Organizatsionnoye povedeniye firmy vo vneshney srede s uchetom sotsial’nogo doveriya] // scientific tr. Donetsk, national technical university. Ser: Economic-2010.-№1 (38).-S.204-209
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Socio-psychological factors of organizational behavior Read More »

Using the brand of an educational organization as an economic asset to increase competitiveness in the digital economy

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Dyatlov, S. A., Tolstobrov, G. M. Use of information and innovation technologies in the educational process [Ispol’zovaniye informatsionno-innovatsionnykh tekhnologiĭ v obrazovatel’nom protsesse] / The Economics of Education #1. Kostroma State University. 2010 p. 73.
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  3. Shkardun, V. D., Akhtyamov, T. M. Assessment and formation of the corporate image of an enterprise [Otsenka i formirovaniye korporativnogo imidzha predpriyatiya] // Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2001. No. 3 – p. 68-77.
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Using the brand of an educational organization as an economic asset to increase competitiveness in the digital economy Read More »

Investments and Economic Growth

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 N 328 (as amended on December 14, 2018) “On the approval of the state program of the Russian Federation” Development of industry and increasing its competitiveness ” [Ob utverzhdenii gosudarstvennoy programmy Rossiyskoy Federatsii “Razvitiye promyshlennosti i povysheniye yeye konkurentosposobnosti”]) http://www.static.government.ru/media/files /1gqVAlrW8Nw.pdf (accessed date: 02/10/2019)
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Investments and Economic Growth Read More »

The role of the transport tax in the budget of the Kursk region

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

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Financial mechanisms, ways and measures of achievement of innovative technological development of Russia

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

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Financial support of environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

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Financial support of environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus Read More »

Efficiency audit in the conditions of bankruptcy proceedings

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

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Comparative characteristics of methods for assessing the socio-economic development of regions

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Urban Development Code of the Russian Federation [Gradostroitel’nyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii] dated December 29, 2004 N 190-ФЗ (as amended on December 19, 2016) (as amended and added, entered into force on January 1, 2017) [Electronic resource] Access mode: http: // www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_51040/. – Title from the screen.
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Improving the methodology for analyzing the economic efficiency of agricultural organizations

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

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Customs payments and their role in the formation of the budget of the Republic of Belarus

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Bohdančuk V.P.Customs payments: composition and place in the budget revenues of the Republic of Belarus // Vestnik of Belarusian State Economic University: scientific and practical journal. – 2014. – №4. – with. 64
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Customs payments and their role in the formation of the budget of the Republic of Belarus Read More »

Small business support at municipal level: experience of Volgograd City

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Atamazova A. A. Essence of Small Business [Sushhnost’ malogo predprinimatel’stva]//young scientist. 2016. -№ 3. -P. 450-452.
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Small business support at municipal level: experience of Volgograd City Read More »

Megaregulation of the financial market, prospects for application in the Republic of Belarus

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Khominich I.P., Savvina O.V. State credit in the context of financial globalization: textbook. allowance [Gosudarstvennyy kredit v usloviyakh finansovoy globalizatsii: ucheb. Posobiye] / I.P. Khominich, O.V. Savvin. — M.: Finance and statistics 2014. — 256 p.: ill. 2014
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Megaregulation of the financial market, prospects for application in the Republic of Belarus Read More »

Procurement system for state and municipal needs and methods of placing orders for the supply of reinforced concrete products in a competitive environment

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Federal Law “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” [O kontraktnoy sisteme v sfere zakupok tovarov, rabot, uslug dlya obespecheniya gosudarstvennykh i munitsipal’nykh nuzhd] No. 44-FZ dated April 5, 2013 (as amended on December 28, 2013). // Reference and legal system Consultant Plus. – URL: http://www.consultant.ru. – S. 1
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Procurement system for state and municipal needs and methods of placing orders for the supply of reinforced concrete products in a competitive environment Read More »

Development of a system of balanced indicators for the strategy of socio-economic development of the municipality in the digital information environment

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Библиографический список:

Decree of the Administration of the city of Obninsk No. 1901-p dated November 28, 2016 “On approval of the strategy for the socio-economic development of the municipality “City of Obninsk” as a science city of the Russian Federation for 2017-2015 [Postanovleniye Administratsii goroda Obninska № 1901-p ot 28 noyabrya 2016 goda «Ob utverzhdenii strategii sotsial’no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya munitsipal’nogo obrazovaniya «Gorod Obninsk» kak naukograda Rossiyskoy Federatsii na 2017-2015 gody]

  1. Decision of the Obninsk City Assembly of December 13, 2014 No. 01-28 “On approval of the report on the execution of the budget of the city of Obninsk for 2014” [Resheniye Obninskogo gorodskogo Sobraniya ot 13 dekabrya 2014 goda №01-28 «Ob utverzhdenii otcheta ob ispolnenii byudzheta goroda Obninska za 2014 god»]
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Solving the problem of disproportion in the labor market in relation to the demand and supply of labor in a digital economy that is changing the trajectory of the development of human resources

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Библиографический список:

  1. Kuladzhi, T.V., Babkin, I.A., Murtazayev, S.A., Golovina, T.A. Digital matrix micro forecast of informational and telecommunicational products cost value // In the collection: Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies 2017. P. 225-231.
  2. Avdeeva, I.L., Golovina, T.A. Analysis of the use of digital technologies in personnel management in international companies [Analiz ispol’zovaniya tsifrovykh tekhnologiy v upravlenii personalom mezhdunarodnykh kompaniyakh] // In the collection: Innovative economy – the basis of sustainable development of the state collection of articles of the International scientific and practical conference. 2017. S. 4-10.
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Solving the problem of disproportion in the labor market in relation to the demand and supply of labor in a digital economy that is changing the trajectory of the development of human resources Read More »

Platforms for digital experience and digital transformation in an innovative economy

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Библиографический список:

  1. Masyuk, N.N., Vasyukova, L.K., Bushueva, M.A., Mosolova, N.A., and Kozminykh, O.V. (2016). Conflict-Compromise Methodology for Resolution of Conflict in Insurance Relations [Conflict-Compromise Methodology for Resolution of Conflict in Insurance Relations] / Journal of the Social Sciences, 11, pp. 6928-6932.
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Platforms for digital experience and digital transformation in an innovative economy Read More »

Information and analytical business environment and its interaction with accounting in the digital economy

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. The State Program of the Russian Federation “Information Society (2011-2020)”, approved post. Government of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2014 No. 313.
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  6. The program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2017 No. 1632-r.
  7. Ivanov, S.N., Loginov, E.L., Raikov, A.N. Problems of maintaining the operation of information infrastructure within the framework of the supersystem of the digital economy in the face of failures when using blockchain technology [Problemy podderzhaniya raboty informatsionnoy infrastruktury v ramkakh supersistemy tsifrovoy ekonomiki v usloviyakh sboyev pri ispol’zovanii tekhnologii blokcheyn] // Bulletin of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 2018. No. 3. S. 265-268.
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Information and analytical business environment and its interaction with accounting in the digital economy Read More »

The role and perspective directions of outsourcing in health care

Only Russian

Библиографический список:

  1. Alekseeva, N.V., Kiseleva, I.N. Problems and prospects of accessibility and quality of medical care [Problemy i perspektivy dostupnosti i kachestva meditsinskoy pomoshchi] / The future of science-2016. Collection of scientific articles of the 4th International Youth Scientific Conference: in 4 volumes. 2016. S. 359-262.
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  3. Yesennikov, K.B. Methods of risk management when using outsourcing in the activities of organizations [ Metody regulirovaniya riska pri ispol’zovanii autsorsinga v deyatel’nosti organizatsiy] / Bulletin of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 2015. No. 3. S. 234-236.
  4. Mandrik, N., Starostina, N. The use of outsourcing to increase the innovative potential of domestic enterprises in the context of globalization [ Ispol’zovaniye autsorsinga dlya povysheniya innovatsionnogo potentsiala otechestvennykh predpriyatiy v usloviyakh globalizatsii] / Finansovaya zhizn. 2015. No. 1. S. 34-36.
  5. Materikin, M.E., Smetanyuk, R.I. Medical outsourcing. outsourcing as a cost optimization method for a municipal healthcare institution [Meditsinskiy autsorsing. autsorsing kak metod optimizatsii zatrat munitsipal’nogo uchrezhdeniya zdravookhraneniya] / Russian Entrepreneurship. 2009. No. 8-1. pp. 152-157.
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The role and perspective directions of outsourcing in health care Read More »

Project documents: Provision on network interaction with institutions of additional education and the Network Card of supply and demand of the system of additional education of the school, including network interaction

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Project documents: Provision on network interaction with institutions of additional education and the Network Card of supply and demand of the system of additional education of the school, including network interaction Read More »

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